chapter37(1) love her(r18)

Zephyr ignored her pale complexion and chatted casually, "When you have free time, Asher can take you to the casino for a spin. Sometimes there are people causing trouble there, and I'll have him help me shake things up."

"Understood," Scarlett murmured, head down, staring blankly at the golden patterns on the coffee table.

Zephyr lit another cigarette, smoke swirling around. Before he could finish it, Asher entered, striding in with an air of discontent. "Why did you call her down here?"

He went straight to Scarlett's side, sitting close to her and taking her hand. Seeing him approach, Scarlett felt a slight sense of relief, leaning towards him.

"Why hide her away and keep her all to yourself?" Zephyr chuckled. "I want to see what kind of woman has captivated you."

Asher remained silent.