
Sirius just couldn't pass up an opportunity like that, "I have been in a cell for ten years, allowed no contact with the outside world. For all I know death eater Lucius Malfoy might even have squirmed his way to freedom. I intend to catch up with my godson and his charming wife, I know you'll respect my privacy while we take time to get to know each other again." He'd seen the way they'd lapped up the bullshit Harry was serving so dished out some more of his own. Sirius was well aware Lucius had bought his way out of a prison sentence but he had deniability on his side.

They walked away from the press who were now bombarding Fudge with questions and straight into Minerva and Remus. Both men stared at each other for a moment before throwing themselves at one another, one arm manly hugs soon gave way to the real thing. "Sorry I believed you could betray them Sirius."

"Remus we thought you were the spy and that's why we didn't tell you about the switch. Those were crazy times my friend, though it seems very crazy here today. Harry, this is Remus Lupin, a very good friend of mine and your parents."

"Pleased to meet you sir, this is my wife Hermione?"

Before Remus could say any more, Minerva broke into the conversation. "It's good to see you again Sirius, Mr and Mrs Potter. I heard you say that the decision to leave Britain wasn't finalised yet, would you be prepared to give Hogwarts a second chance?"

It was Hermione who answered, "Professor, this is hardly the time or the place for that conversation. Sirius here looks dead on his feet and we're anxious to get him home. You know where we live, why not drop by later and bring Mr Lupin with you?"

This was more than Minerva had hoped for, "Could I bring Madam Pomfrey along? She's the school healer and could give Sirius an examination while she's there."

Hermione smiled, Sirius should really be going to St Mungo's but neither him or Harry had any time for hospital stays, it was one of the many things they had in common. "That would be fine Professor, now all we have to do is get Sirius Black on the Knight Bus."

Amelia came to their rescue and made them a portkey home.


Albus sat in his Hogwarts office, sucking a lemon drop and wondering just what the hell was going on. He'd spent twenty minutes trying to extract himself from the press who descended on him as he tried to catch hold of the Potters before they left, Minerva being invited to speak with them tonight was the only bright spot he could think of since the first of September.

When he was being asked things like 'why didn't he knock on the door, was he afraid the muggles wouldn't take the baby he illegally left on their doorstep?' Albus knew tomorrow's papers were going to crucify him. After Harry's lavish praise of Cornelius, any thoughts of trying to control the boy through the ministry vanished. With Minerva and Amelia also on Potter's side, Albus was finding himself marginalised as Harry clearly blamed him for his time at the Dursleys.

He was terrified the boy would go dark without his guidance, Harry's lack of remorse at the death of Dolores really worried him, the boy should have been distraught. He'd used two very simple spells to devastating effect, the lad was obviously very powerful but then so were both his parents. Albus himself was a prodigious seeker of knowledge and both Potters apparently devoured books, having the magical power to match would make them outstanding students.

Albus had another worry, the house elves might deal with the howlers he was sent but the school board read the papers too. If they took the view that the only thing standing between the Potters and their attendance at Hogwarts was its current headmaster, then he would probably find himself out of a job. Harry's comments today could easily be construed as such, and Albus sensed the reporters were out for blood.

With a public enquiry into Black's lack of a trial and questions on his placement of baby Harry coming from all sides, Albus found it hard to believe this had all started with Molly Weasley trying to grab the lad in Kings Cross station.


Sirius awoke in an actual bed without a Dementor within a hundred miles of him, after having a light lunch, a heavy duty shower – who knew there could be so many nozzles? - he'd slept wearing borrowed pyjamas in a bed with sheets!

There were clothes waiting on him and he could hear the kids preparing dinner as he got dressed. Hermione's parents arrived home as Sirius was leaving the bedroom and he heard a man's voice ask how it went today.

"Oh better than planned, a certain Umbridge found herself in an embrace with a Dementor and we even managed to blame Dumbledore for it."

If Harry's answer shocked Sirius, the next bit confused the hell out of him.

"She's the bastard that thought my daughter was scum and made you watch her die, well done son. I have a very good bottle of malt whiskey that will be getting opened tonight, we can say it's for Sirius being free but I'm so glad that bitch is dead."

Sirius made sure to make a noise as he closed the bedroom door and headed down the stairs, he was met by a smiling Hermione who took his arm.

"Sirius, this is my mum and dad, Dan and Emma."

He shook Dan's hand before Emma pulled him into a hug, "These two have told us so much about you, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Sirius."

Sirius was now sure there was something badly wrong here, "How could they have spoke about me when I haven't seen Harry since he was a baby and met Hermione for the first time today?"

Emma looked crestfallen, "Oh shit, I'm sorry kids, I told you I would be rubbish at this."

Harry could see Emma thought she'd let them down and he couldn't allow that, he wrapped his arms around her waist and chased away all her worries with his first sentence, "It's ok mum, it was always our intention to tell Sirius, we just wanted to give him a few days to settle in first. We need his help to get into Grimmauld Place. "

Harry calling her mum for the first time worked better than anything else could and made this a red letter day for Emma Granger.

He turned towards his godfather, "Padfoot, Hermione and I met you and Moony in our third year of Hogwarts. We left before our seventh year as Dumbledore was already dead and we had a job to do. We did that job and finally defeated Voldemort, only for the purebloods to take over the country. That cockroach Malfoy could survive a nuclear holocaust and ended up running the country with Umbitch, Hermione and I were arrested and given to a dementor in that same room we were in today. I was eighteen on my last birthday and in that life I watched so many people die, including you, Remus, his wife, Dumbledore and my Hermione. We're back in 1991 and this time the good guys are going to watch the right people do the dying."

Sirius was standing there with his mouth hanging open, how did Harry know about Padfoot, Moony and the Black family home? "You're joking, right? Moony married?"

Harry held out his hand and a silver stag shot out, the patronus brought a tear to his godfather's eye. "Sirius, Prongs and I solemnly swear we're up to no good, I refuse to tell you who Remus married but we know where the rat is hiding."

Those were the words that Sirius really wanted to hear, he would believe anything to get his hands on Peter. "Harry, I need a wand!"


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