A Joyous Coach Journey

Excitement was also running high in the Granger household, neither Harry, Sirius, Luna or Ginny had ever been to an amusement park before. All were getting ready to head off toward London, joining the coach there with the rest of the group.

Tonks was apparating straight to Hogsmead, allowing her to assist with the transfer to the Leaky Cauldron. They were as prepared as they could be.

Piling into the Granger's people carrier had Dan, ably abetted by Sirius, taking up the mantle of a big kid. He had the sing-song started before they left the drive. The party was in extremely good spirits as Emma drove toward London.


The five Slytherins found themselves being accepted by the rest of the group, this was an unusual but welcome experience.

Neville Longbottom summed up everyone's feelings very eloquently, "We're all just looking to enjoy ourselves today."

The Hogwarts contingent had just began appearing in the Leaky Cauldron when the Potters arrived with Luna and Ginny. Hermione was in her element issuing instructions. "My mum, dad and Sirius are waiting for everyone on the coach, it's parked about ten yards down the street. If you can start making your way there, we can soon be off."

Fred and George exited the floo to squeals of joy from Ginny, she'd known Ron wasn't going to be there and hadn't even considered that the twins might be. Ginny was attempting to describe the last twenty four hours in twenty seconds as the redheads laughingly made their way to the coach. Padfoot and Moony would be there!

Hannah Abbot sat beside her best friend Susan Bones and was in total awe at the luxury muggle coach. They were sitting in very comfortable seats, had adjustable air and electric lights above their heads while music played throughout the entire bus. She looked at a few faces and guessed the other purebloods were feeling the same as her, what did the rest of the day hold when the coach impressed the hell out of them.

Emma was sitting beside Professor Burbage, trying to convince the woman of the best way to organise the day. "The whole point of this outing is to let the kids experience this for themselves, that won't happen if we lead them around by the hand all day. I understand that you're the one with the responsibility here but these parks are very safe places. Once we're inside let them wander around with their friends, set up a meeting point and we'll have a presence there on the hour throughout the day. We'll meet them all for lunch and then collect everyone when it's time to head for home. None of them are carrying their wands and, as long as they don't leave the park will be perfectly safe."

Charity was unsure, she had imagined leading all the kids around in a group, stopping at attractions to see who wanted to go on. Letting them loose to make their own decisions was a radical concept, radical concepts were not something she was used to.

Emma pushed some more, "There will be thousands of people here, from all corners of the world, they won't stand out that much. They will make their way around the park in groups of friends, making their own choices and discovering things for themselves. This trip is supposed to be fun but we all want it to be educational as well. The park has hundreds of staff, all trained to offer assistance to anyone who needs it, they will call for us on the public address system if there's an emergency."

The thought of turning these kids loose was both terrifying and exhilarating to Charity. As a teacher it is her job to impart knowledge into growing minds, the problem with her subject is that without experience it's meaningless. She could describe muggle transport until she was blue in the face and not get the reaction that this morning's coach journey had provided.

As a muggle studies professor, she had often thought the few purebloods that took her class didn't believe a word she said. With her mind made up, Charity was wondering on the best way to inform the students when Emma handed her a microphone while the driver turned down the music.

"What do I … Oh My! Can the whole coach hear me?"

The question was directed at Emma though when the entire coach shouted 'YES' Charity had her answer.

"Ok, does everyone have their maps?" Another quick chorus of 'yes' had Charity convinced she was doing the right thing, even by talking to them using a microphone instead of a sonorus charm, the children were learning without realising it. That was the professor's entire reason for giving her enthusiastic support to the event, time to let them know what was in store for them.

"After we get inside the park you will be allowed to explore as you want with your friends." Loud cheering forced her to stop for a moment, clearly that was a popular decision. "We will determine a meeting point and show everyone where lunch will be served before you disperse. Most important rule, do not leave the park until it's time for us to return home."


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