Molly Weasley's Legal Troubles

Minerva couldn't have been more shocked if someone had stuck an electric cattle prod up her arse, they'd abandoned that baby to a life he himself described as hell. Amelia had tore Dumbledore to shreds on his admission that it was he who left Harry on that doorstep. She promised him that her department would investigate this meticulously and she herself would push for charges to be brought against him.

Minerva also had a question to ask, "Do you think there is anyway you could give Hogwarts another chance?"

Emma's grip tightened on her children, "Why the hell should they? We've spent the evening looking at some wonderful schools on the other side of the world, personally I still don't think that's far enough away from the people who allowed Harry to be treated like this."

Amelia had what she came for and didn't think there was anything to be gained by arguing with these people, probably because she agreed with them. "Mr Potter I shall pass on your request to the minister, hopefully we'll be in touch."

Dan gave them a timeline to work with, "We plan on travelling to Australia, checking out some schools and areas to live before finally making the move. If things proceed the way we hope, by this time next week our family could be on a plane headed for distant shores."

She could only nod, these people had a right to live their own life and were breaking no laws. If they wanted to leave the country then legally they were powerless to stop them.

Both witches apparated away to audible sighs of relief, "Sorry folks, I got quite lost in the moment there." Harry received kisses from both Hermione and Emma, no words were needed.

"Do you think they'll give your godfather a trial?" Dan asked.

"I hope so, it was the best we could come up with until getting our hands on a certain rat. Now there's something I need to ask you all, how would you like to stay in Devon?"

Hermione sussed what he was up to but didn't understand the reason behind it, "Harry, why would you buy the Burrow?"

"Well I thought my wife might like to destroy it, blast the house apart and set the ruins on fire to watch it burn. Then you two ladies could design the house of your dreams, swimming pool, library, gym, Quidditch pitch? Whatever you want. A team of magical builders would have it completed well before Christmas, of course we would have to invite the neighbours over during the holidays…"

Harry never got to say anymore as Hermione was kissing him. Emma couldn't help but smile at this, "Ok it's pretty obvious that Hermione loves the idea but perhaps you could explain it to us."

"Mum what my brilliant husband here didn't get around to mentioning is that our nearest neighbours would be the Lovegoods."

"And the Diggorys," added Harry.

A big black dog was sleeping curled on a filthy threadbare blanket, it raised its ears without lifting its head or even opening its eyes. The dog was suddenly transformed into a man who appeared every bit as mangy as the dog he'd just replaced. Sirius Black stood in his cell and stretched, it was a rare occasion when the Dementors were withdrawn and one not to be missed.

The wizard didn't open his eyes, there was nothing to see that he hadn't memorised years ago. Counting the bricks that make up your cell walls gets old nearly as fast as counting the days to your trial that never comes. All that was left now was to savour being human without the Dementors messing with your head, without Padfoot he didn't think he would have survived this long.

His eyes soon sprung wide open when he heard multiple footsteps approaching his cell door, even more shockingly it began to open.

"Ok Black, you're coming with us. No funny business or we'll just knock you out and drag your worthless arse out of here."

Sirius hadn't used his voice in a while but discovered it still worked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Well it would appear Harry Potter found out who was responsible for his parent's deaths, now he wants to spit in your eye before Fudge hands you over to a Dementor. This is your last day on this Earth scumbag."

Sirius was struggling to stay upright with all the shocks coming his way, he knew he had to though or they literally would drag him out of here. The guards didn't carry wands in case the prisoners got hold of them so he would be dragged out by the ankles and his head would hit every stone step in Azkaban. They placed a medallion around his neck that signified he was off-limits to the Dementors, it didn't repel them, just emitted an aura that marked the prisoner for safe passage.

Sirius almost broke down when he was being led out the prison, heading towards the dock he got his first glimpse of the night sky. The stars were beautiful and there had been a distinct lack of beauty in his life for the last decade. Sirius felt a great weight lift off him as the boat sailed away from the island, even if this was his last night it was still better than rotting in that hell. What was running through his mind though was Sirius Black was going to get to see Harry Potter, now Sirius thought that was worth dying for.


Arthur and Bill entered the Burrow as the sea of expectant faces tried to read their mood, this proved very difficult as neither was sure what to feel at the moment. They all sat around the kitchen table with only Charlie missing, dragon handlers didn't have the same penalty clauses in their contracts that the goblins insisted on. A wizard working for Gringotts had to be above reproach, the faintest hint of scandal could see you lose your job. Having it splashed all over the front page of the papers that your mother tried to attack the boy who lived was always going to result in an instant dismissal.

Molly couldn't wait any longer, "Well, what happened?"

Arthur reported the latest news to his family, "We've sold the land, for a lot more gold than I expected but we have to be out of here before the weekend."

Molly tried to make the best of it, "At least we'll have some gold at our backs, we can be packed in no time."

Bill was shaking his head, "The new owners are going to tear everything down and build from scratch."

Again Molly tried to look on the bright side, though she had unshed tears in her eyes at the impending destruction of her home. "We always knew whoever bought the land wouldn't want the house, it stands to reason. At least now we'll be able to get a good start somewhere else."

It was Arthur who dropped the bombshell, "The Potter boy is pressing charges against you, we'll lose over half the gold in fines."

Molly let the tears go, "Couldn't we fight this?"

Arthur knew they didn't have a hope, Molly had admitted her crime to the head of the DMLE. "All that would achieve would be to give our remaining gold to some lawyer, we just have to take it on the chin and get on with it as best we can."

"I'd like to put one on that little bastard's chin, him and that trollop…" Molly's tirade was abruptly ended by a fuming Arthur Weasley.

"That's what got us into this mess in the first place! Your stupid bloody temper and pig-headedness have already cost Bill and me our jobs, as well as almost making this family destitute. I swear if you cause one more bit of trouble for us I will not hesitate to cast you out, we have a family crisis here and don't have any time for your tantrums."

This shocked the entire clan into silence, not even Molly had ever seen Arthur like this, the angry head of the Weasley family continued in the same vein. "Percy, Fred, George, you will be returning to Hogwarts."


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