The Quest to Destroy the Horcrux

As she expected, Snape went off like a rocket at this news. "I'm the Hogwarts potions master, I alone teach this subject in Hogwarts."

Minerva was more than ready for this argument, "The facility has always existed for a student to hire a tutor if they believed it was in their best interest. The Potters are paying for this and have very generously allowed their housemates to participate if they wish."

"Oh hell yes!" was Lavender's answer for all of them.

Snape was indignant, "I will not stand for this!"

Minerva was almost casual in her dismissal of the man's tantrum, "You are of course at liberty to resign. The fact that I will have another registered potions master residing in the castle by next week would allow me to forego the necessity of you having to serve a period of notice. The final decision is of course yours to make."

Snape spun around and approached the headmaster, "What is your opinion of this matter sir?"

Albus hadn't seen the incident that triggered this or any of the by-play, his entire concentration was absorbed by the newspaper in front of him. The vilifying of Albus Dumbledore was as brutal as it was truthful.

Black was a free man, Umbridge was dead and now everyone knew what had transpired that fateful night. Apparently the only thing Albus Dumbledore wasn't being blamed for was the Chudley Cannons loosing again.

The real problem though was that the story was the truth, Albus had a lifelong aversion to people learning the truth but was powerless to fight this.

He had taken baby Harry away and left him on a doorstep, against the child's parents express wishes. He had then never once returned to see how the boy was being treated.

He had left Sirius Black in Azkaban when he had the power to grant him a trial, or even visit the prison himself.

He was the headmaster who sat and took no action as Molly Weasley tried to attack one of his students.

He was the person who erected the duelling wards that didn't take into account someone bouncing off them and finding themselves getting up close and personal with a dementor.

The elves were going to be working overtime today, dealing with the deluge of howlers and a 'request' from the Hogwarts board to explain his actions was a foregone conclusion.

Had the Potters actually left the country, Albus would probably have to go into hiding though he was far from off the hook. Harry had already shown by his treatment of the Weasleys that he could be ruthless, Albus expected no mercy.

His thoughts were interrupted by Severus whining something about Minerva, "Professor Snape, I have already intimated this on several occasions. Professor McGonagall has my complete trust in the way she handles her position, I will not answer this question again."

Snape stormed out the hall as Minerva made her way back over to the three Slytherins that Poppy was currently treating, "Since your head of house didn't see fit to punish you then it falls to me, report to Mr Filch after dinner tonight." Draco was all set to protest loudly when he was cut off by a stern McGonagall. "If you wish to dispute this we can easily arrange to stretch the detentions to cover the rest off the week. You and your companions little forays to the Gryffindor table to taunt and bait other students will stop now. Nature teaches us that when you upset a pride of lions, a mauling is the inevitable result."

Draco so wanted to spout that his father would hear of this, but with Madam Pomfrey currently repairing his mouth, that action was momentarily beyond him.


Sirius was enjoying his breakfast when Harry spoiled his appetite, "Sirius, we understand why you hate the place but we need to go to Grimmauld today."

He placed his cutlery on the plate just as Hermione offered him an explanation that was as shocking as anything he heard yesterday. "There is something there that your brother stole from Voldemort in order that the evil bastard could be killed. Regulus was fighting for the right side when he died."

Sirius was speechless and fighting back the tears so Harry continued, "He created horcruxes Sirius, when Regulus discovered this he gave his life to remove the item from where Voldemort had secured it. Kreacher has been faithfully guarding the necklace but was unable to destroy it, the goblins have already agreed to do the deed so we need to get the necklace to Gringotts."

Sirius felt Dan Granger's hand settle on his shoulder in an offer of support, "The kids told us they went through hell to get this the last time and it even cost Dumbledore his life, I can understand you not wanting to go back to your childhood home but this evil needs to be destroyed. It can be done by lunch time and then you and I can spend the evening in our local pub getting wasted, I know I definitely need something stronger than the few scotches we had last night."

Sirius never took his eyes of his godson, the love he felt for this boy knew no bounds. "Yesterday you gave me back my freedom and today you give me back my brother. I have been made welcome by this wonderful family and you'll have to excuse my tears, having nothing to feel happy about for so long has left me struggling to deal with these strange emotions. I just want to say thank you to everyone and Dan I'd love some company when getting blinding drunk tonight."

Dan squeezed his shoulder, "Harry and I tied one on a couple of times in Australia and felt better for it, especially as Hermione can brew the hangover cure. We're going to have to wait a few years before he can join us but just don't play him at pool for drinks, I was up and down to the bar all night."

This brought a chuckle to everyone, Hermione had loved watching her dad and Harry head off down the pub together. This also gave the Granger girls time to sit back on the porch with some chilled wine and chat, usually about their two men in the pub. Even though they weren't a couple in the romantic sense then, the hope of this being achieved someday was what had kept Hermione going.

It was Harry who spoke though, "You were killed before we found out the last time Sirius and we never got the opportunity to tell you, that won't be happening this time around. We should probably get that prophecy sphere out the ministry as well, destroying it before anyone else discovers its existence."

Sirius had heard about the prophecy last evening and reiterated his promise to aid them, "I will go to Grimmauld Place today, help you with anything else you need and even try to stop asking so many questions about the future. What you have done for me in the last twenty-four hours is nothing short of miraculous!"

The marauder now had a busy day in front of him, a visit to his old house, a trip to Gringotts then shopping for his own clothes. He would be ready for those drinks tonight, Sirius could actually use one before entering his ancestral home.


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