Harry's Quest for Justice

The toad wouldn't give it up though, "If the fiction in the press is to be believed, I understand you have no wand. How do you purpose to duel?"

Harry gave her a predatory smile, "I didn't have a wand when I defeated Voldemort!" the gasps at the name again gave him the opening that he was looking for, "What? You think I blasted him with a bad pair of nappies?"

Dumbledore couldn't resist, "And just how did you defeat him Lord Potter?"

"Perhaps had I not been in effect banished from the magical world for ten years I might be inclined to tell you, as it is I owe you nothing!"

Professor McGonagall called out from the public gallery, "Lord Potter, I have your wand here, we were able to repair it at the castle."

Hermione summoned it directly into her husband's hand as Harry gave their favourite professor a slight bow, "Thank you Professor, it would seem I might have some use for it after all."

Amelia was so enjoying the toad getting stepped on and anytime Dumbledore didn't get his own way made her day. It was time to move proceedings on, though she would be more than interested in how the toad tried to squirm her way out of the duel. Harry had made it quite plain he wished to discourage attacks on his family, taking down Fudge's hatchet woman would certainly do that. For some reason she never doubted Harry would win. "Bring in the prisoner!"

Sirius entered the room with an auror holding each arm, he was franticly searching the faces for one in particular, hoping beyond hope he would recognise Harry. That should never have been in question as an eleven-year-old James stared back at him with Lily's eyes. Sirius had expected to see hate reflected there, instead it was like drinking the world's strongest pepper-up potion with a firewhisky chaser. There was unbelievably, yet unmistakably love reflected there and Sirius Black felt ten feet tall as energy surged through his body. He shook off the aurors and marched straight to the chair, sitting down without once taking his eyes off Harry.

After the chains wrapped around him the head of the DMLE stepped forward, "Sirius Orion Black, you are charged…"

She was interrupted by the Marauder, "About bloody time Amelia, I plead not guilty." He then stuck his tongue out as the sparkle that was such a feature of his youth made a tentative return to his eyes.

It took a matter of minutes of his answers to result in the chamber descending into chaos, Umbridge was banging on the table in an attempt to restore order, she would have had more luck dancing on top of it. It was Amelia who restored a semblance of order before toad face interrupted her, "How is it possible that Black can overcome the truth serum?"

Harry was up so fast you could have sworn he was spring loaded, "Why is it Miss Under-the-Minister that the ministry was so quick to believe 'I was under the Imperius' while dismissing evidence that's right in front of your eyes? Doesn't this fit in with your plans or am I supposed to pay someone off to get my innocent godfather out of Azkaban?" A mouse fart could have been heard in the absolute silence that followed that remark. Harry removed a letter from inside his jacket and offered it to Amelia, "My mother wrote that so I want it back! It was in my family vault and explains that my parents switched secret keepers. This seemed the quickest way to get my godfather free, to be perfectly honest the only person I trust in this room is sitting by my side."

Harry gave Amelia a moment to scan the letter before asking, "Since my godfather is here and still under truth serum, could we ask him what happened that night?"

Dumbledore objected immediately, "I hardly think that's necessary…"

Harry expected nothing less and interrupted him, "Madam Bones, my godfather will of course tell me but I feel it should be on public record, rather than second-hand from another Prophet interview that some people will question the validity of." His eyes were boring into the toad as he said this, "I think the greater good of the magical world would be served if the facts were learned here today."

Dumbledore reacted as if he'd been physically slapped, not helped by the fact that Amelia agreed with Potter and began asking questions he didn't want answered.


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