Chapter 30


The safe house was abuzz with people hurrying to prepare for the coming battle. Alex's information had given her team the definitive lead, but they knew this next step in their fight with The Phantom was going to be their hardest.

Elara stood glued to the head of the table, Alex's flash drive securely plugged into Lena's laptop. "This is it," she said, her voice quite steady. "We've got the intel; now let's find a way to anticipate some of their moves and try to prevent some catastrophic attack.

Lena punched her computer keys, scrolling through lines of code, some of which were encrypted files. "Alex said it wasn't a joke. This data is a gold mine. I saw well-thought-out plans for simultaneous cyber attacks targeting all major financial institutions, and that was pretty specific on the timeline."

Blake read over her shoulder, serious. "How much time have you sustained?"