Bonds and Laughter

Sunday night's dinner was going splendidly, Sirius and Remus were keeping the entire company entertained with stories that were becoming more outlandish with the amount of wine they consumed. Nymphadora was laughing so hard her hair was changing colours, the Granger parents had heard stories of this phenomenon but viewing it live was another matter.

Harry floated his theme park idea, both Remus and Tonks were very happy to come along. Hermione had been taken to Thorpe Park by her parents when she was older and had loved it, Harry had based his whole idea on his wife's description of how much she'd enjoyed her day there. The Dursleys had also visited the park though as usual Harry hadn't been invited.

Emma headed into the kitchen to fetch more wine and was delighted when Tonks followed her in to see if she needed a hand. "Actually I could use some help but not with this. Dan and I were talking to Sirius the other night and he let slip he felt ready to settle down with the right woman. The problem is he's terrified of dating, claims he's been out of the game so long he wouldn't know where to start. Normally I would introduce him to one of my single friends though, while Sirius is in no way prejudice, I think he would be more comfortable with a witch to start with."

Tonks wasn't expecting that but could see the logic behind it, having to spend the last decade in Azkaban would severely dent anyone's self confidence. "I know a couple of girls who are single and one of them might be just his type. Should I see if she's interested?"

"Oh yes, but don't say anything to Sirius yet, let me handle that part. He'll probably just try to talk his way out of it though that man just loves company." The sound of laughter from the other room proved Emma's point far better than anything she could say.

Tonks was now giggling like a conspiratorial schoolgirl, "Ok, I'll ask my friend but won't say a word to Sirius. He won't know what hit him!"

Tonks had no way of knowing that the broad smile Emma sported was because phase one of her 'Operation Teddy' was under way.


Remus hadn't spent an evening like this since before those fateful events on Halloween almost a decade ago, great food and even better company had been in extremely short supply for the werewolf. What made the evening extra special was the conversation his abilities allowed Remus to overhear as Sirius was saying goodnight to the Tonks family.

"Thanks for accepting Remus they way you did tonight, his furry little problem usually leads to people judging before they take the time to get to know him."

Nymphadora smiled at Sirius, this was the caring man she remembered and not the monster he'd been portrayed as. Someone who thought of others before themselves could never betray his best friends and his godson, this was the reason she'd agreed to help Emma in her quest. It was a damming indictment of wizarding law and politics though when a first year Hufflepuff could determine that fact yet they couldn't.

"Sirius I was in first year when the Potters were murdered. Because of who my family was, most of the school thought I must be dark due to you and aunt Bella. The rest of them called me a blood traitor as the Tonks family will never support blood supremacy. Add to that me being a Metamorphmagus which I was still learning to control and you can see my time at Hogwarts was anything but pleasant. I could write a book on prejudice so there is no chance of me practicing that which I hate most. Your friend Remus is charming if a little quiet, then again, next to you most people would appear quiet."

Sirius was left to shake his head, "I keep forgetting that everyone has grown up while I was away. You would think that spending time with those two in there would cure me of that."

This caused Nymphadora to laugh, a sound that was almost musical to the listening ears. "Those two are something else, I feel as if I've just been conned into this event on Saturday yet I'm looking forward to it. Weird or what?"

Sirius gave a half-hearted laugh that was filled with nerves, Harry was right again, she was very sharp. "You got off lightly, before you arrived they double teamed Remus into giving them and their friends some defence lessons. It appears that their professor is hopeless and stutters so much he would be dead in a fight before he could say a curse."

This made Nymphadora laugh harder, "I know I'll probably regret this but tell them I'll help as well."

Sirius couldn't believe how well that went, wisely kissing both Nymphadora and her mother goodbye on the cheek before he could say anything to spoil it. He would make his godson eat those subtle comments and enjoy watching the little bugger choke on them.

Remus was drawn from his daydreaming where a beautiful young woman thought he was charming by another beautiful woman.

"We have an empty spare room Remus, why don't you spend the night?"

There was no reason not to accept though Remus had gotten out of the habit of people treating him with kindness. "Thanks for the offer Emma but I really couldn't impose on your hospitality anymore, I've had a wonderful evening."

"Nonsense Remus, it wouldn't be in anyway an imposition, actually it would be doing us a favour. You could then accompany both kids back to Scotland in the morning."

Decision made, Remus relaxed and enjoyed the reminiscing with his best friend.


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