A Day of Firsts

Harry was walking back down Stoat Hill after having a wonderful day when he really looked at their new property laid out below them. This elevate view allowed him to see the extent of the land they'd bought as well as their new home beginning to rise out of the ground. This combined with a day like no other had Harry thinking this was worth fighting for.

The picnic had thrown up many firsts, Luna and Ginny had their first taste of pizza, Coke, Mars bars and other treats Emma had packed in their basket. The day had also contained firsts for both Potters, throwing a Frisbee with friends and just acting like kids was something neither had done the first time around.

Harry was aware that they would have to change attitudes if they wanted to bring positive changes to their world in Britain. Luna and even Ginny were always likely to come down on their side in any battle of hearts and minds, but that wasn't going to be enough. He had an idea how to start making changes though and from a small acorn a giant oak tree grows, he could only hope to provide the right conditions for the seed to germinate.

"Luna and Ginny, its Hermione's birthday next week and I'm planning something rather special. I would like to invite both of you along for the weekend. We could meet in the Leaky Cauldron and you can stay with us in Crawley, do you want to go?"

Harry found himself wearing two witches before Luna then went and hugged Hermione, "I've never been to a party before, thanks for inviting us."

Ginny followed her friend's example before gushing, "We used to have tea and cake when it was one of our birthdays but we never actually had a party!"

Hermione could only shake her head and smile, "I'm sorry girls but you know as much as I do, this is the first I've heard of a party as well." All three girls then turned to face Harry.

"Well since I've just thought of it, that's perfectly understandable. I was thinking of speaking to mum and dad to arrange a surprise party and then my plans just got a lot grander. We'll have a party on Friday night and then spend all day Saturday at a theme park. I also wanted to get all our Hogwarts friends out the castle for the day as well. If we talk to the muggle studies professor we might be able to swing it as an educational trip." Harry could see the excitement build with the three witches. "With mum, dad, Sirius, Remus and maybe even Tonks, there should be more than enough adults to cover the group."

Ginny was almost hyperventilating from anticipation, a party, a sleepover and a visit to... "What's a theme park?"

Hermione understood what her husband was trying to achieve, a crash course in muggle studies for youngsters who'd no idea what they were letting themselves in for. Purebloods and roller coasters should be an interesting combination. "Think of it like a giant fairground Ginny, roundabouts, swings and rollercoaster's. The only problem might be some of the more exciting rides have a height restriction, you have to be a certain height to board them."

This would probably exclude Ginny from most of them though she didn't really care, just being there would be good enough for her.

"We can book to have a party with food and cake as part of the day, once you're in the park all the rides are free. With lunch provided we can stop somewhere for fish and chips on the way home."

Hermione loved how thoughtful her husband was and just had to kiss him in thanks.

Luna watched as the couple kissed with their under construction home as a backdrop. She had a feeling that being friend's with the Potters was going to be life changing, Luna couldn't wait!


Fudge was reading another confession that Amelia had just presented him with, if anything this one was harder to read than Pettigrew's. How did they let things become so bad? Here was an individual who, by any criteria you wished to use, should have spent time in Azkaban. Instead, he was spared and even allowed to work with children, all on the word of one man, Albus Dumbledore. There was no defence put forward, no 'I was under the Imperius Curse', just Dumbledore saying he wasn't a death eater made him a free man.

Cornelius couldn't help but conclude that the prophecy mentioned was at the core of everything Albus had done. How could he not only protect Snape, but employ him while little Harry Potter was living in a cupboard was the question the minister needed answered.

The list of names that followed was also disturbing, that it was almost identical to the list they received from Pettigrew added credence to the claim they were all death eaters. Amelia was standing waiting on her orders and Cornelius realised this was the moment that would define his time as minister. The decisions taken here and now would reflect on how history would remember him. Deciding to be as honest and open as possible Cornelius asked Amelia to sit as he laid out his orders.

"Ok we have to temper our response to this and withhold action that might tear our world apart, here's what I'm thinking. Let Snape stand trial in front of the Wizengamot, his crimes will be made public and they can decide his fate. That's the way the system is supposed to work."

Amelia was nodding her agreement which was always encouraging, "I want you to deal with Lord Potter personally regarding this prophecy, preferably before the trial to give him an opportunity to collect it before the matter becomes public knowledge. I also want him informed it was Snape who pointed you-know-who in his direction, this action led directly to the murder of his parents. I feel the Wizengamot would allow him to lead in what punishment should be meted out to Snape. This will also air more of Dumbledore's dirty laundry, he was directly involved with all the major players that night. Snape was his spy, Pettigrew was in his order, as were the Potters and Sirius Black. I also can't help wondering why he sent Hagrid, if he suspected an attack why send a gamekeeper who can't perform magic? It's time we learned what the old goat thinks only Albus Bloody Dumbledore is smart enough to know."

Amelia Bones was astonished, all this good publicity about taking a tough stance seemed to go straight to the minister's head. The head of the DMLE was wise enough to know she was never going to get everything she wanted but was already way ahead of where she thought she would be. It was the list of names that was going to be the sticking point.

Fudge was expecting arguments about those named so decided to explain his reasoning, "Were we to go after every name on those lists it would create havoc in our society, causing a rift that we may never recover from. For all intents and purposes, those named have behaved like upstanding members of the magical community for the last decade. What I will say is that if any of those named are arrested for anything, your department can question them under truth serum. As long as they behave themselves we'll live and let live, they step over the line and you have my permission to bring the full weight of the ministry down upon their heads."

This was a lot more than Amelia expected to get, to be fair to the minister this was a problem he had inherited. While she wasn't happy about the situation, she could see some merit in his explanation. "Letting sleeping dragons lie is one thing minister, what about those named who work for the ministry? Were these facts ever to become known, there is no fall-back position from having death eaters working for us."

Fudge pondered for a moment before proposing a solution, "What if all employees were required to take a loyalty oath? We can introduce the new initiative in your department before rolling it out to encompass the entire ministry. We can word it in such a way that it would be impossible to belong to an organisation that intended to overthrow the ministry." He was becoming more enthusiastic as the thoughts solidified into a plan in his head, "This would also deny any future dark lords a foothold in the government. After the ministry we can take on the Wizengamot, they would have a hard time refusing when every ministry employee had already complied."

Amelia left the minister's office with a large smile on her face, if Fudge kept this up she might even vote for the arse. She didn't know whether it was the absence of Umbridge, Malfoy being on both lists or the ringing endorsement from Lord Potter. Whatever the reason Cornelius had grown a backbone and was finally acting like a minister for magic. There was something Amelia Bones never thought she would see.


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