A Contest of Pride

"What happened here?"

A crowd gathered around Yang Jing Tian, Zi Yan, and Bai Yun, puzzled by the sight of Yang Jing Tian standing tall while Zi Yan's complexion turned ashen and Bai Yun laid fallen on the deck. Both women had swords in hand, but none understood what had transpired in that moment.

Bai Yun stood up and informed the onlookers, "Watch them. I'll report this to the mistress."

Zi Yan, watching Bai Yun's receding figure, muttered under her breath, "Sycophant."

Yang Jing Tian, feeling slightly helpless, waved his hands at the onlookers saying, "It's nothing. I just sneezed inadvertently."

A sneeze that could shake a massive ship three times was undoubtedly an exaggeration, and everyone had clearly heard a furious shout: "Stop it, both of you!" Who would believe it was just a sneeze?

However, Yang Jing Tian managed to make even that dismissive gesture amusing.

Zi Yan found his antics endearing and advised with a smile: "Jing Tian, our mistress will surely summon you soon. Be careful with your words. If you can't explain yourself, just blame it on me."

Touched by Zi Yan's protective stance, Yang Jing Tian replied with a smile, "What could happen? At worst, I'll have to compensate for any damage on this ship. Nothing more. I'll just have to refrain from sneezing in the future."

Zi Yan smiled back, "You shouldn't sneeze, indeed, nor speak carelessly. Who knows what that sycophant might have told the mistress. It's better to be cautious."

Yang Jing Tian said, "But from what I see, Bai Yun isn't such a selfish person. There must be some misunderstanding between you two."

Zi Yan responded coldly, "I'm not clear about any misunderstanding. I just know she's always been disagreeable to me, and I to her. It's that simple."

Yang Jing Tian suggested, "That's easy to fix. We should find some time for you two to sit down, talk it out, and resolve your issues."

After a moment of silence, Zi Yan asked, "By the way, Jing Tian, that lion's roar of yours was incredibly powerful. How did you learn to do that?"

Yang Jing Tian smiled, "Was that a lion's roar? I always thought it was a sneeze. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to shout by the sea. When I really got into it, fish would leap up from the seabed, tumbling over themselves. It was so much fun."

Amazed, Zi Yan exclaimed, "You could shake fish up from the seabed? That's incredible!"

An observing maid interjected, "Sister Zi Yan, he's not lying. When he shouted just now, plenty of fish tumbled up onto the surface, and some even leaped onto our ship."

Yang Jing Tian continued with a smile, "It's not really about shouting. It's just that my chants sound pleasing, and the fish enjoy it. That's why they come up to dance along."

Zi Yan and the rest had never before encountered someone who could bridge humor with such thick-skinned explanations. Nevertheless, they delighted in Yang Jing Tian's jests; his casual, humorous demeanor was a constant source of laughter. And when he delivered these jovial quips, the charm in his expression was irresistibly enchanting.

With a helpless shake of her head, Zi Yan acquiesced, "Then your singing must indeed be incredibly charming."

"Not charming," Yang Jing Tian corrected with pride, "charm to the fish. If it were truly charming, it would be you dancing, not the fish in the sea."

Zi Yan broke into giggles, "It seems someone has already danced just now. Didn't you see?"

Yang Jing Tian answered, "Are you referring to the fairy sister? She's always dancing. My chant's charm doesn't count unless Sister Zi Yan herself dances."

Zi Yan playfully chided, "What nonsense."

"Yang Jing Tian, come with me."

Unbeknownst to them, Bai Yun reappeared, addressing Yang Jing Tian with an indifferent tone.

Yang Jingtian put on a scholarly demeanour, bowed and said, "Sister Tianxian, please lead the way."

The maids by the side could not help but chuckle at Yang Jingtian's endearing mannerism.

Yang Jingtian turned his head to look at Ziya, meeting her gaze. Ziyen gave Yang Jingtian a look, indicating him to be cautious.

