Navigating Expectations

Harry awoke to find his wife entwined with him, their limbs interlocking as she attempted to hug every part of him simultaneously. Last night had been emotionally draining but strangely cleansing as well, there were now four people who knew his greatest fear with each of them pledging their help and support. Harry hadn't realised how much he'd enjoyed and needed his chats with Dan until they were no longer there, he intended to reinstate them as soon as possible and may even include Sirius.

Due to his physical age they no longer had the option of disappearing down the pub for a pint and a few games of pool, this didn't mean they couldn't head off to a river bank for a spot of fishing or take in a Quidditch / football match. Harry was learning that he had trusted people he could air his problems with and receive helpful advice, before unconditional support had only come from the girl he currently held in his arms.

The knowledge that he would wake up like this with Hermione in his arms for the rest of his life had started Harry's day with a smile since their return. Truth be told, after the emotional rollercoaster of last night, he could quite happily spend the full day lying here snuggling with his wife.

The thought of having to spend time with Ginny Weasley was no encouragement to get out of bed but Luna was expecting them, and it would be a cold day in hell before Harry or Hermione deliberately let down Luna Lovegood.

Hermione had been watching her husband as the thoughts ran through her mind, she gave him a kiss that focused his attention on the here and now. "You looked a little lost there love, thinking about last night?"

"Actually, I was thinking that if we didn't have to meet Luna today I could have happily spent the day like this. Just lying here holding my beautiful new wife might be my new patronus memory."

Hermione rested her forehead on his, "Harry you shouldn't say things like that, it'll go straight to my head."

"Hermione, the only person I know whose worse at telling lies than me is you, I love my beautiful wife with all that I am. When I saw you holding Teddy it was the most moving experience of my life, next morning I was at Gringotts for that ring you like so much."

She snuggled in for another kiss before emitting a sigh, "I would love to lie here all morning cuddling you but a couple of young ladies are looking forward to going on a picnic with Harry Potter. Mum told me last night, she's checked the weather forecast and is packing a basket full of muggle treats."

Harry couldn't help but smile, "Introducing young witches to the delights of sugar free snacks is one way to control Ginny's ardour."

"You let me worry about Ginny's crush, I'm more worried that you're corrupting my mother. She's bought all normal snacks and drinks, mum now claims there are more important things in life than the risk of a few cavities. She still reminded me to floss though so you haven't totally corrupted her yet."

Harry was stunned into silence, it was just beginning to dawn on him that perhaps he had impacted on the Grangers as much as they had changed his life beyond all recognition.


Ginny was pacing up and down the Lovegood's living room, glancing at the fireplace every few seconds in a fair imitation of Emma Granger at the Leaky Cauldron the day before.

"Ginny, could you please stop getting your knickers in a twist over this. You've met them before and they're nice people."

"Yes I've met them before, the station, Hogwarts and then my dad having to petrify my mother so she wouldn't attack them in the pub. Hermione had her hand on her wand the entire time we were in the Leaky Cauldron, talk about making a good first impression."

Luna shook her head at her friend and now roommate, "Ginny just be yourself, stop worrying about what they'll think. Let them see the real Ginny Weasley, my best friend."

Ginny stopped her pacing and stared directly at Luna, "What if I don't know who the real Ginny is? What if I don't like her and want to change?"

Luna could see her friend was working herself into a state, "Ginny, we're ten, we change almost daily. I'm just concerned you're trying to be someone you're not. I like the idea of reading books and studying but it has to be because you want to do it, not to impress someone else."

"Luna, I am doing this for me! There is so much more to life than what my future was supposed to be. This Ginny Weasley will not be a stay at home wife who has a husband that gets sent out to earn the upkeep of an ever increasing family. I refuse to be another Molly Weasley."

Ginny then noticed that Luna wasn't looking at her, rather at a spot behind her. "The Potters are here, aren't they?"

Luna gave a big smile and enthusiastically nodded.

Ginny groaned, "How long have they been standing there, why didn't you tell me and will someone just kill me now?"

Ginny heard Hermione's voice from behind her, "Please excuse me for saying this Ginny but not wanting to become another Molly Weasley is a cause for celebration in my book. I know she's your mother and I'm grateful that even you think one of her is enough. Now how about showing us around?"

Luna sprang up and grabbed Harry by the arm before beginning to drag him out the house. "You'll have to excuse Ginny, she has a bad infestation of hero worship that has her acting all confounded."

Harry wanted to put an end to this quickly, before elbows ended up implanted in butter dishes. "I'm nothing special Luna!"

Luna was beaming a smile at him and ignoring all efforts of Ginny to get her to shut up. "Oh I agree Harry, but it's your wife she thinks is absolutely brilliant and holds up as a role model."

Ginny had both her hands covering her face, valiantly attempting to hide her embarrassment while wishing the ground would open up and swallow her. She missed the looks of utter amazement that were being worn by both the Potters. Ginny was too busy thinking that she had six brothers, why the hell did she ever want a sister?


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