After the Tender Rain

In the tender aftermath, Yang Jingtian displayed all the items he had brought from the Guo household to He Zhuofang.

He Zhuofang, joyfully examining the full bundle of clothes, felt a rush of happiness.

Yang Jingtian pulled out a golden hairpin from his chest and said, "Wife Zhuofang, look at this."

At the sight of it, He Zhuofang beamed with delight and asked, "Where did you get this?"

Proudly Yang replied, "I procured it from Guo Lin's trove of collectibles."

Her expression darkened as she returned the hairpin, "I don't want anything that's his."

Bewildered, Yang Jingtian asked, "Why?"

Zhuofang responded, "Jingtian, you're a man of great stature. I wish for you to earn with your own hands and buy things for me."

Looking at the hairpin, Yang Jingtian felt a sense of loss; he had thought the hairpin would make Zhuofang happy, but it backfired.

With a careless flick, he threw the hairpin into the abyss of the valley.

Noticing Yang Jingtian seemed somewhat despondent, He Zhuofang approached him, "Jingtian, have I upset you?"

He answered softly, "Zhuofang, do you look down on me deep down for what I do?"

With a smile, she reassured, "How could that be? My Jingtian is the greatest hero in the world. The Guo family deserved a lesson, and you strived for justice for the people – that's a hero's act, and I'm proud of you."

"Honestly?" Yang Jingtian asked, his mood lifting.

She nodded affectionately, "Of course."

Yang Jingtian vowed, "Zhuofang, I promise you, I'll earn with my own efforts and buy you a finer hairpin than this one."

She nodded and nestled into his embrace, feelingly saying, "I know you will succeed."

Out of luck with finding a way to leave, even if they caught many fish in Gold Sand Village, they couldn't exchange them for a single golden hairpin.

Life filled with dreams made their existence far more enjoyable.

Yang Jingtian began raising chickens and ducks, setting up a few vegetable plots, and turned a space in the cave into a simple, cozy home by laying a bed and arranging kitchenware he had brought.

Often using visits to Master Mo as an excuse, Yang Jingtian would rendezvous with He Zhuofang. Over time, their parents stopped inquiring, finding tranquility in his absence – their lives undisturbed.

Yang Jingtian had once asked Master Mo how he came to Gold Sand Village. His answer was a tale of shipwreck and survival, culminating in washing up on the shores of the village – a narrative that left Yang Jingtian feeling profoundly disappointed but also hinted that the sea might provide a route away from the village.

In his leisure, Yang Jingtian would scale the majestic mountains surrounding Gold Sand Village only to find endless peaks beyond. Escaping this way seemed an impossible task without months of effort.

Without a clear path out, Yang Jingtian contentedly settled into a sweet life with He Zhuofang in their secluded abode. Not only had he built a comfortable dwelling inside the cave, but he also constructed a two-story bamboo house outside, which Zhuofang adored. This inspired Yang Jingtian to plan the construction of a grander wooden house. Surely, once they had children, they couldn't all squeeze into one cave; each child should have their room.

Master Mo, always willing to lend a hand and never one to disrupt their blissful life, would help build the house. Sometimes his help turned to hunting local fauna – previously killed for sustenance, now captured at He Zhuofang's insistence on more humane treatment, leading to an overflow of enclosed animals and a constant cycle of release and recapture.

One day, Yang Jingtian and He Zhuofang lay intimately in the little bamboo house after a tempestuous engagement that left He Zhuofang somewhat overwhelmed and dependent on the support of Yang Jingtian's embrace.

Yang whispered endless endearments into her ear, sometimes reciting a verse or two – like Li Bai's "Thoughts on a Still Night," whispering sweet nothings that filled Zhuofang's heart with joy.

Yang Jingtian held the woman in his arms and suddenly blurted out, "Zhuo Fang, your bosom seems to have grown a lot."

He Zhuofang blushed and shyly replied, "It's all thanks to you."

Yang Jingtian, with an intoxicated expression, said, "Hmm, my precious, your breasts are big and firm, soft and smooth to the touch. And your waist is slim, your hips are round, while the tight and warm sensation between your legs is a true gift for a man."

He Zhuofang's face turned crimson, a mix of embarrassment and delight, as she lightly hit Yang Jingtian and coquettishly said, "You have quite the way with words."

Embracing his beloved Zhuofang, Yang Jingtian chuckled and said, "Zhuofang, in all seriousness, I have to set sail tomorrow and will be gone for three days. I'm a bit worried about leaving you."

Tomorrow would be Yang Jingtian's sixteenth birthday, marking also the start of the village chief elections in Gold Sand Village. As per the village custom, every adult male was eligible to participate in the three-day fishing contest.

He Zhuofang gently assured him, "Jingtian, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

"I'm going to miss you," he softly confessed as he tenderly caressed her, chasing the soft elasticity under his touch.

He Zhuofang smiled warmly at him, her enchanting eyes nearly causing him to lose his soul right there and then.

Teasingly, she murmured, "Haven't you had enough these past few days? A little rest for your consort would be nice."

Putting on a mischievous facade, Yang Jingtian teased her, "Ah, so you can't wait for me to leave and see how I'll make it up to you," playfully pinning her down again.

"Oh no, not again, my dear husband; we've already been together three times just now," Zhuofang protested, feigning worry.

"To love someone is to love her completely. Zhuofang, do you love me?" Yang's voice was soft and tender.

Bashful yet unable to feign indifference at Yang's gentle gaze, Zhuofang's cheeks flushed as she timidly nodded her head.

Opening his arms with a warm smile, Yang Jingtian whispered, "Then come, let me give you the utmost joy."

As the passion reignited, the charming Zhuofang echoed with continuous moans, particularly under Yang's ardor, as her unrestrained cries spiraled out of control. Even the nearby animals, mistaking their fervor for thunder, swiftly fled the vicinity of the bamboo house.

As the climax receded, Zhuofang lay flushed, her beautiful face stained red, her body trembling, her breaths short and delicate as she savored one of life's most delightful moments.

Yang gently stroked every inch of her body, his kisses trailing her neck, drinking in the tiny glistening beads of perspiration, aiding her relish the afterglow.

After a long rest and recovery, Zhuofang attempted to rise and dress, to which Yang teased, "Where does my little treasure wish to go?"

Shooting him a playful look, she feigned annoyance, "After your mischief, obviously I need to wash away… the discomfort you've caused."

Pretending to be astonished with a playful "oh," Yang wrapped his arms around Zhuofang and suggested, "Then it's settled – we'll go for a loving dip in the waters together."

Zhuofang blushed deeper, tutting at him. Yang feigned disappointment, "Ah, is my lady afraid of being taken advantage of?"

Giggling, Zhuofang retorted, "Afraid or not, there's no remedy for it when one's husband is a notorious charmer."

With that coquettish look in her eyes, she added, "Besides, the greatest advantage has already been taken by my mischievous husband, hehe."

Yang then lifted Zhuofang into the glistening waters, turning the pond into a springtime garden once more.