Political Maneuvering

Amelia was going over the rules but Harry wasn't listening, while in Australia Dan had introduced him to the game of pool. He'd picked it up so fast Dan used to jokingly accuse him of using the cue like a wand to perform magic. Here was his chance to put the toad in the corner pocket.

When Amelia gave the signal, the toad started firing curse after curse. Harry quickly placed her as their worst ever DADA professor, considering they'd had Gilderoy that was some achievement. She just stood there without moving, continually firing with most of her spells off target anyway. Harry was constantly on the move, lining up his perfect shot.

Dolores was having fun, the little boy looked scared shitless. He hadn't even fired a spell at her, that was before his wand appeared to burst into action and she barely got her shield up.

When Harry got into the right position, he unleashed a barrage of spells, four stupefies and an expelliarmus in as many seconds. The first two Stupefies impacted on her shield, the third one shattered it before the fourth one ended the duel. The expelliarmus whipped her wand out her hand and flung her violently backwards, she bounced off Dumbledore's duelling ward straight and true, right into the Dementor's containment shield.

The very nature of the shield was to contain the Dementor while allowing the condemned prisoners to pass through unhindered, Dolores sailed right through the shield into death's waiting arms. The Dementor was well aware anything passing through the shield belonged to it, Dolores was being kissed before anyone had time to react.

Trying to get Dolores away from the Dementor was a bit like trying to take a juicy bone off a pit bull, when it finally let go, Dolores Umbridge was no more.

Dumbledore was livid, "See what your reckless cavalier attitude has caused, you have that woman's death on your conscience."

Harry could quite happily live with that but wasn't prepared to show it here, "Well personally I blame whoever erected the duelling shields, how could you miss something dangerous that's over nine feet tall and standing in the corner. You are either incompetent or were hoping it was going to be me that ended up in there? You seem to have a habit of blaming others for your mistakes, the head of the DMLE can verify I fired nothing but stunners and a disarming hex, why didn't you shield that area?"

Harry's plan had formed the instant he'd noticed that the old goat hadn't shielded the Dementor, as far as he was concerned the toad got exactly what she deserved. The vicious and cruel witch had forced him to watch as Hermione had her soul sucked out, payback was a bitch!

Harry was engulfed by bushy brown hair as Hermione pounced on him, Sirius had the good graces to wait until they had finished kissing before smacking Harry on the back of the head. "Don't do that to me again, you just took years off my life. You were bloody brilliant though!"

"I'm merely brilliant, my wife here is the brains of the family. She's a genius."

Sirius pulled the both of them into a hug, "Just like your parents, your dad was clever but your mother was, well scary."

"Eh Sirius, don't take this the wrong way but you seriously need a bath! You're coming home with us, Hermione's dad is about the same size as you and we can go shopping tomorrow."

Amelia approached them, "Lord Potter I agree with your assessment of the situation, poorly erected duelling wards led to the unfortunate accident that happened here. I was really impressed by your performance, can I ask if you had a duelling strategy?"

"Ma'am I got the impression the woman was a bully so decided to let her tire by throwing curses before using any of my own. The stupefies were to break her shield allowing the disarming hex to do its job, her shield was weaker than I thought it would be."

Amelia could see the chosen one living up to the reputation that had built up over the years he'd been missing, the lad's claim that his wife was even better was just plain terrifying. "I have some bad news for you, Minister Fudge is waiting outside with the press to ambush you."

Harry put his tie back on and was reaching for his jacket when Hermione asked a question, "What would the head of the DMLE say was the best way to spring an ambush?"

Amelia's eyes nearly popped out her head, "Reverse the ambush, Fudge won't know what hit him!"

Hermione took one of Sirius's arms while Harry had the other, "Oh I'm betting he'll know what hit him, he just won't be able to do anything about it!"

Harry was smiling at his wife, "Didn't I tell you she was brilliant, let's get this show on the road."

As they walked through the doors, Fudge proved himself the consummate politician. While his insides were turning to liquid at the sight of Sirius still alive, the smile never left his face as the Potter's and Black headed straight for him. His ability to keep that smile in place was seriously tested by Harry Potter.

Harry approached, all smiles with his hand held out to shake, "Minister Fudge, I'm delighted to meet the man who set in motion the process that found my godfather innocent. That your head of DMLE immediately announced a full public enquiry into why he was denied a trial just indicates what an inspirational leader you are."

The cameras were flashing as Harry Potter shook his hand and praised his leadership, Cornelius could feel his popularity rating rising with every shake, his political ardour was soon quenched though by the next statement.

"I would like to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Madam Umbridge, she duelled with honour and only the poorly erected duelling wards of Professor Dumbledore saw her life tragically ended by a Dementor. It has emerged this is the same man who left me on a muggle doorstep and was the Supreme Mugwump who allowed an innocent man to rot in Azkaban for ten years without a trial. Is it any wonder my wife and I left Hogwarts?"

Hermione had a tight grip on Sirius, with squeezes of his arm and imploring with her eyes, she kept him quiet for now. She could see Sirius had a million questions for later though.

Harry finished with the kicker, "All I can say is thank Merlin we have Minister Fudge at the helm, our faith in him is causing my wife and I to reconsider our decision to leave the country. With him in charge I know action will be taken against those who broke the law, denying me my heritage and my godfather his freedom."

They made to leave until one of the press shouted a question, "Mr Black, what will you be doing now you're free?


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