The Rescue

Upon returning home, as Yang Jingtian passed by his parents' room, he heard the sounds of creaking and moaning coming from inside. He knew his parents were once again engaged in intimate marital activities. Feeling annoyed, he couldn't help but say, "Dad, Mom, could you please keep it down?"

Yang Jingtian's father, Yang Shun, immediately responded with enthusiasm, "You brat! Why did you come back instead of going out to have a drink with Mr. Mo? If it weren't for your mom and me doing things like this, would you even exist?"

Yang Jingtian retorted, "What are you talking about? Your behavior seriously disrupts my everyday life, especially during rest time."

His mother, Jin Lan, spoke up, "Jingtian, just go and play. Your father and I will be done soon."

Yang Jingtian replied, "In the middle of the night, where can I go? Every time you say it'll be a short while, but it always lasts for a couple of hours. It's like you don't want me to have a peaceful life."

"You dare to talk back? Do you want to die?" Yang Shun, hearing his son's words, was about to charge out.

Hearing this, Yang Jingtian quickly dodged out of the door.

Jin Lan held her husband back and asked, "What are you doing, dear?"

Yang Shun said, "This kid, I don't even know if he's really my son. He's tall and intimidating, always opposing me and causing trouble."

Jin Lan slapped Yang Shun and said, "You idiot! Jingtian is our biological child. Would I have gone somewhere else to have a child?"

Yang Shun chuckled and embraced his wife, saying, "I didn't mean it like that. It's all because of that old man, Mr. Mo, who influenced Jingtian like this. But his temperament is quite similar to mine."

Jin Lan nestled in her husband's arms and giggled, "Jingtian is smarter than you, though."

Yang Shun remarked, "If he has half of my fishing skills, that would be impressive."

Jin Lan replied, "That's not necessarily true."

Yang Shun said, "Alright, forget about him. Let's continue..."

"Mmm," Jin Lan snuggled in her husband's embrace. Yang Shun carried her onto the bed, and the passionate battle between man and woman resumed, with the sounds of explosions and the melodies of birds lingering in the air.

Yang Jingtian was not like the others; as he walked outside, he grumbled loudly to himself.

"Boss, boss!" A shadowy figure hurried toward Yang Jingtian, calling out to him.

Upon closer inspection, Yang recognized the figure as his playmate, Lin Hao, whom he nicknamed "Haozi."

"Haozi, what's with the screaming in the dead of night? Did something happen at home?" Yang Jingtian chided.

With a face full of dismay, Lin Hao replied, "Come on, boss, you're the leader. You shouldn't speak that way; it's disheartening to the brothers."

Yang Jingtian playfully smacked Lin Hao on the head, retorting, "For that comment alone, you deserve a beating. Am I someone you can lecture?"

Pleading for mercy, Lin Hao said, "Boss, I've come to report urgent news!"

Yang Jingtian's interest piqued, "What urgent news? Is Big Dog planning to make a move on us?"

Lin Hao hinted, "It's even more significant than that."

Curious, Yang Jingtian urged, "What could it be?"

Lin Hao said, "Da Gou is getting intimate with his stepmother, right there in the forest."

Yang Jingtian was taken aback and exclaimed, "What? You're saying Da Gou forced himself on Guo Er, the scumbag."

Da Gou was Yang Jingtian's only opponent in fights in Jinsa Village. His real name was Guo Wu, and his family, the Guos, were the wealthiest in the village. Guo Wu's father was Guo Lin, who had five wives and two children—a daughter, Guo Jin, and a son, Guo Wu. The oldest among them was his sister, Guo Jin. Among Guo Lin's five wives, the most beautiful was his second wife, He Zhuo Fang, whom Yang Jingtian often referred to as a heavenly fairy.

He Zhuo Fang was originally Yang Jingtian's neighbor, but due to her parents' greed, they married her off to the Guo family. When He Zhuo Fang married into the Guo family, Yang Jingtian was only four years old. However, to this day, Yang Jingtian still believed that there was no woman more beautiful than He Zhuo Fang in Jinsa Village. The people living by the seaside naturally had a tanned complexion due to the sea breeze, sun, and rain, and even the young girls were no exception. The only exception was He Zhuo Fang. Her skin was as tender as the snow atop a peak, which was incredibly enticing.

Combined with her ample, bouncing bosom, slender waist, tall figure, and those watery, lively big eyes, she was simply captivating, like a fairy that had descended from heaven.

