chapter52 To dispel confusion

The rumble of a car engine grew louder. Asher shifted his body to hide, frowning as he dragged his long tail into a clump of bushes. Even after the people passed, his tail stuck out, slowly wriggling on the ground. Scarlett quickly grabbed it, pulling him further back into hiding.

Truth be told, the bushes were barely a yard wide, with sparse leaves. Anyone getting close would spot something odd. Asher patted Scarlett's shoulder, whispering, "Don't make a peep later."

In the distance, a black car came into view, crawling along the beach near the trees. Scarlett couldn't see inside, but Asher could. Bill was behind the wheel, with Jack in the passenger seat. Since the sea was on the other side, both men were scanning their direction.

Asher stayed focused, aiming his gun. His aim was dead-on, never missing.