
Breakfast at the Burrow was nothing like routine, their father's rant at them last night was so surprising that it forced the family to sit back and take notice. The only conclusions they could draw from his words was that the Weasley family were in serious trouble. They had always known they were poor but they might now get the chance to discover what poor really meant. It wasn't being unable to afford the latest broom or buy new books for school, they'd always had food on the table and clothes on their backs, if their father lost his job that might not be the case.

Molly was bustling about in her kitchen not really accomplishing anything, after the children had been sent to bed, Arthur had very carefully yet rather forcibly explained exactly how much trouble her actions had landed them in. While seriously worried her thoughts couldn't help but keep returning to another matter.

Her pipe dream of Ginny marrying the-boy-who-lived and solving all their financial problems would appear to be just that. The lad was the spitting image of James and her Ginny could easily be mistaken for a younger Lily Potter, how could the boy be married to the bucked-toothed, bushy haired bitch when he was only eleven? It wasn't the young age that bothered Molly, more the thought that she could have her Ginny in place and her hands all over the Potter money years sooner than originally planned.

She was rudely ejected from her muse by the highly unusual spectacle of her husband cursing up a storm, she approached and noticed the object of his venomous outburst was this morning's Prophet.

"We're in so much shit, it's even worse than I thought!"

The first thing Molly noticed was a picture of the lad with that bitch, before her blood got time to boil the headlines cured that affliction and left her requiring to sit.


Harry Potter and his wife were attacked by a woman and her family of redheaded children while eating breakfast in Hogwarts yesterday. The Hogwarts staff and the Headmaster stood by and left the young couple to defend themselves, only to then punish the Potters for doing so. This was the final straw which saw his broken wand laying on the castle floor, after the headmaster's thinly veiled attempts at threatening him with having his wand snapped failed to keep them in Hogwarts.

Harry Potter exclusively revealed the reason behind this action to the Daily Prophet, these are his own words, unedited as was our agreement with the young man.

This was not the action of a petulant child, rather of someone who gave the British Magical community one last chance and it failed just as spectacularly as all my other dealings with it. It is now my intention to leave these shores for good, since the country holds nothing but bad memories for me.

To explain will require me revealing details I might wish to remain hidden but I really am past caring, the story begins in the evening of the first of November 1981.

From what I have since read, very few of your readers will remember this day as most were spending their time celebrating; meanwhile an orphan was left on a muggle doorstep with a letter pinned to his blanket. That orphan was me, is this the way adoption usually happens in the magical world? Strike one against!

The muggles on whose doorstep I was left hated magic with a passion, thus my life was made hell. Living in a cupboard with barely enough food to keep me alive, not knowing my parents names far less my heritage. I have to this day yet to see a picture of them. No one ever checked up on me, I was just abandoned there, again I ask is this what normally happens in the magical world? I spent ten years of my life believing my parents were drunks who died in a car crash that gave me the scar on my forehead. For that alone I should leave the country, never to return. Strike two against!

When my girlfriend, now wife became eleven she received a visit from Professor McGonagall. The professor explained in great detail to Hermione and her nonmagical parents exactly what was involved with her being a witch and attending Hogwarts.

Hermione had already decided not to attend without me when she discovered her boyfriends name in a magical book, it's in quite a few of them apparently. The dates and scar all fitted so we both threw ourselves into learning as much as we could and waited to see if I would be contacted, on my eleventh birthday I received a visit from Hagrid.

He was incensed that I had been told nothing of the magical world and was under the impression that he was delivering the son of his friends their Hogwarts letter. He's a smashing big guy who I would consider a friend but he would be the first to admit he was ill equipped to inform a basic muggle born on the magical world and Hogwarts.

At Kings Cross I was accosted by a strange plump lady with red hair that just wouldn't take no for an answer as she tried to drag me off somewhere, the station authorities dealt with her as I sped to board the train and find my Hermione.

The same woman attacked me next morning as I sat having breakfast and only my wife's quick reactions saved me from her obvious rage. Is it usual to have intruders walk right in to your school unopposed and attack students? Strike three against!


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