Security Measures

Hogwarts was in uproar, without any Weasleys present the students and staff turned their ire on Snape and Dumbledore. While this was happening, Minerva McGonagall sat serenely eating her breakfast, seemingly without a care in the world.

Snape was losing it big time, he was raving and ranting while waving a copy of the Prophet in Dumbledore's face. "Albus I demand you do something about these malicious slurs printed here, the Potter brat and his mudblood bitch should never have been allowed to leave the castle."

Before Albus could answer, Minerva's calm voice fanned the flames of Snape's temper tantrum, "Professor Snape, using language like that is a serious breech of professional etiquette, the fact that it's in front of students leaves me with no option but to administer an official reprimand. Personally, for a head of house to use such words in reference to students turns my stomach. I find Mr Potter's descriptions of what happened here yesterday to be totally accurate. His assessments of some members of staff were also right on the money and I shall be approaching the board with a view to having some such screening system in place in the very near future."

Severus looked expectantly at the headmaster, awaiting his usual neutralising comments that would save his arse but they never came. Dumbledore's number one priority was getting the Potters back to Hogwarts, their very public decrying of his potions master left him in a bind. If he supported Severus then the Potters would class Albus in the same bracket, if he didn't then Minerva in her current Minx mode would have Severus suspended before the week was out.

With the Potter situation uppermost in his mind, Minerva was Hogwarts biggest asset while Severus was a liability, for the greater good Snape was going to be abandoned to the lioness.

The greasy haired one couldn't believe this was happening and turned aggressively on McGonagall, "If you start handing out punishments for using the term 'mudblood' then the school will be empty before we reach Halloween!"

She calmly stood and faced the angry professor, "If that's what it takes for people to realise that word isn't acceptable inside Hogwarts then so be it. I can't help but think that there would still be three quarters of the students present, and those missing would all have worn green trim on their robes. Perhaps seeing their head of house receive his second official reprimand for using that despicable term will have a positive effect on them?"

He whirled to Dumbledore, "Are you just going to sit there and let her get away with this?"

Dumbledore's answer was calm and measured, "Professor McGonagall is acting within the parameters of her role as Deputy Headmistress. Should you wish to challenge her recent decisions then that would be by tribunal in front of the school board. Please inform me if you chose that option and I shall make arrangements so it can take place."

Snape stormed out the hall, ignoring the sniggering coming from three of the house tables.

He didn't appear for lunch and had to be summoned when Amelia turned up with a couple of aurors and demanded to speak with the senior staff. The meeting convened in Dumbledore's office.

Amelia threw in some general questions to get the ball rolling, "First of all, I would like to determine just how accurate the description of yesterdays events that appeared in the Prophet actually is. Secondly, what steps are being taken to insure it doesn't happen again."

Severus couldn't believe how they were all shitting themselves because Prince Potter threw a hissy fit. "The brat broke the rules and should be left to rot, Hogwarts should not be making exceptions for pampered Princes who turn up with a wife in tow. Let them stew, they'll come crawling back."

Amelia could see Harry's description of this vile man fitted him to a T. "Some of my aurors were called to the Leaky Cauldron this morning where the Potters were being mobbed by well-wishers. They were making their way into the Alley to find information about Magical schools in Australia."

Snape's sneer was on full power, "I can't understand why you're all buying into this. He's playing with you."

Amelia shook her head in dismay at this professors antics, she was so glad Susan had been sorted into Hufflepuff. "I had a couple of muggle born aurors do a little investigating into the Grangers. They are a very well thought of and respected family, who this morning filed papers in the muggle world so they would become Harry's legal guardians. They also put their very successful business up for sale, the word is they're looking to leave the country. Both are dentists, a form of muggle healers, and would be considered extremely well educated and reasonably wealthy in their world. The chances of this being a bluff are zero so please answer my questions."

Albus was too shocked by these revelations, he'd thought to give them time to cool down before orchestrating an approach. This was time he apparently no longer had.

Minerva answered the waiting Amelia, "I'm ashamed to say the events described are very accurate, internal steps have been taken to insure it will never happen again. I have also contacted a former student with the view to making him a security consultant. Working alongside Hagrid as keeper of the keys, they would be responsible for ensuring that people can no longer just breeze into Hogwarts."

This raised Dumbledore's eyebrow, "May I ask who Minerva?" Those may have been the words he used but his tone clearly added 'after all I am the headmaster'.

"Remus Lupin."

Dumbledore almost smiled, this was a brilliant idea. He could visualise Harry and his wife having tea with Remus and Hagrid, chatting away about his parents. This was what he needed, a way to create an emotional tie to Hogwarts. "An outstanding idea Minerva, if I can be of any help persuading Remus, please don't hesitate to ask."

Snape had had enough, "Your going to employ a werewolf in the hope of enticing Potter back, the parents will never stand for it!"

McGonagall went for the jugular, "Well they didn't complain about us hiring a death eater. Unlike you, Mr Lupin did not choose to be a werewolf and his affliction only affects him one night a month. If you feel so strongly about this I will of course accept your resignation now, after all you are only one reprimand away from being suspended. I could perfectly understand you not wanting that indignity on your permanent record."

He went to storm out the room, only to find his dramatic exit being blocked by a pair of aurors. "May I leave now?" Severus asked Amelia.


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