The Master and His Disciple

The moonlight draped over the earth, with towering and snow-covered peaks behind the Jinsha Village. These continuous mountains disconnected the village from the outside world.The undulating heights, blanketed in snow, glittered like carved ice, cold and shining.

Occasionally, amidst the snow, ancient pines, and fir trees laden with flakes protruded. Mirrored against the boundless world, these trees resembled blooming mushrooms, occasioning a spectacular scene.

With the rising of the early moon, and its soft light pouring down, the sight was further draped in a layer of light blue, much like a watercolor painting cleansed by the morning mist, emanating an air of serene tranquility.

The moon was silent, so was the snow, the pine, and the people.

At the foot of these hilly terrains, Old Mo sighed.

Yang Jingtian, standing behind him, didn't understand Old Mo's exclamation and thus inquired, "Master, why did you bring me out here? Are we going to practice the 'Dark Night Skill'? I haven't heard you mention this skill before."

Old Mo glanced at the almost sixteen-year-old Yang Jingtian, feeling proud internally.

The lad, not yet sixteen, boasted a sturdy and robust physique, over 190 cm tall, and a handsome face capable of charming countless young girls and women. He was simply a naturally born heartbreaker. What astonished Old Mo was the boy's photographic memory, never needing repetition.

Everything Old Mo had mastered was taught to Yang Jingtian in less than five years. Those were the skills Old Mo accumulated over fifty years. Despite his own acknowledged wit and knowledge, Mo was impressed in front of Yang Jingtian.

Lacking further knowledge to impart, Old Mo taught Yang Jingtian everything from classical literature, geography, medicine, to chess, calligraphy, and painting.

A decade passed, Old Mo feared meeting Yang Jingtian every day, as he genuinely had no more to teach him. Yet, on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel proud, because he firmly believed that once Yang Jingtian left Jinsha Village, he would undoubtedly be an unrivaled martial arts prodigy.

Although overflowing with pride, Mo Lao Ye voiced his exasperation, "You scoundrel, aside from learning from me, can't you find anything else to do?"

Yang Jingtian retorted, "Master, you've got to be kidding. What else is there for two grown men to do together? Play chess, spar? You've lost to me in every match."

Mo Lao Ye, visibly irked, countered, "Can't we have a heart-to-heart conversation?"

Yang Jingtian immediately rejected the idea, "Talk heart-to-heart? I'd rather you kill me."

Pulling out a vial from his robe, Mo Lao Ye handed it to Yang Jingtian, instructing, "Take it."

Yang Jingtian furrowed his brow and pleaded with a bitter expression, "Not this terrible thing again. I've been taking it for almost ten years, and every time it makes me feel awful. I won't take it."

Mo Lao Ye explained with a sense of importance, "You don't understand. This is a treasure millions dream of possessing. I wouldn't give it to you if you weren't my disciple."

Yang Jingtian stood his ground, "Nonsense, treasures that people dream of? Who are you trying to fool? This is clearly that foul pellet you made when I was five, from the venomous snake you killed in the mountains, the toads, and the old turtles from the lake."

Mo Lao Ye confirmed, "Your memory is quite clear, indeed. But those creatures are exceptional. The snake is called the Golden Blood Snake, the toad, the Lion-Tiger Toad, and those old turtles from the lake are known as Millennium Green Turtles. Having studied medicine, you should understand their effects."

Surprised, Yang Jingtian exclaimed, "The Lion-Tiger Toad's core is an extremely 'yang' element, capable of giving superhuman strength to whoever consumes it, rumored to add hundreds of years to one's prowess; while the Golden Blood Snake is the world's most venomous creature, eating its gall grants immunity to all poisons; and the Millennium Green Turtle of legend can endow limitless endurance and possibly even longevity to those who consume it."

