chapter51 We are all alive

She stayed at the giant rock for two days and three nights. Each morning and evening, she dashed into the woods to scavenge for food, biting into green fruits that left a bitter taste in her mouth, her lips cracked and peeling. She considered moving elsewhere, but fear held her back. If Jack found her, she was done for. Yet, from the vantage point of the giant rock, she could glimpse the ocean, clinging to the hope in her heart. Just when she was on the brink of despair, contemplating the risky move of relocating, she spotted something emerging from the water onto the white beach in the distance, its long tail trailing behind.

Scarlett bolted out of the rocks, her eyes fixed on the figure until she was certain, then she dashed towards him, shouting, "Asher, Asher, I'm over here!"