
Neville had just received a package from his grandmother containing a remembrall when a beautiful snowy white owl landed beside him and held out its leg, he was almost shaking with excitement when he discovered who wrote the note she was carrying. The Potters had said they wouldn't forget about him and here was the proof.

Hi Neville

Told you we'd keep in touch! Things have been quite crazy here or we would have written sooner, please take everything said or written about us with a pinch of salt. The latest news is we have reconsidered moving to Australia and will give Hogwarts another chance. We will be returning on Monday and fill you in on everything that has been happening since we left.

Our new friendship with you was one of the deciding factors in our decision as neither of us has so many friends we can afford to throw a good one away. Keep your head down and don't get into too much trouble until then and we'll see you soon.

Your friends

Harry and Hermione

Neville couldn't believe the evidence his own eyes were providing, he had friends.

A voice he was coming to hate pulled him out of this pleasant feeling, "Oh look, the squib's got a remembrall!"

Neville turned around to see Malfoy and his goons laughing at him, the blond ponce made a grab for the sphere in his hand when mild-mannered Neville Longbottom reacted. The entire episode lasted mere seconds but the changes it brought would have far reaching effects.

As Malfoy attempted to grab the remembrall, Neville closed his hand over it, tightly trapping the Slytherin's meticulously manicured fingers. A panicking Draco used is other hand to reach for his wand, leaving Neville only one option.

He used Draco's trapped hand to pull him forward before using his other hand to put his fist forcibly and squarely into the posturing peacock's face. Neville liked the sound it made so pulled Malfoy back and punched him again. The heir to the Malfoy fortune had never been physically struck in his life and had no idea how to deal with it, Draco continued to try to free his wand as Neville pounded on him again and again.

Crabbe and Goyle began to move when the first punch was thrown, unfortunately for them Neville's Gryffindor year-mates moved quicker. Lavender Brown smacked Vincent in the face with the plate containing her half-eaten breakfast, seeing how effective this was Dean Thomas used the same tactics on Gregory. Both Malfoy's bodyguards were out of the fight and Draco himself slumped to the floor when Neville released him.

Snape was there with his wand drawn and looking for Gryffindor blood, fortunately for the lions, the leader of the pride was right behind him.

"Professor Snape, put your wand away immediately. These are children in our care, simply trying to have their breakfast in peace. There will be no foolish wand-waving here."

Snape was not for backing down, his godson was lying on the floor bleeding and he wanted retribution. "Three members of my house have been subjected to a vicious and brutal attack, the perpetrators should be at least expelled."

Minerva stared him down, "I am just about to investigate the incident and you should know from personal experience I will take the appropriate disciplinary procedure that any errant misbehaviour warrant."

She turned her back on the fuming professor to speak with Neville, "Mr Longbottom, could you explain what happened here please?"

It was an empowered Neville who answered his head of house, a Neville who had friends and just witnessed his housemates defend him. "Malfoy tried to steal my remembrall professor, when I wouldn't give it to him he then reached for his wand so I punched him!"

Draco was lying on the floor with his wand beside him, lending credence to his version of the event. Snape couldn't allow this to get away from him, "He probably only wanted a look and this stupid boy overreacted."

Minerva's stare had Snape taking a step backward, "Professor, I don't know how things work in Slytherin but in Gryffindor we look with our eyes, not our hands!"

She turned her back on him again which further infuriated Snape, "Miss Brown, could you explain your actions please?"

Lavender took a deep, calming breath before answering, "Well professor, you told us our house would be our family while we were in Hogwarts. I saw someone attacking a member of my family so did what I could to help. Surely you don't expect us to sit here and watch three people attack a member of our family without helping?"

The head of Gryffindor wanted to give her cub house points for an answer like that but her sense of fair play just wouldn't allow it, she was loath to punish them though so stole a page out of Severus's book. "While I admire your spirit Miss Brown I'm afraid the rules state you should have let a professor deal with the situation. You, Mr Longbottom and Mr Thomas will be joining me tonight in my office and we'll discuss matters like these further."

She could see the crestfallen looks on the Gryffindor's faces so gave them a less than subtle hint of what would really be happening. "Please don't stuff yourselves at dinner as I will ask the house elves to supply us with some cakes and refreshments for our discussion." The twinkle in her eye would have done Dumbledore proud and immediately lifted her entire house, that and the fact Snape almost had steam coming out his ears.

"Is that all?" he demanded.

"Oh sorry Professor Snape, I was leaving the punishment of the three Slytherin attackers to you. I will certainly punish them if you are unwilling or unable to do so."

She could see he was on the brink of an explosion and Neville unwittingly provided the fuse for her to light. "Professor McGonagall, I've just heard from Harry and Hermione. They told me that they're returning to Hogwarts."

The entire hall was now quiet as they listened in, "Yes Neville, I spoke to them last night. They are hiring a private potions tutor and want you to join them for the lessons, in fact they have offered the same to all their Gryffindor year-mates and were only sorry they didn't get a chance to know you all better."


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