
Bai Yun made her move, just in time to encounter Zi Yan coming gracefully.

"Feeling awkward running into me, huh? Actually, amongst men and women, such a situation is quite common." Zi Yan spoke with a playful laugh.

The face of Bai Yun, shy a moment ago, instantly froze. "Not everyone is as frivolous as Guardian Zi."

Zi Yan responded with a triumphant grin, "I'm frivolous? I guess some people are even more so."

Fuming, Bai Yun retorted, "Think as you wish." Then, she turned and walked away without another glance.

Yang Jingtian, seeing the incoming Zi Yan, simply lay on the bed extending his lazy yawning body and said, "White clouds float, purple energy from the east, know you misfortune or fortune, Yan?"

Zi Yan, with a coy voice, retorted, "Your greatest fortune is that I haven't thrown you into the sea to feed the fishes."

Yang Jingtian chuckled, "Did you pre-arranged your words with Bai Yun? They sounded nearly identical."

Not backing down, Zi Yan exclaimed, "Who made plans with her?"

Yang Jingtian indifferently replied, "That's between you and her, but I'm curious. Is it necessary to be this confrontational?"

Zi Yan argued, "That's because she's debasing herself. Thinking she can act high and mighty under young mistress's protection, who does she think she is?"

Yang Jingtian, aware of their longstanding grudges, said, "Let's leave her aside for now, and talk about you."

"Me?" Zi Yan looked at Yang Jingtian, surprise evident on her face.

With a teasing grin, Yang Jingtian asked, "How did you know they placed me here?"

Zi Yan responded with a jubilance, "As a Guardian, I have the duty to understand everyone onboard's whereabouts. Especially outsiders, I have to monitor them at all times. Because it is often easier for the Castle to get breached from the inside."

Yang Jingtian sat up, astonished, "You're asking because you thought I was a mole?"

Zi Yan replied, "Minimum suspicion is the least we could do."

Shaking his head, Yang Jingtian replied, "Do I truly appear as a mole to you?"

Zi Yan responded with a brilliant smile, "Who knows. The ones least likely to be, are often the ones who are."

Yang Jingtian let out a sigh, "Why not just lock me up then, save you from all the paranoia."

Zi Yan replied, "Don't say that. Without rhyme or reason, we also don't unjustly suspect people."

Yang Jingtian, wearing a stern face, replied, "What do you mean without reason? I'm a suspicious character after all."

Laughing softly, Zi Yan said, "You really took my words to heart."

Smiling back, Yang Jingtian said, "So, you do trust me."

Zi Yan cheekily responded, "I trust that you and that sycophant have been messing around."

Unable to help himself, Yang Jingtian added, "Didn't we agree not to mention her?"

Zi Yan retorted, "Did I mention her? I was talking about you."

Yang Jingtian cheerfully proclaimed, "If men are fickle, it's natural. Casual flirting is an indulgence. If you care, it proves you like me. Why don't we have some intimate moments too?"

Zi Yan glanced at him dismissively, "I'm not one of those women who seem noble on the surface but fickle inside."

Yang Jingtian replied, "I know you're open and passionate on the surface, but a good woman who's pure at heart."

Zi Yan responded, "Good that you know." Before she could finish, Yang Jingtian had her already in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Zi Yan suddenly realized that Yang Jingtian had one hand on her buttocks and the other on her ample breasts.

She twisted her body and resisted softly, but Yang Jingtian kissed her and even slipped his tongue inside.

Although Zi Yan appeared bold, passionate, and seductive on the surface, deep down she was still a traditional woman. Otherwise, she would have already hooked up with Zhou Hongbin, the deputy leader of the Fengshen Gang.

Back then, when Zhou Hongbin rebelled, he sought support from all sides, even resorting to threats. Zi Yan, the head of the four female protectors of the Fengshen Gang, had always been his target, but the seemingly promiscuous Zi Yan repeatedly rejected his advances.

During Zhou Hongbin's rebellion, she resolutely protected Sun Manju and helped her escape from Fengshen Island to the Central Plains.

At this moment, Zi Yan was being kissed by Yang Jingtian in a passionate manner. She was now completely weakened, feeling numbness in her limbs. She continued to say, "Don't," her voice as feeble as a mosquito's, but it couldn't naturally stop Yang Jingtian's assault.

It seemed that Yang Jingtian wanted to regain everything he had lost with Bai Yun from Zi Yan.

Zi Yan was losing control more and more, but in the face of desire's temptation, the last shred of clarity in her mind made her struggle desperately. "No, don't do this."

However, it was all too late.

Yang Jingtian's strength was far superior to hers; she couldn't budge him even a bit.

Yang Jingtian grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace, causing her to fall onto his lap.

Zi Yan was captivated by the man's aura, and she willingly extended her tongue, entwining it with Yang Jingtian's. Her lips were thin, but her tongue was soft and thick. Yang Jingtian eagerly sucked on it while continuing to caress her breasts.

Zi Yan was conquered. She no longer had any intention to resist, so Yang Jingtian easily unbuttoned her blouse. Just as he was about to remove her top, she pointed to the door, reminding him that the cabin door hadn't been locked yet.

Yang Jingtian had no choice but to release her, quickly get up, and then secure the cabin door before returning to sit her back on the bed.

"Yang Jingtian, come out this instant," a booming voice echoed from outside before Yang Jingtian could even shut the door.

Lifting his gaze, Yang noticed a furious young man in his twenties storming in his direction.

Hearing the commotion, Ziyao quickly buttoned up her top and followed Yang out, surprised to find herself announcing, "It's Zhang Long, the leader of our Fengshen Gang's young elites."

Facing the handsome aggressor, Yang grumbled about his spoiled plans but remained cool, confidently addressing the newcomer: "Yang Jingtian at your service."

When prompted about Zhang's feelings for her, Ziyao softly admitted her own affection for him first.

Now face-to-face with Yang, Zhang challenged, "With Zhang Long here, nobody will lay a finger on Ziyao."

Though irked, Yang merely smirked, provoking, "You seem more like a cockroach than a dragon. The name is fitting."

Taken aback by Yang's audacious mockery, Zhang urged, "Draw your sword. I don't fight the unarmed."

Looking the handsome and lavish man up and down, Yang taunted him further, asking who he preferred: Sun Manju or Ziyao?

Thrown by the senseless question, Zhang retorted, "That's none of your concern."

Undeterred, Yang argued, "Seems like you just want to have your cake and eat it too. I admire your ambition, much like my own."

Infuriated, Zhang drew his exquisite sword, and all eyes on the ship deck turned in anticipation of the confrontation.

With a smile, Yang turned towards Ziyao and asked, "Do you love him?"

Caught off guard by the public inquiry, Ziyao was at a loss for words.

Next, Yang asked, "Have you ever fancied me?"

Ziyao, flustered, could only stare in bewilderment.

Chuckling to himself, Yang assured, "If there's even a hint of affection for me, I'm willing to reciprocate."

Silence fell - the tension palpable, much like the freezing sword emanating from Zhang's clenched grip.

Caught between two suitors, Ziyao faced a dilemma she had never encountered in her nineteen years of life – a sensation of heated passion she had never experienced rapidly kindling in her heart.