Legal Confrontation

"Oh I think I've seen all I need to of you for the moment professor." Both aurors moved aside and Snape was soon slithering out the door as Amelia continued. "Ok let's deal with the school stuff first. Mrs Weasley has admitted running up to the boy with the intention of grabbing him, was that your impression Minerva?"

"She appeared ready to throttle the boy, if Mrs Potter hadn't reacted so quickly that's what probably would have happened."

Albus tried to calm things down, "I'm sure she was just overwrought, if Harry doesn't press charges the whole thing will blow over."

Amelia thought the old man had it seriously wrong this time, she decided to try and get him off-balance, "Albus, sitting behind these castle walls has made you insular to what's happening in the rest of our word. Rightly or wrongly the public think of this boy as their saviour, there has been outrage today and I'm surprised you haven't been inundated with howlers."

He gave a weak smile, "The elves deal with any that are sent to staff."

"Well Molly Weasley has been receiving them by the flock, she even got injured when someone sent her a booby-trapped one. The minister is going nuts and Arthur has already effectively been sacked. People are crying in the streets Albus, this is not going to blow over. He's insisting I contact the Potters today, Fudge was going to go himself until Malfoy pointed out it would look as if the minister of magic was grovelling."

Albus pounced on this, "Perhaps Minerva could accompany you, she's already met the parents and spoken with both Potters. It could help break the ice, rather than a stranger just turning up on their doorstep."

"Perhaps, since you mentioned doorstep Albus, I want to get to the bottom of why a baby was left abandoned on one. Any ideas?" Amelia watched with interest as the colour drained from Dumbledore, while Minerva couldn't even look at Amelia and actually lowered her head. It would seem they had more than an idea of what happened that night.


Dan Granger had quite a day and it would seem that it wasn't over yet, he'd just opened the front door to discover the doorbell had been rug by Professor McGonagall and another woman he didn't know.

"Good evening Mr Granger, may we speak with Harry and Hermione please?"

Dan's temper flared, "Why the hell should I let you anywhere near the kids? I was assured Hermione would be perfectly safe in that school of yours. Care to explain how she turned up here yesterday after being attacked, married to another eleven-year-old and both of them were left to travel down from Scotland on their own? Just a good job we know Harry for the outstanding young man that he is. If this is your idea of the correct way to treat children placed in your care then I'm very glad they're out of there."

"Excuse me Mr Granger, My name is Amelia Bones, head of magical law enforcement. I'm here to investigate a complaint that Mr Potter made against his attacker, it was he who contacted me regarding this matter. I apologise if the timing is inconvenient but I'm required by law to follow up on this complaint."

Grudgingly Dan invited the women into the Granger home, neither could fail to notice the brochures and magical school prospectuses that Emma and the two children were poring over in their lounge. The fact that Harry moved to place himself between them and his wife was also glaringly obvious, there wasn't a lot of trust being displayed by the males present.

"Professor McGonagall? I thought we'd seen the last of you yesterday. Now I've left Hogwarts I get the visit I should have gotten in the first place? The magical world sure does things backward."

Minerva was saved from answering by Amelia introducing herself before getting to the reason she was here, "Mr Potter, the lady in question has admitted 'attempting to grab you'. Should you wish to press charges she would face a hefty financial penalty. The decision is of course yours."

One quick glance to Hermione was all it took, "Madam Bones, I wish to press charges."

This really surprised Minerva, "Mr Potter, the Weasleys are a poor family. The father has been sacked from the ministry because of this, their eldest son was also summoned back from Egypt and fired by the goblins. They are currently trying to sell the land they own, hoping to make enough money to leave the country. A large fine would in all probability bankrupt them. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Professor had that redheaded boy who attacked Hermione actually laid a finger on my wife then I would have killed him. Since finding out from Neville there was so much that we didn't know, we hit the bookshop. I have since discovered I would have legally been within my rights as well. If people think the Potters are a soft target then they will treat us as such, by doing this we are sending out a signal that we are not to be messed with. Please understand I have here what I've longed for my whole life, my family was taken from me once and I swear that will never happen again. I will do anything to protect my family."

The passion and power in Harry's words belied his eleven years. While Amelia and Minerva thought he was talking about his parents, his family understood what he meant. Hermione wrapped him in a hug, "Our family Harry, I'll be beside you every step of the way love."

Any other boy this age threatening to kill someone would have Amelia chuckling to herself, not this one though. It was in his eyes, the boy was no killer but wouldn't hesitate if it was to protect those he loved. Yes she believed Harry Potter would have hit the Weasley boy with everything that he had. Since he had incapacitated the Weasley twins then who knew what other surprises he had up his sleeve. He was also correct that ruining the Weasleys would make others hesitate before messing with the Potters. It was now time to pop the question that Fudge had given her a direct order to ask.

"Mr and Mrs Potter, I have been directed by the minister of magic to ask if there was any consideration we could make to halt your decision to leave the country."

Harry focused his full gaze on both women, "I used to lie in my cupboard and think that the hunger was making me hallucinate. I could hear a man shout at my mother to take me and run, she didn't but pleaded with someone to kill her instead of me. A maniacal laugh was followed by a flash of green light and my mother was gone. If I mentioned it to my relatives it earned me a beating, and flung back in the cupboard for another couple of days. They called me freak and, with no knowledge of magic I honestly thought I was one."

They had discussed where he was going to go with this but Hermione could see Harry's emotions were still pretty raw, Emma now had both of them in a hug as the memories evoked had the tears flowing freely.

"I remember a flying motorbike and a man with black hair, he was not my father but loved me very much. I have read and read before finally uncovering this person's identity. I want to be at Sirius Black's trial, look him in the eye while he's under truth serum and ask him why he betrayed my parents.


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Consigning them to die, and me to a living hell with my relatives."