chapter88 life

Asher stopped undressing her and lay down next to Scarlett in bed, his tail gently wrapping around both of them.

The autumn light and shadows shifted slowly in the room. Scarlett held his tail, gently stroking it with one hand. After a long while, she softly asked, "Asher, how is Daniel's business doing now?"

"He's very organized and currently busy arranging all the work, running around all day. He called me right after I got back to update me on the company's situation," Asher said, letting her play with his tail. "The company means everything to him, so he's definitely putting his heart into it."

Scarlett thought it would be easier for Asher to integrate into society if he interacted with more people and did some normal work, so she reminded him, "You should help him out occasionally. You have nothing else to do anyway."

"Sure, I'll go check it out when I'm bored," Asher replied casually.