The Election of the Village Chief

As time flew by, the serene Gold Sand Village was infused with an unusual bustle as the villagers welcomed the election of a new village chief. In this village, there was no event more significant than this one.

Every youth who had reached the age of sixteen was entitled to participate in the election for village chief.

The competition was straightforward: within three days, each candidate must set out to sea empty-handed, and the catch's quantity and quality would determine the winner. The victor would then lead Gold Sand Village until the next election.

One could easily imagine the degree of excitement in Gold Sand Village that day. It was as if a placid pot of water had suddenly been brought to a fervent boil—the entire village was bubbling with energy.

Naturally, Yang Jingtian was universally regarded as the top contender, with his appearance met by waves of cheer.

At that moment, Lin Hao came running over and said, "Chief, Guo Wu wants to sign up too, but the council has rejected his bid."

Yang Jingtian responded, "Although he's no longer the young master of the Guo family, he is still a resident of Gold Sand Village and therefore should be eligible to participate by tradition." With that, he set off to argue the point with the council.

Once Yang Jingtian spoke on his behalf, the council had no more objections, after all, Gold Sand Village's freedom was earned through Yang Jingtian's sacrifices.

At this time, Guo Wu said with sarcasm, "Yang Jingtian, you've done me a favor. I won't thank you. When I ascend to the position of village chief, I'll take back everything I've lost."

Yang Jingtian simply smiled and said, "By your own merits?"

Guo Wu answered, "Just you wait."

At this juncture, a young woman burst through the crowd exclaiming, "He has no right to compete!"

Everyone turned to look and saw that it was none other than Guo Wu's sister, Guo Jin.

Guo Jin could be regarded as the second beauty of Gold Sand Village. Though not quite matching He Zhuofang, her delicate beauty was undeniable, and as the village's only privileged daughter, her presence was striking.

Lin Hao had always idolized Guo Jin in his dreams.

Seeing his sister intervene, Guo Wu angrily exclaimed, "You wretch, what are you saying?"

With tear-streaked cheeks, Guo Jin accused, "You're not worthy enough to compete for the position of village chief."

Enraged, Guo Wu snapped, "I didn't let you speak—" as he moved to strike his sister, only to be blocked by Lin Hao.

Yang Jingtian called out with authority, "Guo Wu, don't brandish your former pride here; this is not the place for your arrogance."

Lin Hao, trying to comfort Guo Jin, said, "Miss, please, speak your mind."

Between sobs, Guo Jin accused, "This brute caused our father's death, usurped my stepmother, and he... he even tried to violate me!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Hao was enraged. His fists flew, landing a fierce blow to Guo Wu's head. Caught off-guard, Guo Wu was knocked to the ground.

The villagers were inflamed by these revelations, and they surged forward, raining down blows upon Guo Wu.

Yang Shun declared, "According to our village's rules, such a beast should be caged and drowned."

Yang Jingtian intervened, "Stop! Listen to me, all of you. Harming Guo Wu will only sully your hands."

Lin Hao agreed, "Yes, submerge him in the pig cage!"

"Submerge in the pig cage!" echoed the crowd.

Yang Jingtian clarified, "Using the pig cage as punishment is inhumane. For such scum as him, it's enough to banish him from Gold Sand Village."

Lin Hao questioned, "Chief, there are no roads leading out from Gold Sand Village. How can we banish him?"

"Easy," Yang Jingtian explained. "Give him three days' worth of food and a bamboo raft. Let him drift on the vast sea, and if he dares return to Gold Sand Village, he shall be executed." His last words were spoken with a searing anger in his eyes.

As Guo Wu was dragged away, he kept shouting, "Yang Jingtian, I will not let you off!"

Though spared from death, Guo Wu found the prospect of exile perhaps worse than death itself. Stranded in the immense ocean with only three days' worth of provisions, survival seemed impossible.

Yang's decision was made as he refused to expose his villagers to the gruesome act of killing, aiming to steer Gold Sand Village away from barbarism towards civility.

Following the resolution of Guo Wu's case, the village chief elections proceeded as usual.

With the council's announcement, a hundred fishing boats set out to sea—a sight of grandeur.

Three days later...

The young people of Gold Sand Village returned, each bringing their own trophies, a veritable array of fish. Among them stood Lin Hao, who carried back a nine-foot-long great white shark, earning the villagers' admiration and passionate glances from many young women.

As each youth returned, the anticipation in the eyes of Yang Shun and his wife grew more acute.

Jin Lan expressed her concern, "My child's father, why hasn't Jing Tian returned yet? Could something have happened?"

Yang Shun reassured her, "Don't worry. That boy is formidable. Not even the twenty-eight strong men of the Guo family could best him. Don't jump to conclusions. Rat's back, let's ask him." Hurrying over to Lin Hao, he asked, "Rat, have you seen Jing Tian's boat?"

Lin Hao answered, "We were together on the first day, but then he said he was going to hunt a big shark and sailed into the deep sea. He hasn't returned yet?"

"Jing Tian went to the deep sea?" A sense of urgency crept into Yang Shun's voice.

Lin Hao nodded.

"Did anyone go with him?" Yang Shun pressed on.

Lin Hao replied, "No, he went alone," and with that, he proudly dragged the great white shark to the celebration area.

Jin Lan worried aloud, "Jing Tian went to catch a big shark, could it be that…"

Yang Shun cut in, "It's alright. I know my son better than anyone else."

Despite his reassurance, Jin Lan added, "Even so, the sea is not like the shore. I'm still a bit worried."

Yang Shun sighed, "I'm worried too, but remember this isn't his first time at sea. On our last outing together, that lad actually managed to haul in a shark nearly a thousand pounds in weight. The one Rat caught pales in comparison to that beast. What trouble could our son possibly get into? Besides, he's no longer the boy he once was. Now, he's the strongest man in the village. No one can hold a candle to our Jing Tian. I'm confident he'll return safe and sound."

Jin Lan, a touch of concern still in her voice, said, "Then why hasn't he come back yet? In half an hour, the time will be up."

Yang Shun confidently replied, "I might have had my doubts before, but for the grown man he is now, I can say with certainty, our son won't disappoint us. Let's quietly await his triumphant return. Come, let's head to the assembly area. The announcement ceremony is about to begin."

By now, all the fishermen had returned from the sea, save for Yang Jingtian.

Not only were Yang Shun and his wife anxiously awaiting Yang Jingtian's return, but all the villagers were as well, for he was the village hero, known for his prowess.

Everyone was hoping, longing for Yang Jingtian to bring back a miracle.

A miraculous feat so immense, it seemed that this contest was designed purely for Yang Jingtian, while the others were merely supporting actors.

Yet, at this moment, the only person missing was the protagonist himself.

Could it be that he intends to return as a hero, triumphant and under the gaze of all?

No one knew, for no one can predict the future.

All they could do was wait.