Unexpected Visitors

The woman in question was sitting finishing off the Times crossword in their lounge, the Granger's dental practice was very successful, allowing them both the luxury of having Monday and Friday afternoon's off. When Hermione walked in, leading a very nervous bespectacled young boy by the hand, she felt as if a cricket bat had just whacked the back of her head.

Her scream had her husband racing from their home office to find his wife on her knees sobbing, with her arms around two children, one of whom they'd placed on a magical train to Scotland yesterday.

When the green eyes behind the glasses met Dan's, the dentist also found himself on his knees, his legs felt as if they'd turned to jelly and wouldn't support his weight. The emotions that kicked-in overwhelmed the father who thought he would never see his daughter and her young man again, Dan's voice was trembling nearly as much as he was, "I asked you to bring her home Harry and you did, I don't now how you did it son but I always believed you would."

Hermione broke away from her mum and raced into her father's open arms but Emma still had a death grip on Harry and could be heard mumbling 'thank you' between sobs.

"Dad you remember?"

He had his arms around his daughter with the intention of never letting her go again, "The second I saw Harry it was like you removing that memory charm in Australia, it all came flooding back. Your phone was still on and we heard everything as they led you away, I was trying to comfort your mother and convince her we needed to leave when two strangers appeared in the house. The last thing I remember is calling out the password Harry gave us and we disappeared, but how did we get back to here? That was Christmas Eve 1998, this is what, September 1991?"

"Yes dad and you have no idea how relieved Harry will be that you remember everything, he was terrified walking up the drive."

"Why were you terrified of us Harry?" asked Emma, who still had a tight hold of him meaning there was no escape.

"Eh well you see it's like this…" Harry decided just to blurt it out into the open, "Hermione and I are married!"

Laughter was not the response they expected but that died the second Emma recognised the diamond adorning her daughter's finger, "Right you two, sit down and start talking."

Because their memories were almost 'current' with their situation it was only the last twenty-four ours that they had to bring them up to date with.

When they finished Emma hugged them both, "Even death couldn't separate you two, I always knew Harry was the one for you darling and, although you physically appear to be eleven I couldn't be happier that you're together. We've seen the alternative and intend to make sure it never happens like that again."

"First thing tomorrow we're off down the travel agents, I think Australia beckons. Why the hell should you risk your lives for these bastards after the way they treated you both, we know your real ages but please listen to us on this." Dan pleaded.

"I think Australia is definitely in our future but we have a few things to do here first, knowing that Gringotts will destroy horcruxes, for a fee, takes an incredible amount of pressure off. We also know where another two are, just sitting waiting on us picking them up, combined with the cup and the one in my head already gone we're over half way there. The diary isn't available to us until next summer and I really would like some help to get the ring as it has traps surrounding it."

Harry was appealing to Dan who understandably wanted the four of them on the first plane out the country, "There are people who are important to us we can help, and in some cases save their lives. If we can destroy the horcruxes then that only leaves the snake, who knows if the prophecy is actually still valid since I've already killed him? I will quit the country as soon as those goals are met as I have no intention of making Hermione the youngest widow in Britain. We will be ruthless and take no chances, at the first sign of not being able to handle something I'll pay for first class tickets on the next available plane."

Dan looked at his new son-in-law as if he was joking.

"Trust me dad, Harry could buy the plane if he wanted. Mr Potter here conveniently forgot to mention that he's one of the richest wizard's in Britain."

"I think you'll find that's 'we' Mrs Potter, you have as much access to our vaults and properties as I do."

Hermione blushingly took out her new passport and bank card out the brand new bottomless bag they'd purchased in the alley, she also took out the document she'd been looking for, "We also hired ourselves a lawyer that the goblins recommended, he drew up these."

Emma took one glance at them before giving the order, "Dan, get the car keys!"


When the doorbell rang Petunia wondered who it was, she quickly pulled a cover over her Dudders who was laying face-down on the sofa, his surgeon said the poor little trooper wouldn't be able to sit for a few days yet.

She opened the door to find an immaculately dressed couple standing there, "Mrs Petunia Dursley? Hi I'm Dr Emma Granger and this is my husband Dr Daniel Granger, can we come in?"

"Oh yes please, we thought that your clinic was a bit on the expensive side but we never realised that you made house calls, my little darling is right in here."

Petunia led them straight into the lounge where the Dursley males were glued to the TV screen, she whipped the cover off Dudley. "We've been trying to make sure the wound remains clean but it's not an easy job, I can't tell you how pleased I am that you can change his bandages and…"

Petunia was interrupted by a hated voice, "Wow Dud, full moon tonight! Hermione love you might want to cover your eyes from this hideous sight, personally I think they cut off your best feature cousin, it was the only part of your body that could even remotely be considered cute."

Vernon attempted to spring out of his chair at Harry, it actually took three attempts before he managed to become vertical, though that didn't stop him yelling at the top of his voice. "Freak! What are you doing back here? Did they discover what a useless waste of space you really are and kick you out?"


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