Slytherin Disdain

Sirius was on his feet before remembering he wasn't going to do this anymore. Getting his temper back under control before sitting down and taking a deep breath. It was time to discuss that last statement calmly and rationally, "You did what?"

Emma was unconcerned, "I asked Tonks to set you up on a date."

Sirius required a few more deep breaths, that's what he thought she'd said the first time but had to be sure. Calmly discussing remember! "Why the bloody hell would you do that?"

Emma was using her 'explaining to thick parent' voice, this should be good thought Dan who was enjoying the show. Especially since he wasn't the target of his wife's ire.

"Well quite simply, after spending the last ten years in that awful place, all your self-confidence is gone. You're going to wear your best 'puppy dog eyes' expression and say you don't know if you can go through with an actual date. It really is too soon and perhaps you should start with a double date first. It would be a good idea to have some friendly faces there to offer you support and stop you making a total arse of yourself."

Dan could already see where his wife was heading with this, it only confirmed in his mind that Hermione hadn't just inherited her beauty from her mother.

"We will then suggest that Tonks should go with you, she was the one who got you into this mess in the first place. So the poor girl doesn't feel like a spare wheel, Remus can be asked to accompany her. Just as friends of course, on 'your' double date. There is even a chance you might get lucky and actually like who Tonks sets you up with, as far as I can see this is a win-win situation for Sirius Black."

The 'shy' wizard in question had almost to pick his jaw back off the floor as realisation dawned of just what the scheme was. "Oh Emma, that's worthy of a marauder! All the time Moony and Tonks think they are helping me while really we're pushing them to spend time together. With Emma Granger on the case I better start writing my best man speech now."


Dumbledore was currently so angry the power of speech had temporarily deserted him. Here was the perfect opportunity to wrangle some concessions out of Harry Potter and earn his gratitude when Albus eventually allowed his request. Only to learn the chance had been snatched from his hand by Minerva, this was after physically snatching him before dragging Albus to his office. He wouldn't be surprised if there was steam emitting from his ears yet Minerva appeared unconcerned.

"As Deputy, school outings are my responsibility. The Granger's are a pair of very respectable and responsible muggle parents who are handling all the arrangements. Each student will have a signed parental permission slip with not one Knut coming out of the Hogwarts budget for the whole event. A professor, our own security advisor and an auror amongst others will accompany them, they even intend to invite a few prefects. The head of the DMLE thought it was a brilliant idea, which gives us ministerial approval, I really fail to see your problem here Albus?"

Minerva was well aware Albus didn't have any problem with the actual trip, his problem was being denied access and influence of the Potters. This proved to be a very accurate assumption.

It was indeed the chance to negotiate with the lad that had Albus seething. He was certain he could have managed at least an endorsement for Severus before granting approval for the trip. He was resigned that Snape's days at Hogwarts were over but had no desire to see the man behind the walls of Azkaban. It was only now beginning to emerge how much he relied on Minerva for the everyday life of Hogwarts, Albus may be the headmaster but his deputy actually ran the school.


As McGonagall had herded Dumbledore away, the Potters made directly for the great hall. Professor Burbage was still sitting at the staff table so they both made a beeline straight to her. A quick explanation, followed by a glance at the arrangements had her excitingly agreeing in less than five minutes as she poured over the pamphlet for Thorpe Park.

Hermione then made her way to the Ravenclaw table while Harry thought it would be better to get the Slytherins over with first.

Tracy was delighted for another opportunity to call him Harry and intrigued by the envelope she now held in her hands. When Daphne, Millie, Theo and Blaise also received one, it was time to open it and quench her curiosity. The envelope contained an invitation to a muggle theme park for this Saturday. Along with a permission slip it also contained a colour brochure, displaying pictures of lots of kids their ages having fun. Half of Slytherin had been invited and none of them could fault the Potters for excluding Draco's contingent. The uninvited Slytherins would receive no sympathy from Tracy, she was too busy trying to figure out if she had time to make the owlery before her first class.

Hermione had invited all the Ravenclaw first years before approaching one of their house prefects, "Miss Clearwater, we're organising an official school outing for this Saturday, would you be interested in attending as a prefect?" A quick explanation had Penny excitedly looking forward to Saturday.

Hermione then moved on to the Hufflepuff table, handing them out and needing only to let Susan know why her envelope was already open. Slip in hand, Susan headed immediately for her head of house and Professor Sprout took possession of the first permission slip for the trip.

At the Gryffindor table, Dean Thomas had actually visited Thorpe Park with his parents and couldn't wait to tell everyone how great it was. Excitement was running near fever pitch in Hogwarts, with the Potters at the centre of it once more.

Harry approached the twins with two envelopes, "I'm taking a big chance here with you guys, don't let me down. Padfoot and Moony will be there and your sister says you haven't written once!" Harry was very pleased to hear their first question was about their sister.

"When did you see Ginny?"

"How is she?"

"Hermione and I spent Saturday along with her and Luna, both were fine and will be spending the weekend with us, you'll see her on Saturday." The twins were ecstatic and appeared to radiate happiness, a sight that worried a few of their professors. A day out of Hogwarts, meet their heroes and see their little sis again. It didn't get much better than that.

It was another Weasley that Harry had his eye on though, especially as Hermione had just approached Oliver Wood.

"Hey Oliver, would you like to go as a prefect on a trip out of school this Saturday? Penelope has already said yes."

Harry wasn't certain how the rest of Percy's organs continued to operate as all the blood in his body appeared to rush straight to his head. You could have fried an egg on his forehead as the rage overtook his features. When Oliver quickly accepted the invitation, Percy stormed out the hall like a man possessed.

Neither Potter could quite hide their satisfied smirks, Percy's future contained a lot more pain than losing a badge and a girl. There was no Mrs Penelope Weasley in his future, quite simply he didn't have a future. Both he and his brother Ron were dead men walking.

Draco had treated the whole event with disdain, berating his housemates for going all muggle. Internally he was consumed with rage, first the brooms and now this. Potter was undermining his position in Slytherin house, Crabb, Goyle and Weasley could hardly be considered the cream of the crop. The less said about Pansy the better.

It was starting to appear though that this was all that was going to be available to him, the rest of his year group couldn't wait for Saturday. There was no way this situation could be allowed to continue, wait until his father heard about this.


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