Facing Uncertainty

Remus caught them having a cup of tea before bed, after explaining the situation the marauder's map was quickly spread on the kitchen table.

When Harry activated the parchment, Remus demonstrated how to use the map's search function, something Harry hadn't learned about the last time. When the search for Percy produced no results, Sirius suggested trying someone else to confirm the map was still functioning properly. It took less than a minute to pinpoint Argus Filch as he patrolled the corridors, proving the map was working and Percy wasn't in the castle.

"Do you think he's run away?" Ginny quietly asked.

Remus answered the girl as honestly as he could, "Ginny at the moment all we know is Percy's not in the castle, no one has seen or heard anything. The twins said he didn't want to return to Hogwarts and had been acting strangely lately. Percy doing a runner is the only explanation we have for now."

"I knew he didn't want to go back because of that bloody badge, I can't believe he'd do something this stupid."

Luna was hugging her best friend in support, Hermione was very grateful for Harry's arm around her waist. Only his strength and support kept her from breaking down.


The three Weasley's, Dumbledore and McGonagall were all awaiting his return but it was to the twins he addressed his comments, "Sorry guys, Percy isn't in the castle."

Minerva gave a tired sigh before heading toward the fireplace to Floo call the DMLE. She would then have to deal with Muriel Prewitt, not a task to be undertaken lightly.

The Weasleys left for their respective dorms as Albus made his move, "Remus, if there exists a method for keeping track of people inside Hogwarts then I must have it. I am the headmaster after all."

Remus couldn't believe the cheek of the old man, "I'm afraid you will find that it belongs to Harry, it's one of the few items he possesses that connects him to his father. I wish you luck in the task of trying to force him to surrender it. There is more chance of the goblins giving away free gold than Harry parting with a Potter family heirloom."

Dumbledore was getting pretty fed-up of people saying no to him, this never used to happen. He was about to remind Lupin that he actually was employed by Hogwarts, therefore Albus Dumbledore when Minerva returned from her floo calls.

"We will have aurors at the school before breakfast, Hagrid is sweeping through the forbidden forest as we speak, looking for traces of the boy. I have to inform you Albus that Muriel Prewett will also be here for breakfast, I got the impression that your entrails might be on her menu. She was very upset at getting dragged into the Pettigrew incident and is demanding to speak with you personally when she arrives tomorrow."

Minerva would have smiled at the headmaster's facial expression if the situation hadn't been so serious. There had been instances in the past where children had gone missing for a short time, though they had always turned up within a day or two. Minerva couldn't get rid of the feeling that this time it was going to be different.


Harry was lying in bed with his wife wrapped in his arms, running his fingers through her hair as he tried to comfort a crying Hermione.

"Oh Harry, I just keep seeing that expression of worry on Ginny's face, I don't know if I can do this again love."

"Hermione, we'll give him the same chance he gave you. He'll be in a bathroom when our rather large and smelly visitor comes 'trick or treating' to Hogwarts, let's see if any of his Slytherin friends come running to his rescue."

Hermione stopped crying for a moment, "You mean it Harry? You would do that for me?"

Harry held her tighter, "Hermione you are the most important person in my life, your happiness is everything to me. Percy never had a chance but I'm prepared to let fate play a part in deciding if Ron should have one."

Harry was a little disturbed at the passionate kiss this earned him, Hermione then spoke softly in his ear, "It's not that I don't want him to pay, I just don't think I would be able to face Ginny afterwards if we did the same to two of her brothers. Perhaps we should concentrate our efforts on getting rid of Riddle first."

Harry kissed her forehead, "Love, I've had some ideas about that. We could contact the goblins about buying the old Riddle place, that would save that caretaker's life as well. Purchase the Gaunt shack that's next to it and the goblins can rip it apart, disposing of the ring without us having to go anywhere near it. I was thinking of building a garden centre on the site, something really muggle to piss Tom off if he ever makes it back,"

The thought of Lord Voldemort travelling to Little Hangleton in search of his horcrux and leaving with a couple of hostas almost brought a smile to Hermione's face.

"If we get the Ravenclaw diadem next week then that would only leave the diary, Dumbledore was almost positive Nagini wasn't made into a horcrux until Riddle got his new body in the cemetery. Something we have no intention of allowing to happen this time."

Hermione snuggled in deeper, "Smart and considerate, how did I ever get so lucky as to marry you?"

"I'm the lucky one love!" He kissed his wife goodnight and held her until she'd calmed enough to sleep.

Harry understood she was upset and not thinking rationally here, being confronted with the aftermath of Percy and then having to spend the weekend with Ginny immediately after had thrown her for a loop. Hermione was unshakable in her belief that the Dursleys should be made to pay for the treatment of her husband. Yet in the same breath wanted Ronald Weasley to have a chance, Harry had no intention of letting the redhead avoid his date with the troll. This Harry Potter wasn't going to be anybody's golden boy, rather take out the problems before they affected his family. For those that harmed his Hermione there would be no escape and no remorse on his part.

Making sure the target was in the toilet should be fairly easy, the rest was simply ensuring his date didn't stand him up. Dousing Ronald in troll pheromones should ensure the big guy arrived, though with a club in his hand instead of flowers. Harry thought that Ronald being rogered to death by a randy rank troll was a fitting punishment for the animal who dared to touch his Hermione.


Muriel Prewett travelled down into her cellar and rummaged amongst the assembled junk that Arthur had stored there, looking until she found the famous Weasley clock. It only required a glance to discover it was obviously still not working properly, the hands for Fred and George were correctly pointing at school but Ginny's strangely indicated the child was at home. Charlie, Bill and Arthur were each pointing toward work though the hands representing Molly and Ronald were still stuck at mortal peril. The hand that represented Percy appeared to have been knocked off, probably when they stored it down here.

Molly's precious clock was every bit as worthless as the rest of the Weasley's junk, Muriel would have her talk with Dumbledore before sending an owl to Arthur. She headed off to bed, smiling in anticipation of her upcoming confrontation with Dumbledore and the pleasure obtained from ripping him a new one. It would so start her week off in the right vein.