Heartfelt Confessions

Harry started speaking, drawing strength from still being held in Emma's arms. "Tonks was in the room of requirements, even though she was a fully trained auror, Remus refused to let her fight in case anything happened to him. I asked her to leave the room so it could be changed into something else, she joined the battle and her aunt Bellatrix killed her."

Harry was struggling to keep his emotions under control as he gave voice to one of his greatest fears. "Coming back in time has probably killed my godson, the changes we've made and continue to make see the chances of him ever being born decrease almost daily. The war made it possible for his parents to connect so, as we have no intention of letting things get to that stage, we are trying desperate measures. It's highly unlikely that we will ever be using Grimmaud Place as a hideout and Dumbledore can stick his order of the phoenix right up his wrinkly old arse."

Godson and godfather had tears streaming down their cheeks now, "We love both Tonks and Remus, our intention is to have them in our company as often as possible. It may have been the war that brought them together but the spark had to be there or it never would have worked. We're just going to have to do the best we can with what we've got. Tonks was the one who chased after Remus, he thought she was too young, too beautiful and way too good for someone with his furry little problem. He loved her with all his heart though and she gradually wore him down, forcing the stubborn bugger to accept he could be happy."

Harry was now openly sobbing and struggling to remain coherent, "I held my godson in my arms the day before Hermione and me were killed, we invited Andi over here for Christmas dinner with the intention of coaxing her to return to Australia with us. There was nothing left for any of us in Britain."

Emma passed Harry to Sirius as both of them were now openly crying, "Sirius, it was the best feeling in the world to hold my godson. He changed his hair and eyes to match mine, he looked like my son. When Hermione held him, Teddy did the same with her and everything I ever wanted in life was standing right in front of me. Teddy Lupin was the reason I finally pulled my finger out and asked my Hermione to be my wife."

Hermione joined their embrace as Harry continued, he needed to get this off his chest. "By coming back in time I might have killed my godson and it's eating me away. I can't do a Dumbledore and console myself this is a greater good scenario because I don't think it is."

Hermione was holding Harry tightly as she continued the explanation for her husband. "What you need to understand is that Teddy was a symbol of hope, a beacon to the light side of what we were fighting for. We wanted a world where an auror and a werewolf could marry and be allowed to raise beautiful children in peace, we fought with everything we had yet ended up with a society more bigoted and perverted than we have now."

Harry was trying to regain control of himself, "I'm sorry I attacked you Sirius but Teddy is one of the most important people for us to help. Unfortunately he's also the only one I'm powerless to do anything about."

Sirius also apologised, "I'm sorry to Harry, I was reacting again without engaging my brain. Moony will make a good husband and a wonderful father."

Harry was drying his eyes with a hanky Emma had quietly slipped him, "He does Sirius but both of them are very clever and sharp as tacks. Neither of us has the subtlety needed for this situation so please don't say anything. If any sparks between them become apparent, you can then use that famous Black charm to let Remus know you approve."

Sirius held his godson at arm's length, "I keep forgetting you're really eighteen, though don't think for a second I'm letting that subtlety comment pass me by."

Hermione followed her mother's example and slipped Sirius a hanky, "It's not the years Sirius, its the millage. We packed an awful lot into every one of those seven and a half years we were together."

Sirius kissed Hermione on the forehead before turning to Dan, "How did you manage to get two such wonderful women in your family?"

Dan had deliberately stayed out of the argument, he could tell there was something really bothering Harry and it was now out in the open. In Australia they had grown quiet close, Harry had needed someone to unload all the shit he'd been carrying around with him for years and Dan had become that someone.

Hermione had done the same with her mother and between the two of them, the parents began to see the whole picture. The revelation of what had happened to his girl had almost broke Dan, by this time he knew Harry well enough to know his reaction would have been exactly the same as Dan's, a redhead would have to die.

Both Emma and Dan had detected a change in Harry when he came back from visiting the Tonks, they now understood he was trying to find the courage to ask Hermione to be his wife. Both parents would have been ecstatic with that news, heading back to Australia with the Tonks for company and a wedding to plan. Instead, almost seven and a half years was wiped out, Dan and Emma had been so fixated on the kids they'd hardly given a thought to the likelihood of Teddy not being born.

Harry Potter was an extremely deep young man, Dan was glad that he at least now appeared to be opening up to Hermione. It was blatantly obvious she knew exactly why he reacted the way he did. Before she would have known what he was feeling but not necessarily why, Harry did exactly the same with Hermione. They supported one another unconditionally, understanding that they would be told what the problem was sooner or later. That they could talk things through had really moved their relationship to a whole new level of support, though Dan would bet their house that Emma was already working on ways to get Tonks and Remus together.

Dan answered Sirius as truthfully as he could, "Pure luck Sirius, I'm the luckiest guy in the world."


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