chapter37(2)love her(r18)

As Asher walked in, he saw Scarlett soaking in the water, her face flushed, eyes misty, emitting extreme painful yet seductive moans, the moans carrying a tantalizing taste, making him feel a sudden tension in a certain part of his body. He only heard her voice from outside the door, feeling something was off, calling her from outside but getting no response, he became anxious and forcefully broke the lock to come in, seeing Scarlett exuding desire all over her body.

At this moment, Scarlett's hair was half wet, her peach blossom eyes filled with spring, her lips bright and tempting, arousing an itch in the heart, making one want to take a bite, he squatted beside her, one hand stroking her face, gently asking, 'Scarlett, what's wrong?'