The Potters Stand Their Ground

The Potters found themselves repeatedly being bombarded with questions about Saturday, so much so that they approached McGonagall about using her classroom for a meeting after dinner tonight.

They arrived that evening to find that not only was the room full of students but the muggle studies professor, three heads of house and Albus Dumbledore were all waiting on them.

Since Hermione had visited the park before in their other timeline, she took the lead. "On Saturday morning the horseless coaches will ferry everyone from the castle to Hogsmead, allowing you to floo from the Three Broomsticks to the Leaky Cauldron. A muggle private coach will then be waiting outside to take everyone directly to the park. The maps on your brochures tell you where each of the attractions are, they're all free once you are inside the park."

The excitement inside the room was palpable as Hermione continued, "Some of the rides have height restrictions, this is in no way detrimental to smaller people," as Hermione was looking directly at professor Flitwick as she made this remark it caused some laughter. "The safety harnesses on some of the rides could fail if the person using them was too small. Muggle medicine is a lot slower than Madam Pomfrey, the injuries that Malfoy received on Friday would have seen him confined to a muggle hospital for at least a month."

Harry couldn't resist a jibe, "There is a lot to be said for muggle medicine though, just imagine a whole month without Malfoy!"

Hermione laughed along with everyone else before finishing, "Lunch is being booked at one of the restaurants and we'll stop on the way home for fish and chips or burgers. Mum and dad will have everything booked by now and Hedwig will probably bring us the final details in the morning."

Millicent Bulstrode had to ask what most of them were thinking, "What do your parents do that they can afford all this? It must be costing them a small fortune?"

Hermione was trying not to blush but answered anyway, "They're a type of healer though both are technically unemployed at the moment, they sold their business when we were getting ready to move to Australia. It's actually my husband who's paying for this as part of my birthday celebrations."

Millicent apologised for any embarrassment, "Sorry I didn't mean to pry, I'm just so excited that I probably won't sleep for the rest of the week."

Professor Burbage felt she should really say something here, "This will be the first ever field trip from Hogwarts into the muggle world, the first of many I hope. If anyone needs information about how to behave or even what to wear, I'll be available all week. You can also ask one of your muggle born friends." Bertha would place gold on her getting visits from the Slytherins before the week was out, there were no muggle born Slytherins.

After answering more questions and explaining that the ghost train was probably best avoided, a ghost train without ghosts? The Potters were hoping to make a quick escape but Dumbledore was there for a reason.

"Mr Potter, I really must speak with you!"

Minerva immediately stood beside the pair, visibly offering her support. Harry smiled at their head of house, "What appears to be the problem headmaster?"

Albus knew this was his moment, he had the young man's undivided attention as everyone else had since left. "As you are probably aware by now, Professor Snape is undergoing a trial on Wednesday. I was wondering if you had thought of speaking on his behalf?"

Harry apparently liked his one word answers, "No"

The headmaster didn't attempt to mask his disappointment, "Mr Potter it really is imperative that you learn to forgive your enemies."

"Oh forgive me headmaster, I meant that I hadn't thought about it. Now that you've said professor Snape is my enemy, I suppose I really should say something."

This boy possessed the ability to infuriate Albus like no one since his brother Abe, "That was just a figure of speech Mr Potter, professor Snape is a valued member of Hogwarts staff and a very good friend of mine."

Harry just stood quietly as Albus stared at him expectantly, it was eventually the old wizard who broke the silence, "Well, what do you think?"

"I think sir that you wish me to use my influence to save your good friend, what I fail to understand is why? Surely sir, as head of the Wizengamot, you are not suggesting I use my fame to benefit you and your friend." Harry then became extremely serious, "I have to say I'm very disappointed in you sir, who did you contact to speak on my godfather's behalf? Oh I forgot, he never even got a trial, far less anyone trying to help him."

Hermione's arm snaked around his waist in an attempt to reign in his temper, it helped a little. "I have already informed Madam Bones I will not be attending the trial, neither speaking for nor against the man. There are far too many people pedalling influence to the highest bidder, the Potters are not for sale at any price."

Dumbledore was losing his cool, how dare this little shit tell him how to behave, Albus would be the one doing the telling. "Not even if it meant your little excursion this Saturday was in danger of being cancelled?"

McGonagall was actually growling at this remark but Hermione answered the headmaster, "Since everyone we invited has already written home and the head of the DMLE signed the permission slip of her niece, I would like to hear your proposed excuse to the students and parents. This is, after all an educational establishment and you would be denying your students this experience. All because my husband won't do as you suggest?"

Dumbledore just smirked "A detention cancels your weekend privileges, those are the rules Mrs Potter. You wouldn't like to get a detention now, would you?"

Harry wiped the smirk off his face and took the breath from the old wizard. "The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches. It may have escaped your notice sir but the dark lord of the prophecy is never actually mentioned by name. Trying to force a couple of children under your care to do your bidding is pretty dark. Then again quite a few of your actions are emerging from the shadows to show you in a different light."


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