The Image of Sun Manju

Following the charming rebuke from Sun Manju, Yang Jing Tian stood up.

He first offered a captivating smile, then said gently, "Ladies, do remember not to be angry. According to medical canon, anger harms the liver and provokes agitation, which could affect a woman's age and lead to early aging."

It was astonishing that this man, seemingly unsophisticated, would begin to discuss the art of living healthily.

"Be quiet!" Sun Manju commanded with anger.

Yang Jing Tian was taken aback but nevertheless responded jovially, "Miss Sun, your behavior is inappropriate. You don't like social interaction and often isolate yourself in a room. This could cause you to fall ill due to suffocation. Now, your anger without reason is a sign of emotional suppression."

Apparently, he will not let up before stating all his thoughts.

"Shut up!" Sun Manju, pushed to her limits, rebuked him and simultaneously launched a powerful inner strength towards Yang Jing Tian.

"Hiss!" The curtain blocking the room was split asunder by the inner force released by Sun Manju.

White Yun and Zi Yan were astonished by this inner force, sharp as a treasured sword—it possessed an aura capable of taking a life.

Yang Jing Tian stood firm amidst that smile, unflinching like a mountain.

White Yun and Zi Yan experienced their heart skipping a beat. They indeed resented Yang Jing Tian, but they did not wish to kill him—it was merely a form of blame. However, seeing Sun Manju's intent to kill him now, they found themselves worried for Yang Jing Tian.

"Watch out!" Zi Yan even screamed out.


The internal force cut through Yang Jing Tian's clothes and penetrated his body.

"Ah!" White Yun, who was watching, couldn't help but shout.

Yet Yang Jing Tian was still smiling. Through the broken curtain, he could clearly see Sun Manju sitting inside.

A fairy.

A goddess.

Capable of overthrowing a nation.

Capable of destroying a city.

The answer was no.

Sun Manju was not the fair maiden of Yang Jing Tian's dreams.

His fantasies were far from reality.

Yang Jing Tian felt a bit disappointed, feeling that it was not worth enduring the internal force attack.

Sun Manju's figure was as voluptuous and alluring as White Yun and Zi Yan. She was slightly shorter than White Yun, but her slender waist and protruding chest could perhaps outsize both White Yun and Zi Yan's. With her egg-like face devoid of lively expressions, pointed chin, sleek and shiny hair, attractive eyes that sparkled, cherry lips combined with white teeth and adorable dimples on her cheeks—her skin was a creamy, appealing masterpiece, almost impeccable. However, upon seeing her cold demeanor, Yang Jing Tian felt turned off.

She would definitely be considered a stunning beauty, but not to the extent of a celestial being. Nor could she cause the downfall of a city or nation. She wasn't the kind of woman men would be attracted to. Although her beauty surpassed that of White Yun and Zi Yan, they possessed more vitality than her.

Despite Bai Yun's penchant for gossip and seeking attention, it also exhibits her feminine charm. A moderate amount of vanity is considered a form of beauty in women, and as long as it's not too excessive, men tend to not only accept but even appreciate it. Zi Yan, with her enchanting, alluring, and slightly provocative demeanor, can be irresistible to men, driving them to distraction, so long as she doesn't overstep boundaries and maintains her rationality and integrity.

Sun Manju is certainly an exception, aloof and distant. With neither smiles nor tears, she lives as though merely a symbol - plainly speaking, a puppet without life.

A lifeless puppet, no matter how beautiful, cannot captivate a man's heart. Surrounded by other striking women, she fails even more to attract their attention.

Under the radiance of Bai Yun and Zi Yan, Yang Jing Tian loses his admiration for Sun Manju.

However, Sun Manju feels just the opposite about him.

Yang Jing Tian's handsome and unrestrained appearance, his tall and formidable physique, and his compelling tiger-like gaze, combined with his enigmatic smile, make him seem like a mix between an angel and a demon.

His charm is omnipresent, shining like the brightest light under the sun, always capable of attracting the curious gazes of women. This man is truly the bane of women - seemingly a deadly poison yet irresistibly consumed without regret.

Sun Manju is stunned; the internal force has already torn through Yang Jing Tian's clothes, penetrating his skin and heading straight for his heart.

Why doesn't he dodge? Why is he so foolish?

Sun Manju repeatedly questions this in her heart.

Yang Jing Tian is smiling, almost defiantly. His ability to smile in such circumstances is utterly baffling.

Such a severe injury and yet he can still smile. Unless there's a special reason, it could only mean the person before her is a fool.

A handsome and charismatic figure wasted on a fool.

It's unjust.

Sun Manju feels a sense of regret.

Yang Jing Tian's laughter grows, sounding almost like mockery and insult to Sun Manju. Does he care nothing for his own life?

Sun Manju is perplexed, her lips turning white, yet that detestable Yang Jing Tian still smiles.

