Goddess(celestial maiden)

Following Bai Yun, Yang Jing Tian playfully inquired, "Celestial maiden, where are you taking me?"

Without glancing back, Bai Yun replied, "You'll know once we arrive."

Yang Jing Tian's enthusiasm was undiminished. "Celestial maiden, why are you upset? Tell me so I can stand up for you."

Bai Yun shot him a look. "Really? Then start by slapping yourself a hundred times."

Yang Jing Tian made a pitiful face. "Celestial maiden, how will I eat if my mouth swells up?"

Bai Yun gave him a cold look. "It's better if you don't eat at all. Starving to death serves you right."

Yang Jing Tian feigned distress. "Celestial maiden, how can you say such a thing? Don't you like Yang Tian anymore?"

Bai Yun had not encountered anyone as shameless before, but his words somehow disarmed her anger, making her laugh instead. "Did I ever say I liked you?"

Yang Jing Tian cheekily replied, "You never said you disliked me either. Since you don't dislike me, it must mean you like me."

Bai Yun said, "I'm saying I dislike you now. It's not too late, right?"

Yang Jing Tian challenged, "Give me three reasons why you dislike me."

Bai Yun angrily responded, "Do I need a reason to dislike someone?"

Yang Jing Tian countered, "Don't I need one? I've only heard that love doesn't need reasons."

Realizing she would never win the argument, Bai Yun gave up. Yang Jing Tian followed her through the giant ship, arriving at the last cabin on the third floor. Bai Yun opened the door, "This is your room. Your future duties include sweeping the deck and helping in the kitchen."

Yang Jing Tian surveyed the room. Not too bad nor too good, but average. There was barely enough room to turn over on the bed, a small bedside cabinet, and not much else.

"This is my room?" he asked.

Bai Yun indifferently offered, "If unsatisfied, I can find you an even worse one."

"No need, I'm very satisfied. Also, celestial maiden, could you spare me two more sets of clothes?" he asked, tugging at the tear Sun Manju had made.

Bai Yun replied, "There are no spare clothes. Use the needle and thread in the drawer to mend it yourself. Once done, head straight to the kitchen to cook."

"Agh, it hurts so much!" Yang Jing Tian suddenly appeared in agony, clutching his chest and struggling.

Observing Yang Jing Tian's painful struggles, Bai Yun asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? Are you pretending?"

Yang Jing Tian groaned in pain, "I might have been injured by Miss Sun; it's acting up now, and it hurts terribly. I can't bear it."

Seeing him clutch at the site of the injury, Bai Yun inquired earnestly, "It's serious, isn't it? Does it feel like a tearing pain in the chest?"

Yang Jing Tian was writhing on the bed, his legs kicking out, his brow furrowed, and beads of sweat the size of beans appeared on his forehead.

Bai Yun was frightened and flustered, with no idea what to do, she blurted out, "What should I do? I'll go get someone to look at you."

"No need, I'm just very cold," moaned Yang Jing Tian.

"Cold?" Bai Yun said, and she hastily took a blanket out of the cupboard to cover him.

Suddenly, Yang Jing Tian turned over and pulled Bai Yun tightly into his embrace. Bai Yun was startled and about to scream when she heard Yang Jing Tian gasping in her ear, "This is warm, this is comfortable."

Yang Jing Tian buried his face in Bai Yun's chest, his hands tightly encircling her slender waist.

Bai Yun tried to struggle free, feeling this was all too improper. Yet, realizing how tightly she was held and considering Yang Jing Tian's apparent ill condition, her heart softened, struggling not only with the situation but also with her own inhibitions.

Yang Jingtian got lucky this time. He eagerly squeezed Bai Yun's proud and elastic breasts, savoring her fragrant scent and the smoothness of her skin, which felt as alluring as warm jade.

Bai Yun suddenly felt an itchiness all over her body, a mysterious excitement surging through her. She could sense Yang Jingtian's facial features rubbing against her chest. A pleasurable sensation swiftly spread from her breasts throughout her body, igniting a torrent of emotions that made her heart race like a startled deer.

"Thump, thump, thump."

