chapter28 "My Scarlett"

Asher noticed Scarlett wasn't feeling too hot, even when they had a spread of fresh seafood straight from the ocean—lobster, crab, you name it. But Scarlett barely touched her food, leaving Asher scratching his head. "What gives? Not hitting the spot?"

"Just not hungry," Scarlett muttered.

"Last time you were all about this stuff. What's changed?"

"Maybe I've just been off lately," Scarlett lazily explained, her mood putting a damper on her appetite.

Asher figured Scarlett might just need some rest to get her mojo back, so he sent her off to bed early. Scarlett wasn't exactly protesting; she was low-key afraid Asher might pull something. She didn't have the guts to stand up to him—her status was too precarious. But rolling over and playing nice wasn't her style either; she had a mind of her own.

Scarlett was drained. Ever since she caught wind of Asher's feelings for her, she'd been on edge. Those steamy kisses had her feeling all kinds of weird.