The bet {23}

Time skip

Currently, Keitaro was looking at Gojo and Riko laughing at sea cucumber-like idiots.

"Yow Satoru let's get going," Geto said looking at Gojo who just replied "Huh, it's time already"

Riko seemed slightly bum out about this and upon noticing that Gojo said

"How about we leave tomorrow morning, the weather is great anyway, plus if we go tomorrow, the bounty will be lifted by the time that we get there"

"Satoru, you haven't stopped using your technique nonstop since yesterday, you need a rest," Geto said to which Gojo replied

"I am alright man plus grinding a Momotaru Dentetsu besides we have Walmart value Minato here, worst case scenario he teleports us away"

"Yeah sure," Keitaro said nonchalantly at this point not caring anymore about the nicknames.

The rest of the days were spent doing what Riko wanted and having fun on her last days alive.

As the days dwindled, Keitaro, Gojo, Geto, and Riko embarked on a series of adventures to fill their time with joy and shared experiences.

One sunny day, they decided to embrace the coastal beauty, spending hours at the beach. Laughter echoed as they engaged in beach volleyball, built intricate sandcastles, and relished the soothing waves. The carefree atmosphere enveloped them, creating a canvas of memories against the backdrop of the vast sea.

Their culinary journey took them through the vibrant streets, exploring local delicacies. From tantalizing street food to exquisite restaurant dishes, each bite became a celebration of the region's flavors, and their shared meals turned into heartwarming moments.

Yearning for thrills, they ventured to an amusement park. The air echoed with their laughter as they rode roller coasters, tested their skills at carnival games, and indulged in sugary delights. The park became a playground of joy, solidifying the bonds among the group.

On a day blessed with perfect weather, they set out on a scenic hike. Nature unfolded its wonders before them, and the group reveled in the breathtaking views. Every step was a shared exploration, weaving stories and laughter into the fabric of their time together.

Evenings were reserved for relaxation, and they gathered for a cozy movie night. Whether it was classic films or the latest releases, they shared snacks and immersed themselves in the cinematic world, finding comfort in each other's company.

Under the stars, they found solace in stargazing. Away from city lights, the group marveled at the cosmic display, sharing dreams and stories beneath the vast night sky. It became a moment of reflection and connection.

One night, a bonfire illuminated the beach. The crackling flames danced in harmony with the sound of the waves. Around the warmth of the fire, they shared stories, jokes, and silent reflections, forging a bond that transcended the ephemeral nature of time.

As the days passed, these shared activities became a tapestry of memories, weaving together a story of laughter, adventure, and camaraderie. These moments, especially for Riko, became treasures to carry into the remaining chapters of her life.

One night, as the moon cast its gentle glow over the group, Keitaro noticed Gojo's relentless determination, and concern sparked within him. The campfire flickered, creating a play of shadows on Keitaro's face as he approached Gojo.

"Yow," Keitaro began, his voice carrying a mix of camaraderie and genuine worry, "You need to sleep, man. You haven't slept in three days."

Gojo, immersed in his continuous use of techniques and seemingly endless energy, glanced at Keitaro with a nonchalant smile. "I'm alright, Keitaro. Got things to do, you know?"

Undeterred, Keitaro leaned in, his tone more insistent. "Seriously, Gojo, even the strongest need their rest. You can't keep pushing yourself like this."

Gojo chuckled, seemingly amused by Keitaro's persistence. "Keitaro, I appreciate the concern, but I've got things to do. No time for sleep."

Keitaro sighed, realizing Gojo's stubborn nature. "Look, Satoru, you're not invincible. Burning the candle at both ends won't end well. Take a break, recharge. We need you at your best."

Gojo's expression remained unwavering, a mix of determination and a hint of mischief. "I'll rest when I've got the job done, Keitaro. That's how it works."

"Jeez, you are stubborn," Keitaro said looking annoyed to which Gojo just grinned.

"There is nothing you can say that will change my mind"

"Fine if you not sleeping then I am not sleeping too," Keitaro said to which Gojo said "That is a stupid idea"

"Probably but I won't sleep" Keitaro replied to which Gojo just opened his mouth and said "You're a lightweight you will sleep fairly quickly"

"I drank my black coffee, I am all ready to go, "Keitaro said looking pumped out.

"I bet you 150000 Yen, you won't stay away till sunrise," Gojo said with a grin.

"Bet.."Keitaro said with a grin on his face, this will be some very easy cash....

Time skip

As they reached Jujutsu's high barrier, Geto looked at Gojo and Keitaro and they looked sleep-deprived.

"Yow own me 150000 yen, you lost," Keitaro said to which Gojo just sighed before saying "Fine, I am just glad I do not have to babysit anymore"

As those words left Gojo Satoru's mouth, he deactivated his infinity and as soon as he did so, he was penetrated from behind by a huge blade.

This day....both Keitaro and Gojo Satoru had a hurdle to go over....a very big one