She attacked in frustration and to test Yang Jing Tian's martial prowess. Given the power behind his earlier "Lion's Roar", she used seventy percent of her strength, never expecting him to stand still and take it, entirely against her anticipation.

Although Sun Manju had no intention to kill, the grave mistake was made, and initially, she felt sorry for Yang Jing Tian. However, the fact that he could still smile infuriates her.

It seems she misjudged; this type of person doesn't deserve sympathy.

Yang Jing Tian says with a smile, "Miss Sun, next time you decide to throw darts at me, please give a heads up. You might offer to replace my clothes, but changing them is quite the hassle."

Sun Manju, along with Bai Yun and Zi Yan, is in disbelief.

Sun Manju knows too well what her seventy percent strength means - even a top-notch master in the martial arts would be severely injured if caught off-guard, possibly resulting in grave injuries or even death.

Yet, Yang Jing Tian seems unfazed. How is this possible?

Touching his chest, Yang Jing Tian says, "Really, miss, that hurt quite a bit. Even a frog bite hurts sometimes, let alone when someone like Miss Sun puts so much effort."

Sun Manju, immediately enraged, retorts, "Are you saying I hit no harder than a frog bite?" raising her hand again to strike.

Seeing this, Yang Jing Tian quickly raises his hands to protect himself, pleading, "Hold on, Miss Sun, it was just a joke. You're not going to hit me again, are you? I'm really afraid of pain, you know. Miss Sun, your martial arts are unmatched and superior in the world. Please be generous and forgive my minor offenses."

Yang Jing Tian finished speaking hurriedly, as if genuinely afraid of provoking another attack from Sun Manju.

Sun Manju, seeing his apprehensive look, couldn't help but find it endearing and lightly said, "Are you alright after taking that hit from me?"

With a grin, Yang Jing Tian playfully suggested, "Does that mean I'm due some kind of tender care as compensation?" His eyes twinkled with a fiery glow that seemed to set the air ablaze.

Sun Manju felt as if he were stripping her bare with his gaze and gave him a cold, disdainful look. "The 'compensation' you'll get is another slap, if you wish," she retorted icily.

Yang Jing Tian gave a sheepish tongue-lashing, wagging his hand and shaking his head, "No, thank you. I'll pass."

"I heard from Bai Yun that you want to go to the Central Plains," Sun Manju mentioned.

Yang Jing Tian nodded earnestly. "Yes, I've never had the chance before, so I would like to hitch a ride on your convenient ship."

"You may board our ship," Sun Manju stated, "but you must abide by our rules and can't expect a free ride. Here's what will happen: you will follow Bai Yun's orders, and she will be in charge of assigning your duties."

Delighted, Yang Jing Tian responded, "No problem. Any other instructions, just lay them out."

"That's all," Sun Manju concluded. "Bai Yun, take Mr. Yang down. Zi Yan, you stay."

Bai Yun entered expressionlessly, saying coldly, "Follow me."

"Of course, fairy sister," replied Yang Jing Tian.

As the door opened and Bai Yun led the way, Yang Jing Tian followed, admiring her graceful figure and the subtle fragrance emanating from her, like a dream come to life.

Yang Jing Tian knew his adventure in the martial world was beginning at this very moment.

Translated and Polished:

Yang Jing Tian hastened to finish his plea, evidently fearful of another strike from Sun Manju.

Catching his seemingly frightened expression, Sun Manju couldn't help but feel amused, softly inquiring, "You're unharmed after taking my blow, aren't you?"

Jing Tian replied with a teasing smirk, "Does trouble warrant compensation? Perhaps some gentle care?" As he spoke, a flicker of intense heat could be seen shining in his eyes, so fiery it threatened to ignite the air around them.

Feeling as though this man's gaze could undress her, Sun Manju returned a frosty glare and coldly retorted, "If you call being hit again 'compensation', would you like more of it?"

Yang Jing Tian stuck out his tongue in mock regret, quickly waving his hands and shaking his head, "No, that won't be necessary."

"I've been informed that you also wish to travel to the Central Plains," stated Sun Manju.

Yang Jing Tian nodded seriously, "Yes, I've always lacked the opportunity and would like to take advantage of your ship's voyage."

"You may travel with us," Sun Manju declared. "However, you must follow our rules and you cannot freeload. From now on, you'll follow the orders of Bai Yun, who will assign your chores."

Jing Tian was elated. "No problem at all. If there's anything else, please tell me all at once."

"That is all," affirmed Sun Manju. "Bai Yun, take Mr. Yang downstairs. Zi Yan, stay here with me."

Entering emotionlessly, Bai Yun coldly directed, "Come with me."

"Very well, celestial sister," Yang Jing Tian agreed submissively.

As the door swung open and Bai Yun stepped through, Yang Jing Tian trailed behind, captivated by the sway of her sculpted form and the delicate scent that wafted from her, all seeming like something out of a dream.

At that moment, Yang Jing Tian recognized that his grand journey through the martial world was just beginning.