Land of Tenderness

Yang Jing Tian packed away He Zhuofang's belongings along with some of his own. Under cover of discretion, he made his way out to the idyllic retreat beyond the sky trench.

Leaping over the gulf and passing through the stone tunnel, he spotted He Zhuofang from afar, waiting at the cave entrance.

"Jing Tian, you've returned. Did you think of me?" With abandon, He Zhuofang rushed forward and flung herself into Yang Jing Tian's arms like a swallow returning to the forest.

In her eyes shone tears of agitation—a testimony to her deep fear of never seeing Yang Jing Tian return.

Each minute and second of Yang Jing Tian's absence was an agony for her. Though it had been merely half a day, it felt as prolonged as decades to He Zhuofang.

She had never experienced such sensations before—never had she felt so reliant on someone.

With Yang Jing Tian's return, all her excitement and joy soared. Nothing in the world could elicit such thrilling emotions as his presence.

Yang Jing Tian caressed her tender form, feeling her agitation, and said with heartfelt care, "Zhuofang, I apologize for making you worry."

Nestled in her lover's embrace, He Zhuofang murmured, "Jing Tian, I want for nothing in this world but you."

"I have good news to share," Yang Jing Tian softly spoke.

He Zhuofang, puzzled, inquired, "What good news?"

He recounted the day's events—how he had defeated the Guo family's guardians and expelled them from the estate. To his surprise, He Zhuofang derived no joy from his tale.

Perplexed, Yang Jing Tian expressed, "Zhuofang, we'll be free from disturbance now. Why aren't you glad?"

"Jing Tian, you're the hero of Jinsha Village. But will you still become the village head?" she asked pensively.

"Why do you ask that?" he responded, intrigued.

"I fear you may not return here," He Zhuofang confided. "I don't care for the Guo family's fate or anything related to Jinsha Village. What I desire is to live peacefully in this isolated paradise. Here, where no one interferes or bothers us. Jing Tian, do you understand? I no longer need to go back to Jinsha Village, nor do I want to."

"I understand. You just want me to be with you, and I promise I will," Yang Jing Tian reassured her.

"I know you can't spend all your time with me," He Zhuofang conceded, "but if you could visit every day, that alone would fulfill me."

With a playful grin, Yang Jing Tian reassured her, "I promise, I'll make it happen. For my beautiful Zhuofang, I'd climb mountains." His words were punctuated with a playful squeeze on her curvaceous form.

He Zhuofang's soft complaint was laced with affection, murmuring, "Jing Tian, you're so naughty."

Yang Jing Tian couldn't help but laugh heartily, preparing to take their playful exchange further when suddenly, a voice interjected, "Ah, Yang Jing Tian, so this is where you've hidden your jewel."

Startled, Yang Jing Tian and He Zhuofang turned to see a figure approaching from the cave.


"Old Master Mo!"

Both exclaimed in unison.

"When did you arrive, Master?" Yang Jing Tian inquired.

Old Master Mo sighed, "My boy, so engrossed in your enamored state that you even forgot your master, and I've been trailing right behind you. It seems the adage about love weakening even the strongest heroes holds true."

Yang Jing Tian offered a nervous chuckle, "Master, from the way you're speaking, I'm detecting a hint of jealousy?"

"I have no interest in being envious," Old Master Mo retorted. "It's disheartening, though, to think that after all the effort spent on training a disciple like you, not even a shred of filial respect is left for your master."

"Master, don't play the pauper with us. What could you possibly lack back in Jinsha Village?" Yang Jing Tian smiled.

"I lack nothing," Old Master Mo admitted. "One raises sons for support in old age. I have no son, and thought perhaps a disciple could fill that role. However..."

"How about this," Yang Jing Tian jested, "I'll find you a wife for your later years. How about one of Guo Lin's wives? Aside from the eldest, who's a bit lacking, the rest are passable, don't you think?"

Before Yang Jing Tian could finish, He Zhuofang twisted his arm sharply in reprimand, throwing him a glare.

Hearing this, Old Master Mo burst into laughter, "At least you've got some consideration for me, but let's not worry about that."

Intrigued, Yang Jing Tian stepped closer, "Do you have someone in mind, Master? Tell me, so I can vet them for you."

"Mind your own business," Old Master Mo brushed him off. "Just focus on living well with Zhuofang. Quickly give me a grand-disciple to dote on."

