The Dursleys' Departure

Harry wandlessly pushed the astonished walrus back into his chair, "No uncle I was just missing my family so much I wanted to come home," the sarcasm in his voice was as unmistakable as the power he now appeared to wield. "Dan would you have a look in the cupboard under the stairs?"

If he thought this was a strange request, Dan didn't say but when he saw the panicked expressions on the Dudley's faces he went and looked anyway. When he came back, his fists were clenched and his eyes were boring into Vernon although it was to Harry he spoke, "How long?"

"All my life actually, it was only last month they moved me into Dudley's second bedroom, they were afraid the magic users would find out."

Emma was getting nothing but barely controlled rage from her husband so she went to see what the fuss was about, seconds later she came charging back in and smacked Petunia on the jaw. "How could any mother treat a child like that? Far less one as wonderful as your nephew, Harry let's get the police involved, I'm sure they would be arrested for child cruelty."

Harry shook his head, "That might still happen but I just want to be rid of them." Hermione took some documents out her bag before removing her camera and heading towards the cupboard.

"Right, here's the deal. Sign these papers and the Grangers will become my legal guardians, if you don't object it will be fast tracked through the courts and you'll never see or hear from me again. Fight it and I'll tell everyone the way you treated me, including the pictures of my 'bedroom' Hermione's now taking." To let that sink in Harry shouted through to her, "Be sure to get some of Dudley's bedroom for comparison love," before returning his attention to his relatives, "anyway the choice is yours."

Vernon snatched the paper out of Harry's hands, "Just show me where I sign boy, we have no intention of fighting this, we never wanted you here in the first place but were denied a choice in the matter."

Petunia was still rubbing her face and afraid to say anything in case she got hit again, the man appeared ready to rip them all limb from limb, she very quickly and happily signed the form.

Dudley lay face down with both hands covering the site of his very recent surgical procedure, the thought of another tail had him whimpering in fear. As they didn't know if this couple were magical or not, he just assumed the worst and kept very quiet.

The paper was signed before Hermione whipped her wand out and, to the absolute horror of the Dursleys, transfigured the coffee table into a live pig. "This is what I wanted to do with you but my Harry won't let me, how he learned compassion and morals while living with you disgusting people is an unexplainable wonder. Should we meet again nothing will stop me having my revenge on Harry's behalf, it will be the slaughterhouse for you pigs rather than surgery you'll be facing." With a casual flick of her wand the squealing stopped as the pig was once more a table, "Let's get out of here before I do something they'll regret."

As the four left their house the Dursleys didn't know whether to cheer, cringe or cry. If only they could believe they would never see the boy again the choice would be easy, as easy as deciding they definitely didn't want to lay eyes on that girl again. Pigs would fly before they would contest Harry leaving for good but when your table can change into a porker then flying hogs was a distinct possibility.

Back in the car heading out of Little Whining Harry had a suggestion, "Pick a restaurant and Hermione will buy us all dinner."

"Why Hermione?" her mother asked.

"Oh she just loves handing over her card and signing her name as Hermione Potter!"


It was a harassed Arthur Weasley who exited the fireplace at the Burrow, he started bemoaning his luck the second he left he floo, "What a day I've had, you've no idea the uproar your little spat in the station caused, I was getting dirty looks all day about the extra work you created but when word spread it was the-boy-who-lived, I'm lucky still to be in a job."

He'd walked from the living room into the kitchen while talking and got a shock to see four of his sons sitting there instead of being at Hogwarts, Arthur had a very bad feeling about this. "What happened?" he asked, though dreading the answer.

What happened was five people all started trying to tell him their version of events at the same time, making the noise unbearable, even for the Weasley kitchen.

"QUIET!" He shouted before Arthur noticed the apple of his eye sitting quietly with tears running down her cheeks, "Ginny tell me what happened please?" his whole demeanour warned the rest of his tribe not to interrupt.

Her voice was soft and she seemed far away but Ginny's words struck fear into her father's heart, "He was just sitting there quietly eating his porridge when she went tearing after him like a bear, his wife protected him and between the two of them put these four on the floor. He then snapped his wand and threw it at my feet before both Potters walked out of Hogwarts, I'll never get to go now dad or meet him, she's ruined everything!"

Arthur turned pleadingly to his wife, "Please tell me you didn't attack the-boy-who-lived in the middle of Hogwarts?"

"No I didn't," Arthur's relief was short lived, "That little bitch of his cursed me before I could get my hands on him and give the little shit a piece of my mind…"

Arthur roared at his wife, "What bloody right have you to go anywhere near that boy? Have you any idea what you've done or just how serious this is? Our world has waited nearly ten years for Harry Potter to return, now, because of your actions, he's snapped his wand and left Hogwarts." The repercussions of this were making Arthur feel sick, "It's probably just as well you lot got sent home because when I get fired tomorrow we wouldn't have been able to afford Hogwarts anyway."

George corrected his father, "We didn't get sent home, Ron got sorted into Slytherin and didn't want to go there, Mum demanded they change it or we were all coming home."

Fred filled in the rest of this expanding horror story, "McGonagall then took Percy's badge for getting beat-up by a firstie and told us we were welcome to leave."

His twin finished off the sorry tale, "We begged to stay but mum dragged us all home."

The picture being painted here was not a pretty one, Arthur was very disappointed in his family so started with his youngest son, "You didn't get the house you wanted so came crying home to mummy, is that it?" he then turned to his wife, "and you bloody encouraged him instead of telling him to suck it up and make the best of it, what kind of example does that set?" Finally his gaze turned to Percy, "You were a prefect, why were you fighting with a first year anyway?"

Arthur could see the storm coming but was unable to stop it, his wife would be portrayed as the wicked witch of the West Country and his family would be lucky if they didn't have to move to a far away land where they'd never heard of the name Weasley.


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