Keitaro got {24}

Geto immediately used an a curse to get the man away from Gojo,Gojo however seem rather calm about it saying.

"I am fine,Keitaro,teleport them near master Tengen,i will take care of this guy"

"But"Keitaro said to which Gojo replied "No but just do it"

"No 'buts,' just do it," Gojo insisted with a firm resolve. The urgency in his tone left no room for argument. Keitaro, trusting Gojo's judgment, nodded and swiftly activated his teleportation technique, relocating Riko and her maid along with Geto to the closest seal he had near Tengen.

The assailant, a blur of movement, attacked Gojo with a speed that surpassed the limits of human perception. His every motion was a seamless dance, a flurry of strikes and maneuvers that eluded the grasp of the naked eye. Gojo, despite his extraordinary skills, found himself challenged by the sheer velocity of the assault. The assailant moved with such swiftness that Gojo struggled to keep up, his eyes unable to track the rapid succession of attacks.

Each strike was a phantom, leaving behind only traces of residual energy in its wake. Gojo, renowned for his proficiency in combat, was forced into a defensive stance as the assailant weaved through the air with an almost supernatural agility.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Gojo Satoru tapped into his formidable arsenal of techniques, and with a resolute determination, he unleashed a technique known as "Maximum Output Blue." In an instant, the atmosphere around him shifted, and a brilliant azure aura enveloped his being.

As Gojo harnessed the power of "Maximum Output Blue," a pulling force radiated from him, creating a vortex that distorted the very fabric of space. The destructive energy of this technique tore through everything in its vicinity, dismantling obstacles and shattering the surroundings. The sheer force generated by the technique created a vacuum, clearing the battlefield around Gojo.

In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, a swarm of Grade 4 fly curses filled the air around Gojo, overwhelming his heightened senses. The influx of information rendered him momentarily incapacitated, leaving him vulnerable to the imminent threat.Realizing the assailant's target was Riko, Gojo's attention shifted just in time to witness the attacker materialize behind him, armed with a dagger aimed directly at Gojo.

Reacting swiftly, Gojo activated his Infinity technique, hoping to halt the impending assault. However, to his astonishment, the blade effortlessly cut through the Infinity like butter, reaching Gojo's neck with chilling precision.A desperate struggle ensued as Gojo attempted to counter the assailant's ruthless attack.

The dagger descended, carving a merciless path down Gojo's leg. A swift swipe kick from the assailant sent Gojo sprawling, his head landing on the menacing tip of the blade. The assailant, seemingly unfazed, withdrew the blade, revealing a chilling calmness in his demeanor.

"I am getting rusty," he remarked, exhaling as if disappointed by the lack of challenge. The aftermath of the encounter left Gojo, the seemingly invincible sorcerer, bloodied and incapacitated, while the mysterious assailant stood unscathed, a dangerous aura surrounding him.

Keitaro, having teleported back in an instant, was met with the disheartening sight of Gojo's bloodied and battered body sprawled on the ground. His eyes lingered on the scene for a moment, a mix of shock and fury flickering across his features. The sight of Gojo, typically an indomitable force, in such a vulnerable state fueled a surge of anger within Keitaro.

Keitaro didnt really get the time to think at all nor to clear his mind as whoever the assailent was rushed toward him at superhuman speed seemingly uncaring about his feelings,The attacker blade came dangerously close to Keitaro neck but he managed to dodge it in time.

'Fast' Keitaro thought to himself this man moved even faster than he did,something else was odd though,he couldnt sense this man curse energy.

As Keitaro dodged another strike from his opponent,he gained a bad feeling about the blade that his opponent was using, something about that blade was scaring him to his core, this was the same blade that managed to cut through Geto dragon curse in seconds, something about that blade suggested that it was dangerous and Keitaro knew to stay away from it.

As his oppent relentlessly pressed on his assault,Keitaro decided that in order to even keep up and not die he would have to use his curse technique and so he does so,as he started to teleport all around his oppenent keeping him at bay and atleast stalling so that Riko could be safe.

He then teleported behind his oppenent before placing a mark on its shirt,as soon as Keitaro placed the mark,his opponent seem to have noticed,his teleportation made no noise at all,not even a gust of wind should be felt so how was he located so easily.

He was narrowly able to avoid a hit aimed to take his life.

Using his Temporal Distortion, Keitaro started slow down around himself,that would atleast slow down his opponent for a hit and maybe he will get a chance in order to land a few blows here and there if he was lucky.

He even made the clones of himself in order to stun his opponent further,he just had to everything in his power to stall this man that was clearly stronguer than him.

"This is a pain"The man suddenly said to which Keitaro looked a bit stunned,not for long however as the man vanish from Keitaro perception altogether.

Keitaro narrowly managed to dodge a hit that was aimed to slice his head clean off,he teleported away from the man but the man seem to be on his tail.

"Let make this quick"The man said in a bored expression as if Keitaro was just a warm up for him.

The man then proceeded to vanish from Keitaro sigh causing Keitaro to look around in panic trying to spot where the man was.

It was extremely hard to tell due to the man lack of curse energy and the fact that they were still a few hundred grade 4 curse bugs laying around blurring Keitaro senses further.

As Keitaro was trying to locate where the man was,suddenly Keitaro felt it.

A blade had penetrated his chest causing him to puke out some blood,he looked at the man who seemed to have a maniacal grin as slash through Keitaro using what seemed to be a dagger.

Keitaro wanted to escape but for some reason he couldn't was as if his curse technique was being shutdown, he couldn't do anything as the man mercilessly disposed of him as if he was nothing more than a bug.

A/N Just clarifying but Toji was using the inverted spear of heaven when he attacked Keitaro he wanted to make sure he wouldn't run away or teleport away as chasing him would be very annoying and a waste of time.