Hogwarts Prepares for Adventure

Harry deliberately turned his back on Dumbledore to speak with a McGonagall who was angrier than he'd ever seen her. "Professor, my wife and I will of course abide by school rules. Any fair punishments received will be served. Should we feel the current headmaster manipulated the situation, we will leave this school and these shores never to return."

McGonagall appeared ready to decapitate Dumbledore and seemed only to be waiting on the Potters leaving her classroom before carrying out the deed.

Harry though had parting words for them, "I'm well aware that I could use my position and fame to ensure Snape never sees daylight as a free man again, I choose not to. I am also aware of the prophecy and what it would mean should I leave Britain for good, at the moment we choose not to. Attempting to manipulate us or our friends could make that decision harder to defend against two parents and a godfather who think we should get our arses on the first available plane."

Hermione couldn't resist the opportunity to verbally kick Dumbledore in the stones. "We respond to threats the same way as attacks, we fight back. For a headmaster to be a bully is unforgivable. Is it any wonder people like Malfoy believe they can get away with anything, they're just following your example."

As they left Minerva realised she no longer needed to strike Albus, the Potters parting words had smacked into him like a brace of bludgers. That didn't mean she wasn't going to tear the face off him verbally. "Albus, I worked very hard to get those two back into the castle yet you seem determined to drive them away. Make no mistake, should they leave again that will be it! Can I assume from the expression on your face that scenario would be worse than even I think it would be?"

Dumbledore's voice was barely audible, "Minerva, it would be the end of us all!"

At this point Minerva totally lost it and her Scottish brogue was as broad as it was colourful, "Then why the fuck would you deliberately antagonises them over that miserable bastard Snape? Even without your carefully hidden knowledge I know that the Potters are far more important to our world than that useless arsehole Severus is or ever will be."

Albus faced up to his deputy, "Mr Potter needs to work with me to fulfil his destiny, there is no other option."

Minerva was beginning to think she was going to have to stick her wand up his nose to get his head out his arse. "In your eyes that may be true but you listen to me you old fool. Those kids have plenty of options that don't include worshiping the great Albus Dumbledore and rushing to comply with his every suggestion. Your tunnel vision only sees one outcome regarding the Potters but you have no idea what you're dealing with here."

She reckoned it might take a beater bat to divert Dumbledore from his chosen course, Minerva was considering transfiguring one to use on his stubborn head. "The Grangers would have those kids out the country quicker than you can list your titles, they've sold their business and are ready to leave at a moment's notice. The Potters are bringing a court case against you yet you try to use blackmail to get them doing something against their will."

Albus actually winced at that 'technically correct' term, Minerva wasn't finished yet though.

"They are uniting the houses and have the ear of the minister, Rita Skeeter would probably kill for a chance to talk with them and you pull a stunt like that! My professional opinion is you should pay Poppy a visit for a complete check-up. I would prefer to think you were ill rather than a manipulative old bastard with an unhealthy interest in an eleven year old boy."

She stormed out of her classroom to check on the Potters, leaving a despondent Dumbledore wondering why no one was paying him the respect he deserved.


Percy Weasley couldn't get his anger under control, the main reason being that he didn't really want to. All those carefully planned dreams that he worked so hard for were now nothing more than that, dreams. He had been exactly on his determined course, made prefect and would have asked Penelope to accompany him for the first Hogsmead weekend. After becoming head boy and then securing a position at the ministry would be the correct time to ask for Penelope's hand. All this lay in tiny pieces thanks to the Potters. The person who got his badge was now spending all day Saturday with his Penelope outside Hogwarts.

Percy had been trying to gather up the courage and ask Penelope to Hogsmead regardless of being badgeless only for the Potters to practically throw her and Wood together. The slights against his family also forced their way into his thoughts and added fuel to what was already a considerable blaze. This was why he was standing in a dark alcove, in sight of the entrance to the Potters accommodation, his wand gripped tightly in his hand.

His intended targets strolled casually into his field of vision, unaware or uncaring about the devastation they had visited upon him. His wand was held steady in the darkness while a curse graced his lips when two things stopped him. A suit of armour stepped out in front of them, blocking his shot and McGonagall's voice ringing down the corridor introduced a modicum of sense into his mind.

"Mr and Mrs Potter, may I speak with you for a moment?"

Percy looked on as his head of house was invited into their accommodation, a shiver of dread passed down his spine at what he'd almost done.

Firing a curse from the darkness wasn't good enough, he wanted them to suffer like he had. He also wanted them to know who was responsible for their pain. Percy melted back into the shadows, making his way back to the Gryffindor portrait by a circular route. He was going to have to give this some serious thought, a quick curse in the back was too good for them. They needed to learn what it meant to cross Percy Weasley.


After promising to speak to Wood about Quidditch, Harry and Hermione said goodnight to their head of house at the door. They surreptitiously confirmed Percy was no longer lying in wait. Harry was intending to curse the prat as Charles moved and provided cover, only for McGonagall's appearance to save Percy's life – for now.

He had lifted his wand against Hermione for the last time, it might affect their plans for Ronald but that couldn't be helped. Percy Weasley had just elevated himself straight to the top of their to-do list, he would be lucky to see the weekend.


Next morning saw the flood of owls being rapidly followed by a steady stream of students taking their signed permission slips to the staff table. Hermione was forced to concede that Sirius had been correct, she had raised doubts that some of the pureblood parents wouldn't allow their children to attend.

He had just laughed at that suggestion, "Hermione, the magical words for pureblood parents are influence and free, this venture supplies both! Their children get to mingle with the Potters and it doesn't cost them a Knut, they will be falling over themselves to sign those slips."

The entire hall was caught up in the excitement, all except five first year Slytherins and a fifth year Gryffindor. Dumbledore was conspicuous by his absence.


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