An Exciting Coach Ride

This was greeted by blank stares of incredulity, why the hell would they want to leave this park of wonders? If all Hogwarts rules were like that one, they would never be in trouble because no one would ever break them.

Some more instructions, followed by a totally needless 'enjoy yourselves' had everyone cheering again.

Harry approached Dean and gave him a plain wallet containing cash in Sterling. "I know both you and Seamus are used to handling cash but the girls aren't, this is in case you want a hot dog, drink or even a souvenir of the day. The rides are free and lunch is provided."

Harry left some dumbstruck Gryffindors to repeat the scene with Justin from Hufflepuff and the Ravenclaws Terry and Mandy. He then approached Tracy, "I can give you guys a wallet or you can hang out with us? I know how scary it can be getting thrown head first into a different culture, without Neville's help Hermione and me would be lost."

After excitement, the next strongest emotion amongst the five Slytherins was fear, fear of the unknown. Harry had just offered them the chance to put an end to that so they quickly accepted his offer.

Fred and George were chatting animatedly with Sirius and Remus, the snorts of laughter would have some Hogwarts professors worried. After handing a wallet to the twins and Oliver, Harry sat down beside an excited Hermione. She was patiently attempting to describe why the log flume was her favourite ride to Neville. Their friend couldn't quite decide whether Hermione was teasing him or actually serious. The idea that you sat in a hollowed-out log, which then shot down a slide into cold water sounded scary enough. That you were then soaking wet and this was supposed to be fun left Neville almost convinced she was joking, almost!

It was with wide eyes they entered the park, the entrance really was beautiful and surrounded by enticing shops. After ensuring they knew what the schedule was and the location of the restaurant for lunch the kids were released, they disappeared so fast they could have apparated!

The six adults were all standing there and it was left to Sirius to ask the obvious, "Eh guys, what do we do now?"

Emma grabbed him by the arm and started leading him away toward the nearest ride, "We have some fun!" As the rest were having a good giggle at his expense, Emma used the opportunity to have a quiet word to Sirius, "Every ride we go on today, you sit beside Charity." The blank expression left Emma needing to explain further, "If you're sitting with Charity, Dan's sitting beside me, who does that leave?"

Sirius now wore a wry grin, "Emma, if I didn't require Moony's permission as well, you would be indoctrinated into the marauders today. That's brilliant, sneaky as hell but still brilliant!"

Neville was very nervous as the contraption closed down over his shoulders. The seats were aligned in pairs with Ginny and Luna in the front, Harry and Hermione behind them. Next came Neville who found himself sitting beside Millicent with Tracy and Daphne behind. Theo and Blaise were bringing up the rear. As it clicked shut, it was a now extremely nervous Neville Longbottom who spoke to his friend in front of him, "Hey Harry, is it supposed to make that noise?"

"No idea Neville, never been on one of these before."

"WHAT!" this was all Neville managed to say before a siren sounded and they shot out of there at great speed. Harry, and everyone else, heard Neville screaming the entire way around the ride. What they didn't know was that most of it was down to Millicent grabbing his hand and squeezing it in a death grip, almost breaking the poor boy's fingers.

Luna had been so happy that she and Ginny just met the height requirements, now the terrified girl wasn't so sure. As the ride was coming to an end, the screams became cries of laughter, almost relief that they'd survived. Luna finally got the point of these rides. Although you were perfectly safe being strapped to your seat, it sure didn't feel safe as you were twisted and turned at breakneck speed. Luna was the first pureblood to grasp the concept of a thrill ride, she wouldn't be the last though.

Neville was delighted it was over only to discover there was further torture in store, Harry had just bought pictures of them all on their first roller coaster. Neville was at least pleased to see he wasn't the only one screaming though Millicent hadn't uttered a sound, she'd been too scared to scream. She also hadn't let go of Neville's hand since they got off the ride. Originally it was by way of an apology and to try to get the blood flowing back into his fingers again. Now it just felt nice.

Oliver Wood didn't think this day could get any better, seeing Penny in muggle clothing instead of Hogwarts robes was a real eye opener. He now had a full day of her company without even the professors to keep an eye on them. Fred and George thankfully took the hint early on and left the couple alone. Penny held on to his arm to steady herself after leaving a particularly wild ride and kept hold of it as they walked around the park, could this day get any better?

Oliver was forced to concede the answer to that was yes, going on the river rapids and seeing Penny in a wet T-shirt was a standout memory for him. Getting straight to the point he asked Penny to be his girlfriend before lunchtime, she happily said yes.

Susan, Hannah and Ernie were happy to let Justin guide them around the park, the rides were fabulous but what really impressed Susan was the brilliant organisation behind it all.


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