Mo Lao Ye nodded and elaborated, "Yes, and it's combined with the once-per-century Snow Lotus from the Tianshan Mountains, the millennial Ganoderma from the Silver Sea, and the thousand-year-old Ginseng from Korea—all extremely 'yin' elements used as catalysts. The world's utmost 'yang' and 'yin' items have transformed the meridians in your body into an endless cosmic world. Now, your body houses both the ultimate 'yin' and 'yang' energies—the dual extremities. Without any exaggeration, not only are you impervious to all poison, you're practically invulnerable to weapons. Otherwise, how could you at such a young age withstand the seventy years of my cultivated power? All thanks to this elixir."

Yang Jingtian took the medicine vial from Mo Lao Ye's hand, and with a hint of defiance, he asked, "If this elixir is so marvelous, why don't you take it yourself?"

Mo Lao Ye sighed deeply, "I am well into my years. Even if I take it, the absorption will be minimal. Beyond extending my lifespan, it serves little purpose for me."

Yang Jingtian cast a sly glance at Mo Lao Ye and teased, "Master, have you been secretly consuming it in large quantities?"

Clearly annoyed, Mo Lao Ye replied, "What do you mean 'secretly'? I concocted this medicine. It's only right that I should partake in its benefits."

Without further argument, Yang Jingtian uncapped the vial and swallowed all the medicine at once, questioning, "Master, if it's so beneficial, why not give it to me all at once instead of just one dose every three months? It's taken me ten years to finish it."

Seeing Yang gulp down the entire contents, Mo Lao Ye patted his head emphatically and scolded, "You little rascal, who told you to consume it all at once? You've wasted a treasure! As someone educated in medicine, you should know basic principles. Can a sick person recover by consuming all their prescribed medicine in one go? Absorption is key."

Yang Jingtian, realizing his mistake, lamented, "Master, it's all because I got too excited."

"I suspect you were more worried I'd come back for it," retorted Mo Lao Ye.

Feigning remorse, Yang Jingtian offered, "Master, that was never my intention. If you like, I can regurgitate it for you."

To utter such a revolting statement with an air of innocence made it almost comical, despite its unpleasantness.

"Never mind," conceded Mo Lao Ye, "It's been eaten. Hopefully, it doesn't make you burst. At least, it didn't go to waste with that appetite of yours," he mentioned how Yang could easily eat several bowls of rice and a dozen fish without ill effect.

Then, Mo Lao Ye pulled out a book from his robe and handed it to Yang Jingtian, "Take this."

Inspecting the book Yang Jingtian noticed there was no title on the cover. Upon opening it, he saw densely packed writing and began reading the orderly script. It stated, "This divine technique, meant to enchant women, should only be cultivated by once-in-a-century martial arts geniuses, or beware the consequences. To those destined, success ensures you reign supreme in captivating beauties."

Handing the book back to Mo Lao Ye, Yang Jingtian said dismissively, "I thought it was a treasure; turns out it's just some tattered book about picking up women, not interested."

Mo Lao Ye was taken aback; Yang Jingtian used to crave knowledge, relishing the chance to bury himself in books. What could have changed? "This is one of my treasures, one I've never readily shared. I'm showing you since you're about to come of age."

Yang Jingtian scoffed, "Whoever wrote this book really underestimates people. What does it mean, 'beware the consequences'? That's pure bravado."

Mo Lao Ye countered, "Didn't you want to learn the techniques to catch mermaids? This is the most powerful method. You're not interested?"

Yang Jingtian feigned dignity, "No."

Suddenly Mo Lao Ye noticed the smile at the corner of Yang's mouth and accused, "You little rascal, you've already peeked, haven't you?"

Excitedly Yang Jingtian admitted, "You uncovered the truth already, master? You're too good."

Feeling gravely insulted, Mo Lao Ye reached out to grab Yang Jingtian who leapt away with a laugh, "If there's nothing else for tonight, master, I'll take my leave. I'll keep you company tomorrow."

Mo Lao Ye was left fuming, stamping his feet and pounding his chest, shouting, "Disrespectful apprentice!"

But Yang Jingtian was already miles away, oblivious to Mo Lao Ye's tirade. The scolding fell on deaf ears, and was certainly not taken to heart.