chapter30 Out of control

He kissed her like he was releasing built-up frustration, nibbling at her red lips, forcing her mouth open not gently, but aggressively, like a clash on the battlefield. His grip was so strong it could've snapped her waist, his kisses fierce and rough, sucking on her small tongue vigorously, even biting down uncontrollably. He pinned her beneath him, his legs restraining hers tightly, completely immobilizing her. She was his Scarlett, and he reveled in the feeling of having her under his control, like holding onto something beloved firmly in his grasp, breaking her wings so she couldn't fly away.

He heard muffled cries from the woman beneath him, but he silenced her, the sound more like a summoning, which he enjoyed. Something surged within him, making him restless, unable to find an outlet, so he increased the pressure of his hands, kneading and biting her. Seeing blood seep from her rosy lips, like dewdrops on a rose, he savored the taste, sucking and biting hungrily.