The faster her heartbeat, the redder Bai Yun's charming face became. She even felt an itching sensation spreading through the center of her thighs, rendering her unable to resist.

Sour, itchy, tingling, numb.

She experienced each sensation intensely.

Yang Jingtian smiled, a triumphant smile akin to a child who had successfully deceived someone to get their candy. Because he hadn't suffered any injuries at all, he had merely played a small trick, yet Bai Yun easily believed him, and he served her with such thoughtfulness.

Yang Jingtian felt like a genius performer.

If he wanted to continue enjoying this blissful moment, the performance couldn't end.

So, while feigning painful groans, Yang Jingtian extended his hand and caressed Bai Yun's back. His face kneaded her breasts, while he breathed in her body's fragrance.

Yang Jingtian was mischievous, seeing her immersed in his embrace. Suddenly, he cupped her face in his hands and impulsively kissed her enticing cherry lips.

Bai Yun suddenly felt a pair of hot lips on her own, and with a whimper, her legs almost gave way. Yang Jingtian held her tightly, kissing her until she lost herself completely. He even deprived her of the right to call out or moan, while she gently tapped his chest with her tender jade-like hands.

With his tongue, Yang Jingtian effortlessly parted her lips and teeth, teasing her with his own fragrant tongue. Bai Yun's voluptuous breasts pressed against Yang Jingtian's chest, rising and falling rapidly. She tasted the delightful flavor of a first kiss and involuntarily extended her own fragrant tongue in response.

The two of them passionately embraced and kissed within the narrow cabin, as if the world had come to a standstill.

Without knowing when it happened, Bai Yun's arms had already wrapped around Yang Jing Tian's neck, while his hands gently caressed her back. Panting, they finally broke their kiss. Yang Jing Tian gently stroked Bai Yun's cheek with the back of his hand and began to speak, "My angelic sister…"


With a crisp slap, Bai Yun roughly pushed Yang Jing Tian away. "You lied to me," she accused, then turned to leave the cabin.

Yang Jing Tian caught hold of Bai Yun. "I didn't lie to you. It was your kiss that gave me new vitality."

Bai Yun said, "You stole my first kiss. You've tainted me."

"If your innocence and first kiss have been taken away, why not pledge yourself to the young master Yang?"

Before Bai Yun could finish her sentence, a faint sound of mockery came from outside the cabin, causing both her and Yang Jing Tian to be taken aback.

There had been someone outside all along, but they were completely unaware.

Bai Yun stood up, shot Yang Jing Tian a resentful look, and blamed him. "It's all your fault." Without looking back, she left.

Yang Jing Tian's carefully planned spring dream ended just like that. What he didn't anticipate was outsmarting himself. He couldn't help but want to give the people eavesdropping outside a harsh beating.

But could this solve the problem at hand?

Yang Jing Tian turned his gaze toward the door.

Without realizing when, Bai Yun's arms had found their way around Yang Jing Tian's neck, his hands gently caressing her back. Finally, struggling to catch their breath, they parted from the kiss. Gently, Yang Jing Tian brushed Bai Yun's cheek with the back of his hand and murmured, "My heavenly sister..."


With a crisp sound, Bai Yun pushed Yang Jing Tian away fiercely. "You deceived me," she claimed and promptly turned to depart the cabin.

Yang Jing Tian stopped Bai Yun in her tracks. "I didn't deceive you. It was your kiss that rekindled my will to live."

Bai Yun retorted, "You took my first kiss. You violated my innocence."

"If you consider your first kiss and innocence lost, why not pledge yourself to Master Yang?"

Before Bai Yun could finish, the echo of a faint snicker from outside the cabin interrupted them, catching both Yang Jing Tian and Bai Yun off guard.

There had been someone out there the whole time, yet they were totally oblivious to them.

Rising to her feet, Bai Yun shot Yang Jing Tian a disgruntled look, uttering, "You brought this upon us." Without a backward glance, she walked away.

Yang Jing Tian's meticulously-crafted dream of springtime romance ended abruptly. To his dismay, his cunning plan had backfired, inciting a strong urge to knock some sense into the eavesdroppers outside.

But would that resolve the current issue?

Yang Jing Tian directed his gaze toward the door.