Magic Meets Muggle Wonders

The park was massive and there must have been thousands of people all milling about yet everything ran so smoothly. She reckoned this one park must employ as many people as the entire ministry of magic which really imprinted on the young witch. That and the vending machines that gave you ice cold drinks and snacks at the press of a button, she wondered if there was a house elf inside them?

The twins loved the rides but it was the shops that really caught their attention. Their dream was to one day open one of their own and these were like nothing they had seen in the magical world. So bright and colourful, with an incredibly wide range of merchandise, both were drawn in like moths to a flame.

Even the way the stuff was presented to the customers was worthy of note, placing their own logo on goods not only provided free advertising but allowed them to increase the price as well. Charity would be pleased to know the twins were taking such an educational view of the outing.

Charity was currently living off her nerves, she'd placed her faith in the children and could now only hope they appeared for lunch. Her faith was rewarded though as they began to filter into the enclosed part of the restaurant that the Grangers had hired. She couldn't fail to notice the two prefects, especially since Miss Clearwater had a grinning Mr Wood on one arm and a large stuffed toy animal under her other. Apparently the groups of friends had been criss-crossing each other all over the park, swapping stories and rating attractions as they made their way to the next ride on their agenda.

All the tension left the Muggle Studies Professor as the last group entered their area and they all sat down to lunch, watching as the muggle born's explained what pizza and nachos were justified the entire trip as far as she was concerned.

Emma was awash with conflicting emotions as she watched her daughter interact with her friends for the first time. One the one hand she couldn't be happier to see this version of Hermione live such a different life, outwardly at least she appeared a radiantly happy young girl.

Hearing from Dan last night what they'd done to the Weasley lad had her in tears, Not for Percy but the fact her children had to take actions like this. Like almost everyone Emma had never taken someone's life, and the old Emma would have argued it was something she was incapable of. That was before hearing what happened to her daughter at the hands of the youngest Weasley boy.

In their timeline it was less than three weeks since they lay helpless as Hermione was abducted from their living room, Listening on the phone as both Hermione and Harry were basically sentenced to death had changed Emma Granger forever. This Emma Granger was not in a forgiving frame of mind and would kill to protect her loved ones. She just wished there was some way they could take the burden from Harry and Hermione, once again they were relegated to playing the role of support troops.

Both Grangers found themselves concentrating on the lives their children were determined to save, rather than those fated to meet their end by Harry and Hermione's hand. They now knew Sirius, Remus, Charity, Nymphadora and Ted Tonks, even some of the kids here today would hopefully change their ways. She glanced at the twins chatting with Ginny and tried to remember which one of them had originally died, not that it mattered since she couldn't tell them apart anyway.

Her children had now killed two people and planned for another three, four if you counted Voldemort. Strangely Emma found herself accepting that, if the youngest male Weasley had been here today she doubted if she could have prevented Dan murdering him, Emma probably would have helped!

It wasn't too difficult for Sirius to guess where Emma's thoughts were taking her, the three had spent a lot of time talking about the two most important people in the world to them. Sirius had tried to give the Grangers some insight into the pureblood opinions and their way of thinking. Just because he didn't agree with them didn't mean Sirius couldn't understand them or where they were coming from.

He would have to try to explain to Dan and Emma exactly how big a coup the kids had pulled off here. Sirius was vilified and eventually disowned after being sorted into Gryffindor, rejecting the dark lord's philosophies was the final straw for a family who were actually darker than their name. Here were children of all blood classifications and the four houses of Hogwarts sitting together as friends in a muggle establishment. This was ground breaking, this was momentous, this was so much fun!

Purebloods' wearing T-shirts and baseball caps with a muggle theme park logo on them was a prank worthy of the heir to the marauders. Harry and Hermione had began something here today that could literally change the British magical community, it was only a small first step but didn't all journeys start that way?


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