In a near-future city plagued by environmental collapse, an enigmatic scientist named Dr. Elara Quinn discovers a way to send messages to the past through a mysterious quantum device. She uses this breakthrough to warn humanity about the impending disasters they face. However, her messages are intercepted by a shadowy organization intent on controlling the technology for their own gain. As Elara races against time to protect her invention and reveal the truth, she uncovers a web of conspiracy that stretches back decades. With the help of a rebellious journalist and a disillusioned government agent, Elara must outwit her enemies and find a way to fix the future before it’s too late. In a world where every action has profound consequences, she learns that the greatest power lies in the choices we make today.
Reveal Spoiler
I love this story, it is so interesting, filled with much emotion, suspense,secrets that are to be discovered, so interesting I just love it.
Hello, I love this work. And even though it is half done. I come back to read it from time to time waiting to see if you added chapters. However, two novels were mixed and I would really like to know if it can be corrected.