Yang Jingtian always believed that He Zhuo Fang was the most beautiful woman in the world, at least until he left Jinsa Village and saw other women.

At that moment, Yang Jingtian and Lin Hao hurried towards the forest and arrived just in time.

The scene about to unfold in the forest made Yang Jingtian furious. Da Gou actually intended to forcefully have his way with He Zhuo Fang.

"Do not, Little Wu, let me go!" The delicate and beautiful He Zhuo Fang shouted, her cries ringing clear in the silent night sky.

"Second Mother, I've liked you for a long time, and today I finally get my wish. Just yield to me," the shameless Guo Wu said.

Looking ahead, on a grassy patch in the dense forest, the naked Guo Wu was about to assault the exquisite He Zhuo Fang.

Guo Wu appeared to be around seventeen or eighteen years old, with a chubby and sizable physique. He pressed down on He Zhuo Fang, rendering her unable to move.

He Zhuo Fang was approximately twenty-five or twenty-six years old, with a delicate and beautiful face like a blossoming flower. Her features were picturesque, her cheeks blushing, and her snow-like skin radiated a dazzling glow, reflecting the moonlight shining down. She was truly a natural beauty, a stunning beauty.

"Da Gou, what are you doing?" Yang Jingtian shouted loudly, appearing before Guo Wu and He Zhuo Fang.

Guo Wu looked up and saw Yang Jingtian glaring at him with uncontrollable anger. He trembled involuntarily, got up, and said, "Yang Jingtian, don't mess around."

Ever since Guo Wu started fighting, he had always been on the receiving end when facing Yang Jingtian. Now that his illicit affair was exposed, he felt guilty and fearful.

Yang Jingtian approached him and delivered a powerful punch, "Bang," directly to Guo Wu's face.

"Ah!" Guo Wu let out a miserable scream, stumbled, and flew ten feet away.

Yang Jingtian said with resentment, "Get lost. Get out of here right now, or you won't see tomorrow's sun."

Guo Wu didn't dare to say anything and crawled away, fleeing for his life.

Lin Hao stepped forward and said, "Boss, I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"

Yang Jingtian noticed that He Zhuo Fang's clothes were torn and in tatters, barely covering her body. He quickly took off his coat and draped it over her.

He Zhuo Fang, still in a state of shock, murmured, "Thank you, Jingtian."

Jinsa Village was not large, with only around two hundred households, so everyone knew each other quite well. Moreover, Yang Jingtian was known as a handsome young man, and many girls in the village hoped to become his wife.

On the side, Lin Hao was captivated by He Zhuo Fang's snow-white skin and partially exposed body. She had a graceful and slender figure, a willow-like waist, arms like lotus stems, thighs like snowballs, and long, slender legs. Her towering breasts, bursting out of her torn clothes, were as enticing as large white buns, with soft and beautiful curves. It was the first time Lin Hao had seen a woman's body in such a seductive manner, and it was no wonder that Da Gou couldn't control himself. Even he couldn't resist the temptation.

Lin Hao couldn't help himself, and neither could Yang Jingtian. In the moment he draped a coat over He Zhuofang, Yang caught Lin's covetous glance. Clearing his throat, he said, "Hey Haozi, didn't you notice your boss here is without a jacket? Go fetch me one."

Lin Hao nodded repeatedly in agreement, though inwardly he harbored resentment. What kind of brotherhood is this, not even allowing a brother a second glance at the finer things? Had it not been for me, Lin Hao, leading you here, Yang Jingtian wouldn't have his moment of playing the hero.

Seeing Lin Hao making no move, Yang pressed, "What's the matter, Haozi, are you displeased?"

"Boss, how could that be? I just don't know where to fetch a coat for you."

"Obviously, from my place."

"But it's so late, how am I to get it?"

"Then borrow one of yours."

"Mine won't fit you, boss. You should know your own build isn't quite the match for Haozi's."

Yang Jingtian, seeing Lin Hao stubbornly refusing to leave and feeling annoyed, commanded, "Just go, and quit your nagging."

"Yes, boss." While Lin Hao did leave, he was clearly disgruntled, grumbling as he went.

Watching Lin Hao walk away, Yang felt a weight lift off his shoulders. The thought of being able to spend time alone with the woman of his dreams ignited a warmth that surged through him, filling every meridian.

Suddenly, an intense heat spread throughout his body.

Under the veil of night, He Zhuofang saw a fiery blaze in Yang Jingtian's eyes.