Beneath the Moonlight

Chapter 3: Beneath the Moonlit Heart

Yang Jingtian saw He Zhuofang's disheveled appearance; with her head hung low in shyness, biting down on her lower lip, trembling slightly, he felt a surge of compassion.

With a gentle smile, Yang Jingtian offered, "Zhuofang, I've chased away the dog. Come on, stand up." and he reached out his right hand.

He Zhuofang lifted her head, her eyes meeting Yang Jingtian's gaze. Surprised and bashful, she queried, "You call me Zhuofang?"

Looking straight into He Zhuofang's eyes, which were deep and expressive beneath her well-shaped brows and delicate nose, Yang Jingtian nodded with a compassionate smile, "I've always wanted to call you that because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

He Zhuofang's face flushed with modesty as she murmured softly, "Jingtian, I am already married. How can I still be considered beautiful?"

Yang Jingtian smiled reassuringly, "Now, that's not quite right to say. In Gold Sand Village, I have seen no maid nor married woman who can compare to you, Zhuofang."

Turning even redder, He Zhuofang whispered shyly, "When we were kids, you weren't so slick. You were like a little brother to me."

Feeling wronged, Yang Jingtian protested, "I'm no longer the little brother. In another month, I'll be sixteen. According to the village rules, I'll be allowed to fish at sea on my own."

As He Zhuofang attempted to tidy her unraveled clothes, she stuttered nervously, "I... I'm still used to you calling me 'Sister Zhuofang'." Her cheeks darkened in a blush again.

Switching topics, Yang Jingtian asked, "Right, Zhuofang. How did you end up here, and encounter that scoundrel Big Dog?"

Sudden anger flashing across her face, He Zhuofang replied with an edge of fury, "I was returning from making a wish at the Mazu Temple. Guo Wu tricked me into coming here, and I had no idea he would..." Unable to finish, she began to sob.

Yang Jingtian's pity for her intensified, and he helped her up, but He Zhuofang, weakened and unsteady, collapsed into his embrace.

The tender and fragrant warmth of her body caused Yang Jingtian to shiver. The scent of a woman, her softness, and the warmth almost overwhelmed him to the point where he nearly embraced her tight.

A light gasp from He Zhuofang, overwhelmed with bashfulness, sank into unconsciousness.

Knowing she had been too frightened and exhausted, Yang Jingtian supported her to rest under a tree, sitting beside her, watchful. He examined her more closely to see her fair skin peeking through the torn dress, and as the breeze stirred her attire, a glimpse of her gently heaving bosom could be seen. His gaze lingered on her lovely face. Her black hair, though disheveled, did not take away from her grace.

Yang Jingtian took a deep breath and reassured her, "Rest for a while. When Hàozi arrives, I'll take you back home."

"No, I don't want to go back," He Zhuofang cried out forcefully.

Surprised, Yang Jingtian responded, "But that's your home."

He Zhuofang spoke despondently, "I've never seen that place as my home. My parents sold me for a hundred taels of silver. Sometimes, I feel the world is so unjust."

Yang Jingtian had not expected He Zhuofang to harbor such thoughts and said, "You've always opposed this marriage."

Firmly, He Zhuofang replied, "Of course. I felt like an object, unable to resist. Often, I would rather die, yet I can't accept that fate."

Yang Jingtian's curiosity was piqued by He Zhuofang's candidness, "Zhuofang, when you say you can't accept it..."

"If I were to die like this, I'd die discontented," He Zhuofang continued. "Having come to this world, I've yet to experience love and be loved. That's a woman's greatest happiness."

"Do you want to pursue love?" Yang Jingtian asked.

He Zhuofang nodded, "Even though I'm past the age of youthful infatuation, I still have dreams. I dream of one day finding my true love."

Yang Jingtian asked quietly, "And what would you do if you found it?"

He Zhuofang answered simply, "Love passionately. Even if it led to death, I would not shy away."

Yang Jingtian was taken aback, not expecting He Zhuofang to hold such a profound dream, and with such determination. It appeared that when a woman falls in love, she may indeed throw caution to the wind.

With a sigh, Yang Jingtian inquired, "Zhuofang, do you already have someone in mind?"

He Zhuofang shyly lowered her head, not replying to Yang Jingtian.

Yang Jingtian stated softly, "Actually, everyone has their own dreams, like me. I yearn to leave Gold Sand Village and see the world beyond."

He Zhuofang, momentarily lost in thought, mentioned, "The outside world... I've heard about it from my father. Since the earthquake twenty years ago that severed Gold Sand Village's connection with the rest of the world, no outsider has come to our village, and nobody from here has ventured out. But the village elders always say that the outside world is a marvel."

Yang Jingtian asked, "Zhuofang, you mean you've never been outside either?"

He Zhuofang replied, "My parents took me out once, but that was over twenty years ago. I barely remember anything."

Yang Jingtian nodded, understanding that He Zhuofang, being twenty-six years old now, had made that trip to the outside world when she was around five or six, long before the path was lost.

Despite the passing years, He Zhuofang excitedly recounted, "I remember my mother bought me a stick of candied hawthorns. They were delicious. I brought them back to the village to show off, and all my friends were so envious."

Yang Jingtian declared, "Regardless, I must see the outside world for myself. Mo Lao Ye said the jianghu is the most fascinating place. Those who haven't ventured through it have wasted their lives."

"I want to go too," He Zhuofang said with excitement.

Pleased, Yang Jingtian responded, "Once I find a way out, I'll take you with me."

Like a child overjoyed at a promise, He Zhuofang jumped and cheered, "That would be wonderful! Let's make a pinky promise."

When Yang Jingtian's finger hooked with He Zhuofang's, warmth surged through him instantly.

As the evening wind picked up, bringing a chill, Yang Jingtian had the instinct to offer his outer garment to He Zhuofang. But realizing he was down to his last layer, he hesitated.

In a soft voice, He Zhuofang asked, "Jingtian, I don't want to go back. Will you walk with me a bit?"

Suddenly, Yang Jingtian let out a long, loud howl towards the sky, causing leaves to whirl down around them. He Zhuofang, startled, inquired, "What's the matter?"

Yang Jingtian, regaining his composure with a smile, responded, "The real question is, what's the matter with you? It's just the two of us here. There's no need to speak so softly. It makes things rather awkward."

Hearing this, He Zhuofang couldn't help but burst into laughter, saying aloud, "Jingtian, I don't want to go home tonight. I want you to stay with me." Her voice dwindled as she got embarrassed, reverting to a bashful tone.

Seeing her bloom into smile, resembling the blossoming of spring, Yang Jingtian was momentarily entranced. The thought of accompanying the village's beauty on a leisurely stroll felt like a delightful duty. He exclaimed joyously, "Zhuofang, let's go."

Under the moonlit village, every step taken by Yang Jingtian and He Zhuofang seemed to weave a romantic atmosphere. Although Gold Sand Village was a hidden paradise, such a romantically charged moonlit stroll had never occurred before.

Unbeknownst to Yang Jingtian, this brief romantic interlude nearly brought a catastrophic calamity to the serene village.