Defiance and Justice

Sirius began telling the story of that fateful Halloween, "I felt uneasy all day so went to check up on Peter, only to find him missing. This really had me worried so I headed immediately for Godric's Hollow. There I found the door blasted off and my brother in all but blood lying dead inside, I heard someone coming down the stairs and had my wand out ready to kill, it was Hagrid and he had Harry cradled in his arms.

I told him I would take Harry but he refused, he had orders from Dumbledore and I knew where his loyalty lay so offered him my motorbike. I kissed Harry goodbye and went after Peter." The drug was wearing off now but Sirius had waited a long time to say this and had no intention of stopping, the chamber was so enthralled that no attempt to stop him speaking was even considered, never mind made.

"I spent many nights lying in Azkaban wondering how different my life would be if I hadn't let Hagrid take him, only the thought of Harry being happy allowed me to survive all those years, I knew James and Lily had made detailed provisions for him. Why did no one even question me? I was stunned in the street and woke up in that cell in Azkaban, I was an auror and knew that wasn't the way things were supposed to happen."

Harry could see his godfather was now totally free of the drug's effects, "Sirius, I ended up with the Dursleys!"

Only the chains still holding him to the chair prevented Sirius attacking Dumbledore, "What the fuck were you thinking of? You signed their wills as a witness along with me, it specifically stated he was never to go there as they hated magic."

Harry removed a scroll out his jacket and offered it to Amelia, "This is a copy of my parents' will, it lists yourself and Professor McGonagall by name as just some of the trustworthy people I should have went to instead. We met Susan briefly in Hogwarts and I would really have liked to have a sister while growing up." He turned to Dumbledore, "We have the how and who, would you care to tell us why?"

Dumbledore actually squirmed, "I had my reasons but don't wish to go into them here and now."

Harry didn't think there was a chance in hell Dumbledore would disclose the prophecy here, he liked his secrets and had kept everything to himself before but this time they already knew most of them. "Very well then, the Noble and Ancient Houses of Potter and Black?" Harry looked towards his godfather to see if it was alright to include him in this.

"Oh hell yes! Let's hit the old bastard with everything we can."

"Potter and Black will pursue this matter legally, politically and financially to the full extent we are able. Who the fuck gave you the right to make decisions regarding my life?"

"Your mother and father were friends of mine…"

"Were friends!" screamed Sirius, "You better pray they don't have wands in the afterlife Albus, or Lily Potter will transfigure you into a flobberworm for giving her boy to Petunia. Whatever possessed you to do something that was not only criminal but insane?"

"Madam Bones, can I ask why my innocent godfather is still in chains while Dumbledore is clearly guilty of breaking the law yet sits there on a judging panel?"

Amelia for once wasn't sure how to proceed, "Sirius Orion Black, you were never actually charged with any crimes so the ministry can't grant you a pardon, all I can do is exonerate you from any wrong doing and set you free. There will be a full public enquiry into why this happened, you have suffered ten years in Azkaban and this will not be swept under the carpet."

The chains fell away and Harry was out of his seat in a flash, Sirius had barely time to stand before Harry had his arms around him. Both of them were barely holding back the tears until Harry pulled away, "There is someone you need to meet."

Hermione was now by his side, "This is Hermione Potter, my wife."

Sirius glanced at the girl before noticing the Potter ring on her finger, next second they were both hugging the confused marauder. He was beginning to wonder if he was still lying in his cell having finally lost his mind, this seemed to be confirmed by his godson's next actions.

"Excuse me a minute Sirius, Madam Umbitch, are you prepared to apologise?"

Dolores was not having a good morning, the minister was standing outside with the press, waiting on the Potters leaving to have his picture taken with them. Everyone expected Black to be found guilty and kissed, when he walks out that door all hell was going to break loose. She let her temper get the better of her, "I have no intention of apologising to a little half-blood upstart like you. I will duel you anytime, anywhere."

Harry whipped of his jacket and handed it to Hermione, as he was loosening his tie he called her bluff. "Here and now works for me, I'm sure these kind people would act as witnesses for us."

Dumbledore thought it would be good for the Potter boy to learn some humility, he began erecting duelling shields as Harry was rolling up his sleeves.

Sirius was not amused, "Harry, this is nuts and I wont allow it."

"Sorry Sirius but only my wife is allowed to tell me that."

Hermione gave him a quick kiss, "Remember Harry, its pronounced stoo-puh-fye."

Sirius was about to say something more when he spied the gleam in Harry's eyes, James used to look like that just before he pranked you. Sirius was beginning to believe these two might actually know what they were doing, after all he was a free man now.

When Harry replied, "Thanks love, it was the wand movement that gave me the trouble though." Sirius was sure. He went from being utterly terrified to just worried sick as Harry's wife led them to where they had been sitting.

Dolores bought the whole act and was feeling supremely confident, handing Potter his arse in front of everyone here would soon put an end to this 'chosen one' nonsense. It would also look great on her CV.


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