Chapter 53: Ava's house

Soon, Elias reached Arcanum University.

Elias moved silently through the deserted corridors of the once bustling laboratory. The air was thick with the residue of recent conflict, the scent of scorched metal, and lingering ozone from high-powered spells.

The place that had once been a sanctuary of innovation was now a tomb of shattered dreams, watched over by the vigilant guards of the Five Sectors.

All five sectors send their people to guard the place.

They patrolled with an air of authority, their presence a stark reminder of the defeat suffered by the Space Sector.

Elias was observing the laboratory from the shadows. He had seen the Five Sector operatives systematically strip the place of everything valuable—research notes, equipment, and experimental prototypes. The five sectors were thorough, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to dismantle the progress made by the Space Sector.

Elias's keen eyes caught sight of a man in a blue uniform, the emblem of the Water Sector glinting on his chest.

Finally, he found a water sector member. 

The man's demeanor was relaxed but purposeful. Elias decided to follow him, hoping he might lead him to Ava. Based on Hannah's, Ava was with the water sector.

The Water Sector man led Elias through the city's winding streets, eventually arriving at a luxurious hotel. Elias kept a safe distance, blending into the crowd like a shadow. He watched as the man entered the hotel.

Hours passed, and at lunchtime, Elias saw the Water Sector man emerge with a group of colleagues. They laughed and chatted as they headed to a nearby restaurant, but there was no sign of Ava among them.

Frustration gnawed at Elias, but he couldn't afford to give up. He needed to find Ava, and he was worried about her.

Suddenly, he thought of his friend, Ryan. Ryan was Ava's cousin. Ryan probably knew where was Ava.

Spotting a public phone booth across the street, Elias made his way over. He fished a few coins from his pocket and dialed a number he knew by heart. The phone rang a few times before a familiar voice answered.

"Hello?" came Ryan's voice, cautious and curious.

"Ryan, it's Elias," he said, his voice urgent but steady. "Where is Ava? Is she safe?"

"Elias? Yo, man. What number is this? Are you okay?" Ryan's concern was palpable.

"I'm managing, Ryan. Just tell me about Ava. I need to know she's safe," Elias insisted, his grip tightening on the receiver.

"She's fine, Elias. She's back at her father's house. The Water Sector didn't want to risk angering him. He's one of the richest men in the city. They wouldn't dare harm her," Ryan explained, his tone soothing but firm.

Relief washed over Elias, but the need to see Ava for himself was overwhelming. "Can you give me the address? I need to see her."

"Of course," Ryan said, and Elias could hear the sound of papers rustling. "1024 Magic Avenue. It's the big house at the end of the street."

"Thanks, Ryan. I owe you one."

"Wait," Ryan said, his tone shifting to curiosity. "Bro, I heard about the fight at the lab. Since when did you become so good at magic?"

Elias hesitated, the truth a tangled web he wasn't ready to unravel. "I... learned it in a dream," he said, the explanation sounding weak even to his own ears.

"A dream?" Ryan echoed, clearly puzzled. "We need to talk more about this. But go see Ava first."

"I will. Thanks again," Elias said before hanging up the phone.

Elias breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he took a taxi to Gardenia Avenue.

The city's landscape changed as he moved through it, the bustling commercial district giving way to quieter, more affluent neighborhoods. Each step brought him closer to Ava, each breath filled with hope and resolve.

He finally arrived at the address Ryan had given him.

The mansion stood tall and imposing, surrounded by meticulously maintained gardens and high walls. It was a symbol of wealth and power, but to Elias, it represented a sanctuary for Ava.

Elias approached the gate and pressed the intercom button, his heart pounding in anticipation. The device crackled to life, and a voice responded.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's Elias. I'm here to see Ava," he said, hoping his voice conveyed the right amount of confidence and urgency.

"Hold on ya." 

There was a brief pause before the gate slowly swung open. Elias walked up the long driveway, the grandeur of the estate almost surreal. For a moment, he felt at home in such a big mansion. He used to live in a big place like this. Then, he shifted his focus back to Ava.

The front door opened, and Ava stepped out, her eyes widening in surprise and relief as she saw him. She rushed towards him, and they embraced tightly.

"Elias!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of joy and concern. "You're okay!"

"I was so worried about you," Elias said, holding her close. "I had to make sure you were safe."

Ava pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a blend of emotions. "Come inside. We have so much to talk about."

They walked into the house, the luxurious interior a stark contrast to the chaos they had both recently endured. Ava led him to a cozy sitting room, where they sat down, facing each other.

"Ryan told me what happened," Elias said, breaking the silence. "That your father got you out."

Ava nodded. "He did. The Water Sector didn't want to risk a confrontation with my family. I was lucky. But what about you? And how did you...?" She gestured vaguely, indicating his newfound magical prowess.

"It's a long story," Elias said, running a hand through his hair. "what matters now is that you're safe."

They gazed at each other eyes to eyes. After looking at each other for 5 seconds, Ava moved her gaze away, shy.

"Thank you for your healing magic," Elias said.

"So what happened after you guys left?" Ava asked.

Then, Elias told her about that.

"Is good that you are safe, Ava. I gotta leave." Elias said.

"Really?" Ava said

"Ya. see you." Elias nodded his head.