chapter29 Taking her off the island

Thinking about hitting the town, Scarlett briefly toyed with the idea of making a run for it, but she quickly brushed it off. That was a dead end; even if she skipped town, Zephyr would never let her off the hook. Plus, Las Vegas was Zephyr's turf, and Asher wouldn't dare take her out unless he had every detail covered.

Asher claimed the hotel had everything she needed, so she didn't bother packing much. With just a small bag slung over her shoulder, she headed downstairs. Asher noticed the necklace with "My Scarlett" etched on it dangling from her bag and smirked. "Scarlett, change into something nice. You look great in a dress," he said, with a subtle grin.

Feeling upbeat, Scarlett went upstairs and swapped her outfit for a classy dress. Asher took her arm, and they lingered downstairs until Nero arrived. Then, Asher grabbed her hand, and they made their exit.