Unexpectedly, Baiyun snubbed Ziyen and said, "Ziyan protector, the lady has also summoned you."

Ziyen did not make a sound and followed them silently.

Yang Jingtian addressed the crowd that were watching them, "Everyone, the show is over. It's time to go back."

Following behind Ziyen and Baiyun, looking at the backs of two beautiful women, he felt that not only is there no dead end in the world, but the heavens were exceptionally kind to him.

Stepping into the cabin door, a corridor stretches forward. There are three doors to the inner cabins on both sides. No one is to be seen, giving off a mysterious atmosphere.

Baiyun led Yang Jingtian to the last door on the left. The corridor beyond this would lead to the upper and lower cabins of the ship.

Baiyun pushed open the door and said coldly, "Please come in."

"The next time you say 'please come in', could you sound a little bit nicer? I've never heard such an unpleasant 'please come in'," Ziyen made a light comment.

Baiyun stomped her feet in annoyance.

Yang Jingtian tugged at Ziyen and said, "You better stop provoking trouble." After that, the two of them stepped into the room.

The room was spacious yet was separated into two parts with a curtain in the middle. On the side closer to the door, oil lamps were lit at all four corners. There was a set of benches and small tables for people to rest on, with a few paintings hanging on the wall. The arrangement looked rather refined and elegant.

At that moment, a maid within the room politely said to Yang Jingtian, "Master Yang, please have a seat," while Ziyen and Baiyun still stood by the side.

After Yang Jingtian sat down, the maid exits and closed the door behind her.

Facing the gauze curtain, Yang Jingtian caught a whiff of a faint, appealing scent wafting from behind.

Caught off guard, a delicate female voice floated from within the curtain, "I heard that Mr. Yang rode here on a shark. Is that true?"

Enjoying the voice from behind the curtain, Yang Jing Tian replied, "The whole ship's crew witnessed it. How could I possibly deny it? But may I know the lady's honorable surname?"

The lady from the Fengshen Gang replied nonchalantly, "There's no need for formalities. My name is Sun Manju."

"A fine name, Sun Manju. A beautiful name must belong to a beautiful person," Yang Jing Tian commented.

Sun Manju sounded slightly displeased, asking, "May I know which martial arts school Mr. Yang affiliates with?"

"I belong to no sect or school. I typically just pass the time by getting into fights at the village boundaries," Yang Jing Tian responded casually.

"It's hard to believe that someone with your physical capabilities is only involved in street fights," remarked Sun Manju.

Yang Jing Tian said cheerfully, "My 'martial arts', if you can call it that, were taught by my grandfather. He was also the one who taught me to read and write, nothing as complicated as you might imagine."

A soft hmph interrupted him.

Noticing Sun Manju's displeasure, Yang Jing Tian was unfazed. "If Miss Sun doesn't like my answer, there's not much I can do. I can't very well fabricate lies to please you."

"And who are your parents?" Sun Manju inquired.

"Residents of Jinsha Village. My father is Yang Shun, and my mother is Jin Lan. Miss Sun, inquiring about my family, you're not planning to arrange a marriage with me, are you?" he joked.

"How audacious," Bai Yun exclaimed indignantly.

With a smile, Yang Jing Tian said, "Tianxian sister, there's no need for jealousy. Even if Miss Sun does take a fancy to me, I'd have to give it some thought. You have no reason to be envious; I do have affection for you."

"You're shameless," Bai Yun fumed, stomping her foot, wishing she could slap Yang Jing Tian.

From aside, Ziyen commented nonchalantly, "Baiyun, behaving like this, you're hardly putting our mistress in a good light."

"And you think you do?" retorted Baiyun.

"Hmph, I certainly don't regard you highly," Ziyan scoffed disdainfully.

"Enough! Do you not feel ashamed of yourselves?" Sun Manju shouted angrily.

Everyone present was taken aback by her outburst.

What began as a spirited contest of wills ultimately descended into a petty squabble among enemies, all because of Yang Jing Tian's intervention.