Unsettling Disappearances

Hermione had asked that there not be another birthday cake or large fuss, like Harry she hated being the centre of attention and already had her fill this week. Being here with Harry, her parents and her friends was more than enough for the once lonely girl. They'd saved her favourite ride until after lunch, not wanting to spend the day wearing wet clothes. Her husband could easily perform a wandless drying charm on them though that was something they had no intention of advertising.

Charity was a lot calmer as she watched the children head back into the park, she was actually looking forward to going on some more rides herself. There was still a few hours before the park began to close and she intended to make the most of them.

Tracy Davis had been physically flung about, turned upside down on more than one occasion and nearly been sick three times, she'd just had one of the best days of her life! Heading back onto the bus she began to contemplate the letter she was going to be sending home, her father had asked Tracy to forward her impressions of the day as soon as possible.

She was aware her father was disturbed by the casual way Harry had dismissed the life debt, he actually planned on speaking to him about it when their proposed visit to the ministry was arranged. He was thinking like a pureblood and considering what it would have cost him if someone like Draco Malfoy had saved her instead.

Tracy was certain that Harry not only knew exactly what he'd done but actually thought her calling him Harry was a fair payment, there's was a whole different way of thinking and the Slytherin girl was beginning to understand why.

She had seen and experienced some wondrous things today, yes most of them could be replicated using magic but that wasn't the point. Tracy had been raised to think she was better than these people yet their ingenuity and inventiveness, not to mention their organisational skills were mind blowing. What they achieved without magic was truly awe inspiring, leaving Tracy thinking that perhaps in stead of better, different would be a more apt description. With that thought Harry and Hermione's hopes for the day were accomplished, for now.


As the occupants on the coach were enjoying their fish suppers while en route to the Leaky Cauldron, a very nervous Ron Weasley made his way toward the staff table as dinner ended. It was the head of Gryffindor he approached, "Excuse me Professor McGonagall but do you know where Percy is? I've been looking for him all day, he's missed breakfast, lunch and now dinner."

McGonagall's eyebrows shot up, she couldn't remember seeing Percy today either. Minerva called for Sir Nicolas who rapidly organised a search of the castle. Turning her attention back to Ronald she tried to offer the lad some encouragement, "With the ghosts, house elves and portraits all looking for him, your brother should soon be found."

McGonagall's reassurances proved to be hollow though, as neither hide nor hair had been seen of Percy Weasley since his last class yesterday. All that they could surmise at the moment was that the lad didn't appear to be in the castle. Whether he'd used today's outing as a cover to sneak out was something they were forced to wait on their returnees for more information.

It was a group of very happy, though extremely tired students who returned to Hogwarts. They were originally disconcerted to find there was a reception committee waiting on them.

Charity and Remus quickly confirmed that, not only was Percy not with them but they hadn't seen him at any point when leaving the castle. The twins also reported that they hadn't seen their brother since yesterday, all thoughts of joking pushed aside as they could see this was serious.

Oliver had to confess that he didn't see Percy in the dorm last night, McGonagall fixed him with a withering stare that demanded an explanation.

"Professor, since being made prefect, Percy has continually refused to recognise my authority. He has worked behind the scenes to usurp me and won't be satisfied until he gets this badge back. When he didn't show before I went to bed last night I assumed this was an attempt to disrupt today's outing. His jealousy over the badge dims in comparison to his rage over my association with Miss Clearwater. Since she has most graciously agreed to be my girlfriend, I fully expected I would need my wand to defend myself when he discovered the news."

McGonagall was unhappy, though forced to concede she'd placed Wood into this situation. If he'd went to bed before curfew then the prefect had done no wrong, he'd ensured the younger students had been accounted for so had done his job. This was the reason they had an earlier curfew.

"The school has been searched from top to bottom with no sign of him being found, I'm going to have to inform the DMLE and his guardian that he's missing." Her intimidating stare aligned onto new targets as she spoke to the Weasley twins, "Is there anything that you can tell me about this? Something that might seem unimportant yet provide the clue that we need."

George gave it a moment's thought before answering, "Percy didn't want to return to Hogwarts, he's actually called us a disgrace to our family for associating with the Potters. When he discovered Ginny was staying with them this weekend I thought he was going to explode."

McGonagall's eyebrows were once more heading into her hairline at the news Ginny Weasley was spending time with the Potters.

Fred agreed with his twin, "He took losing the badge very badly and has been giving Oliver a hard time, we also think he might have secretly fancied Penelope but didn't do anything about it." He seemed to think of something and then dismiss the idea, "It's a pity that mum's clock isn't working properly or it may have been some help."

McGonagall had heard of this timepiece and asked what the problem was.

"Ever since we got back from King's Cross, all the hands were pointing at mortal peril. Dad made her take it down and placed it in storage. It was frightening Ginny and Ron and there was no spare cash to get it repaired."

Something in his brother's words caused a spark of an idea to go off inside Fred's head. "Moony, Harry has something that could really help us out here. Do you think he would let us borrow it?"

Remus could have kicked himself for not thinking of it sooner, he supposed that's what happens when your thoughts turn to a beautiful smile, sexy laugh and spiky pink hair. "They would have to drive back from London so should still be up. I'll leave immediately and try not to alarm Ginny too much."

Albus had been allowing Minerva to deal with the situation until hearing Harry's name mentioned. "And just what may I ask has Mister Potter got to do with this situation?"

Fred and George glanced at one another quickly before answering, "Nothing sir, he has in his possession something he received from his father that will determine if Percy is actually in the castle."

Albus liked the sound of that, the minute Remus returned with the item he would be confiscating it. Something like that shouldn't be in the hands of a student, rather in the more experienced care of a certain headmaster.