Building Bonds

Luna was giggling like mad as she led / dragged a confused Harry from the house, leaving Hermione with the decision of whether to just follow on or talk to the clearly mortified, face- hiding redhead. She decided to give the girl a chance, "So Ginny, are you enjoying staying with Luna?"

She removed her hands from her blushing face, "Up until a moment ago, I was. My other option was my Auntie Muriel, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

Hermione visibly winced at her memories of the woman, Ginny noticed though which forced Hermione to come up with an explanation. "Every family has one, mine is my Auntie Agnes, I think I would prefer an orphanage to staying with her. Shouldn't we be going? Luna has just made off with my husband."

"That's Luna," Ginny was smiling before becoming serious, "She can seem a little quirky but that's just who she is. Her mother died almost a year ago and it affected her greatly. The Weasleys and Diggorys were the only other magical families that lived in this area and she's been so lonely. Luna's been very excited by the thought that you are moving here and want to be her friends, please don't make fun of her if she says something strange."

Hermione took Ginny by the arm and started leading her toward the door, "Not a chance Ginny, not a chance."

Luna meanwhile was telling Harry why Ginny thought Hermione was such a good role model, and explaining that she'd dragged him out of there to give the two of them a chance to talk to each other. "It was either that or Ginny would spend the entire day following Hermione around like a little lost poppy, blushing like mad every time your wife looked in her direction."

Harry couldn't help but stare at the little blond in admiration, "Luna Lovegood, you are an extraordinary young witch and I hope we can be the very best of friends for many years to come."

Ginny and Hermione came across the pair to find Luna wrapped around Harry and hugging him for all she was worth. Ginny was concerned for her best friend's health until she spotted the huge grin Hermione was wearing.

"I have only one rule, if you hug my husband then you need to hug me as well." This was probably the wrong thing to say as Luna pounced on her.

"Harry said you wanted to be our friends?"

Hermione was positive Harry had said they wanted to be her friend but, in typical Luna fashion, she'd extended the offer to include Ginny as well. Both Potters were determined this version of Luna Lovegood would not grow up friendless.

"Of course we do, now can you lead us to the building site. My mum made us a picnic basket for later."

Ginny was understandably apprehensive about visiting the site of her former home, when they arrive she received quite the shock. Not only were all traces of her former home obliterated, the entire landscape had been changed. Trees had been magically uprooted and planted precisely where the Potter plans stipulated they should be, a Quidditch pitch was being constructed with seats for viewing being built up the hillside. The water hole was gone because the new house would have a pool and the orchard had also been moved to become part of a massive back garden. A real road now approached the building and ended at a triple garage that would have a self contained flat above it.

Harry and Hermione were explaining all this to their new friends but they were slightly overawed.

Ginny had stayed here her entire life yet didn't recognise the place, she wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad at that. Her life had changed so much and here was visual proof that it was permanent, there could be no going back because there was nothing but memories to go back to.

Harry and Hermione were delighted with the progress, they'd paid the builder extra to get the job completed faster. The fact that the customer was Harry Potter saw the builder's entire workforce concentrating on this one job, the prestige of being chosen to build the Potter home would see their order books swell. They wouldn't even have to advertise, there were only so many magical builders in Britain and the word had already spread.


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