Facing the Fallout

My wife and I then had to defend ourselves against four of her children while the staff watched on, only when we had them subdued did the staff act. A greasy-haired professor by the name of Snipe gave Hermione and me detentions in a childishly obvious attempt to keep us in the castle. Backed-up by a Headmaster who was more interested in detaining us in the castle than seeing justice done, isn't he the Supreme Mugwump in charge of the courts? Strike four and time to get out of there.

The expression of undisguised glee on Snipe's face as we left the castle worried me, I don't know what the man teaches but I wouldn't want my wife or me anywhere near the creep. In the muggle world all teachers are vetted to ensure they're suitable to be teaching children. Even just from first impressions I could never imagine him passing any serious examination of his personality, far less teaching methods.

After the way the magical world had treated me we had decided to give it one last try, one day in Hogwarts was enough to let us see this was not for the Potters. We had originally looked at moving abroad and that is now the route we will take, my wife and I came into the newspaper to tell our story before the rumours take over.

Through extensive research the Prophet can reveal that the family in question are the Weasleys and Snipe is none other than head of Slytherin, potions professor Severus Snape.

Mr Potter wasn't prepared to answer any questions but could understand that our readers would want to know how it was possible for him to be married at eleven, he then gave the Prophet the following explanation.

Hermione has been my best friend for many years before becoming my girlfriend. On the train to Hogwarts I asked her to always be mine and she answered that she would as I placed a ring on her finger. The ring came from my vault and it turned out to be the Potter family ring. Combined with our feelings towards each other this resulted in us becoming married. As marriage was always going to be in our future together, this has just brought the happy event forward a few years. I just hope her father forgives me for not asking his permission first.

We here at the Prophet can't help but think that any young witch returning home to inform her parents she was married to Harry Potter would be just cause for a massive party of epic proportions.

Having spoken to this lovely young couple we call on the ministry to investigate the bizarre and totally irregular occurrences in this young man's life and answer the glaring questions that his interview has thrown up.

Why was the boy who saved us all, abandoned at night on a muggle doorstep?

Why was he never checked-up on and left ignorant off our world?

Are our children really safe at Hogwarts when people can just walk right in there and attack a student eating breakfast in the great hall?

What part did Albus Dumbledore play in all this? Remember the final event that decided the Potters to leave our country happened right in front of him.

Our country has at most a few days to convince this wonderful young couple that Britain is, and can be their home, before the last members of an ancient and noble family leaves us for good. Is this really what James and Lilly Potter sacrificed their lives for, to see their son and his bride forced to leave the country they died saving?

Arthur could see no way his family could stay in the country now, unfortunately he didn't see any way for them to leave it either. Their only asset was the land their house was built on, he wasn't naïve enough to think their house added anything to the value of the land, or that there would be buyers queuing up to take it off his hands.

He rose to head of to work when the ministry owl flew in the window, carrying a letter that had him sitting back down. Arthur discovered he wasn't sacked but 'indefinitely suspended without pay while investigations are carried out.' This was the ministry's way of forcing you to hand in your notice as you sought work elsewhere to feed your family.

It quickly became apparent that the ministry owl was the first of many headed in their direction, howler after howler arrived heading directly for Molly. Arthur managed to shepherd the children into the living room before having to answer the door.

He found Amelia Bones and two aurors standing there, "Morning Arthur, we're here to speak to Molly since we received two complaints about her behaviour. That was before this mornings Daily Prophet hit the breakfast tables, I assume she's at home?"

The scream of pain had them all rushing into the kitchen, Molly was surrounded by howlers that continually 'went off' but she was currently in agony as large yellow boils were growing on her face and hands.

"I started destroying them with my wand but one exploded and covered me in undiluted bubotuber pus. Get the children out of here in case there are any more like that."

The two aurors began scanning the continual stream of letters before destroying them while Arthur tended to his wife, gauze covered with neutralising potion was applied to her face and wrapped around her hands. Percy herded the others back into the living room, it was beginning to dawn on them just how much their lives were about to change.

Amelia was angry that someone could send something so dangerous by owl, supposing a child had opened that? Still, she had a job to do, "Molly Weasley I have received two complaints that demand I investigate your actions against Mr Harry Potter."

"My actions? What about this on my face and then what he said about me? I'll 'strange plump lady' the little shit if I ever get my hands on him."

Arthur was left wondering if he had enough gauze left to stuff in his wife's mouth.

Amelia kept her cool, "Could you please explain to me what happened on the first of September in Kings Cross Station."

"Albus asked me to keep an eye out for him, so when I saw the lad looking lost I offered to help him onto the platform but he started screaming that I was trying to take him away. Muggles came from everywhere and jumped all over me and my family, Ron got his jaw broken and the muggles drilled holes in it and wired it up. Didn't see that mentioned in the bloody Prophet but then Ron's not the famous boy-who-married-at-eleven!"


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