The Dark Mark Unveiled

 When they arrived at the Three Broomsticks there was a reception committee awaiting them. McGonagall, Slughorn and Amelia Bones were all sitting chatting, clearly just passing the time until they arrived.

Harry picked himself off the floor after his usual graceful exit from the floo and was dusting himself down as he spoke, "Professors, Madam Bones, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Amelia jumped in first, "Lord Potter, Severus Snape has been questioned under truth serum and there is more than enough revelations there to make him stand trial for the crimes he's committed. He also overhear a prophecy pertaining to you and you-know-who, this is the reason why you were attacked as a toddler."

Remus was barely controlling his inner wolf at this news while both Harry and Hermione appeared unperturbed.

This lack of reaction bothered Amelia greatly until Harry offered an explanation, "My dad told Sirius there was a prophesy about me and Voldemort, not the wording as such, just that it existed. They also knew one of Voldemort's spies had reported that fact to him, this was the reason my family went into hiding. We collected the prophecy from the hall of mysteries yesterday morning. Turns out it was made by Sybyll Trelawney to a certain Albus Dumbledore, I understand she's never left the castle since. What punishment is Snape likely to receive if found guilty of these crimes?"

"As you are one of the main parties he committed crimes against, the Wizengamot would take into consideration any pleas of clemency or demands for revenge you would make. That is the main reason I decided to meet you here, I suspect Dumbledore will try to influence you toward clemency."

Hermione's grin was frightening, "He tried to have a quick word with us on Friday before we left, we just sped past him. If we need any advice then we are not afraid to ask for it, unsolicited opinions from people who clearly have their own agendas will be ignored."

Amelia was pleased but not in the least surprised to hear that, "We set the trial date for Wednesday, originally to allow you time to collect the prophecy before it became public knowledge. Do you wish to attend the trial?"

Harry didn't need to think before shaking his head, "Wednesday is my wife's birthday, I have no intention of spoiling her day by allowing Snape to intrude. I wonder though if I could suggest a couple of questions though that could be asked during his trial?"

Amelia noncommittally raised her eyebrows at this so Harry continued, "What did you do to earn your dark mark and is it possible to be forced to receive one while under the Imperius curse?"

Amelia could see why Harry would want the second question asked but not the first.

Hermione then proceeded to tell everyone something they didn't know. "We think the dark mark is a perversion of the protean charm that Voldemort uses to tie his followers directly to him forever. To bind the charm each recipient must commit a murder, these are not mere tattoos, rather a way of tying their very souls to their master."

Under the combined stares of amazement Hermione didn't wilt, "It's called 'know thy enemy' and we gathered all the available information before arriving at a theory of how it could be carried out. There is a chance we could be wrong but I doubt it, asking Snape will either confirm or deny our theory."

Amelia was awestruck, "I think it's a safe bet we will be asking those two questions, it would appear Lord Potter your claim that your wife's a genius is well justified."

Harry kissed his wife on the cheek, he was so proud of her. "Madam Bones, you have no idea! Could you please hang on for five minutes? I need a discussion with Professor McGonagall that might require your signature." It was an intrigued Amelia who nodded her compliance.

"Professor, as I said earlier, it is my wife's birthday this week and we require your permission for a little something I've got planned. My intention is to speak with the muggle studies professor concerning a field trip to a muggle theme park this Saturday for most of first year, and a few others. Your security advisor here has already agreed to accompany us, as has auror Tonks. When you include Sirius, our parents and a professor, that should be more than enough adult support to cover the trip."

Harry could see the questions queuing up in the professor's frown so tried to answer most of them before she needed to ask. "All arrangements and expenses will be dealt with by us, all we would ask of Hogwarts is to transport the students to and from the three broomsticks. They will floo to the Leaky Cauldron where muggle transport will be waiting outside to take them for the rest of the journey. Each envelope contains an invitation and a parental permission slip, that's why I asked Madam Bones if she would consider waiting a few moments. If it's a yes, then Susan's form could be signed here and now,"

Minerva proceeded cautiously, "When you say the most of first year, could you be a bit more specific?"

"Well it really is everyone except Malfoy and his cronies, I don't see why he should be given the chance to spoil my wife's, or anyone else's day. Do you really think he would want to sit on a bus travelling towards a muggle theme park? His father would probably suffer a heart attack if he received a permission slip, honey maybe we should reconsider and invite Draco?"

Minerva wasn't only smiling at the joke, she clearly recognised this was a fabulous opportunity for her students. An opportunity that Hogwarts couldn't afford, far less posses the skill or knowledge required to organise the event. Having met them Minerva was certain that the Granger parents would have this organised to the N'th degree, they took no chances where their children were involved. She could perfectly understand their decision regarding Mister Malfoy, it really would be a shame to deny the others this wonderful opportunity because the blond waster couldn't keep a civil tongue in his head.

"I can understand why you require a quick answer to this as all those invited will need to write home for permission. So, providing Professor Burbage agrees, it's a yes! The permission slips need to be handed to their head of house by Friday. No slip – no trip!"

It was a happy Hermione who took Susan's envelope out her bag so her aunt could sign the all important slip.

Minerva was thinking that this couldn't have come about at a more opportune moment, "Lord Potter, I am trying to persuade Professor Slughorn here to not only teach potions but assume the head of Slytherin mantle. Unfortunately he seems to be of the opinion that this would adversely affect his relationship with you."

Harry stated his position very clearly, "Professor Slughorn has a contract obliging him to teach us potions at specific times until June. Whatever he does outside that time is no concern of mine. I have no axe to grind with Slytherin house, certain members would still be arses no matter what house they were in."

Minerva was aware she should be reprimanding the lad for his language but it was taking all her efforts not to laugh at his jibe concerning Mr Malfoy. The fact that she agreed with his assessment of the blond Slytherin and it also freed Horace to become Head of the little shit's house earned Harry a break. Even if Severus should somehow manage to escape a visit to Azkaban, being found guilty would end his teaching career at Hogwarts, regardless of sentence.

Amelia flooed back to the ministry as the Potters had quite the escort back to the castle. When they spied Dumbledore waiting on them, both were glad of their escort's company and stayed close to McGonagall.


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