Yang Jing Tian chuckled, "Rest assured, Master, I won't fail you."

Blushing deeply, He Zhuofang softly protested, "I don't want to."

Hearing this, Yang Jing Tian drew closer, teasingly asking, "What was that? I didn't catch it clearly."

Embarrassed, He Zhuofang whispered, "It's nothing."

Persistent, Yang Jing Tian playfully threatened, "I thought I heard someone doesn't want to have children with me. Guess I'll have to find someone else." He faked a move to leave.

Panic struck He Zhuofang; she clung to him, pressing her body against his, pleading, "Jing Tian, don't go. I didn't really mean that."

Yang Jing Tian gently lifted her chin with his hand and asked, "Would you be willing to bear children for me?"

Blushing, He Zhuofang nodded shyly and replied, "I would be willing."

"Enjoy your life as husband and wife. I'll be waiting to hold my grand-disciple in ten months' time." From somewhere across the distance, Old Master Mo's voice floated over, having departed at some point unnoticed.

Yang Jing Tian, embracing He Zhuofang, said, "Did you hear that? Master is looking forward to holding his grand-disciple."

He Zhuofang hesitated a little, a rosy blush spreading on her cheeks, and she stammered, "Jing Tian, then we... we should give Master a grand-disciple."

With a smile, Yang Jing Tian responded, "Of course, my dear, but one wouldn't be enough, we should aim for seven or eight."

He Zhuofang playfully punched him, shaking her head as she objected, "I'm not a pig, I don't want that many."

Yang Jingtian slipped his hand inside her clothes, kneading and rubbing, causing her face to flush and her breath to become rapid. He said, "My dear wife, it's up to you how many children we have." With that, he began undressing her.

She first felt joy, but then exclaimed in alarm, "Jingtian, what if your master catches us?"

Yang Jingtian smirked and said, "We are now husband and wife. We have performed the proper matrimonial rituals, and it is within the bounds of propriety. Even if our master were to see us, it wouldn't matter." With that, he silenced her protest with a passionate kiss, leaving her unable to utter a word.

Every time Yang Jingtian saw her surrendering with a mixture of reluctance and anticipation, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction. Despite being ten years older than him, she possessed the demeanor of a young girl. In his embrace, she obediently allowed herself to be ravished by him, like a docile little kitten, fulfilling his desires for conquest.

Her skin was truly flawless, as white as the most delicate porcelain. Only the term "naturally beautiful" could describe her.

While skillfully caressing her smooth skin, Yang Jingtian swiftly removed her clothes, fully exposing her exquisite and alluring body to his gaze.

Yang Jingtian lowered himself onto her, taking her beautiful breasts into his mouth, his tongue lavishing attention on her already erect nipples as if savoring the most delicious delicacy. He delighted in the sight of her closing her eyes, enjoying his gentle and affectionate touch, occasionally letting out captivating moans from her delicate lips.

When Yang Jingtian reached her tightly closed flower petals, he discovered that they were already moist, eagerly awaiting his arrival. He teasingly said, "Wife, you're already so wet. You're becoming more and more lascivious."

Blushing, the graceful lady opened her eyes and earnestly asked, "Jingtian, didn't you say you liked Zhuo Fang being lascivious?"

Yang Jingtian couldn't help but be taken aback, then chuckled and said, "Yes, my dear wife, the more lascivious you become, the more I like it. It would be perfect if you were aloof and proud in public, but a wanton temptress in bed."

He Zhuo Fang sighed playfully, and even learned to mimic Yang Jingtian's mischievous tone, saying, "Alas, as a married woman, I can only accept and comply with your desires, my husband, since you enjoy a wanton temptress. I'll just have to oblige." With that, she sat up, her slender jade-like fingers reaching towards Yang Jingtian's lower body, firmly grasping his half-erect member and slowly stimulating it, truly embodying the image of a seductive temptress.


Yang Jingtian held onto her slender waist, and his member rhythmically attacked her, causing her to moan and lose coherence in her speech.

Watching her flawless, snowy back without any blemishes was truly a pleasure. Her beautiful curves were like the manifestation of heaven and earth, incredibly captivating.

It didn't take long before He Zhuo Fang reached her climax. Clinging tightly to Yang Jingtian, she ardently thrust her hips upward and cried out, "Ah, I'm going to die! Oh, dear younger brother!" Accompanied by her contractions, Yang Jingtian released his life's essence, scattering it all within her tender and passionate core.